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Fate/Stay Night - Heaven's Feel [Type-Moon - Task Ohna]


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Fate/Stay Night - Heaven's Feel




Magazine : Young Ace.

Auteur: Type-Moon.

Dessin : Task Ohna.

Éditeur : Kadokawa Shoten.

Genre : Magic/Romance/Dark/Action/School Life/Drame/Fantastique .

Nombre de tome paru au Japon : 3.

Nombre de tome paru en France : 0.


Synopsis :

Heaven's Feel est l'une des suite de Fate/Zero ainsi qu'une des trois routes de Fate/, plus précisément la dernière route. Ce scénario explore cette fois les secrets de la Guerre Sainte du Graal ainsi que le très sombre passé de Sakura Matou.






[spoiler=Couverture des 3 tomes]22107.jpg?1023275.jpg?1024529.jpg?10





Avis :

Les deux premiers chapitres sont assez habituels lorsque l'on a vu Fate & Unlimited Blade Works donc rien à redire la-dessus.

Par contre, avec l'ambiance glauque du prologue, on comprend déjà que Heaven's Feel ne sera pas comme Fate&UBW c'est-à-dire plus "sympathique" à suivre.

Pour le moment, les dessins sont très agréables, et on ressent bien le climat dégagé.

Par contre pour les personnes qui s'intéressent à HF, il est carrément obligatoire d'avoir commencer Fate ou UBW avant d'entamer Heaven's Feel.

Je trouve même qu'il est préférable de lire HF avant de voir Fate/Zero car pas mal de chose dans l'anime dévoile des informations sur Sakura & quelques secrets sur le Graal donc avoir du suspense ne ferais pas de mal. ;D


Un film, voire des films, est/sont prévu par Ufotable.

Le premier chapitre est disponible en fr sur

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VF du prologue :


Une question aux connaisseurs sur l'invocation de Rider. De ce que j'ai lu, elle n'est pas vraiment intéressée par le Graal, et le texte d'invocation semble dire que le Servant peut venir ou non suivant son intérêt ou non pour le Graal, alors pourquoi vient-elle ?

Et l'invocation a-t-elle été effectuée avec un Artefact (dans ce cas elle n'aurait d'autre choix que de venir, j'imagine) ou sans ? Si sans, c'est elle qui apparaît et pas un autre héros parce que son caractère ou son histoire se rapprochent le plus de ceux de son invocateur, Sakura ?

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VF du prologue :


Une question aux connaisseurs sur l'invocation de Rider. De ce que j'ai lu, elle n'est pas vraiment intéressée par le Graal, et le texte d'invocation semble dire que le Servant peut venir ou non suivant son intérêt ou non pour le Graal, alors pourquoi vient-elle ?

Et l'invocation a-t-elle été effectuée avec un Artefact (dans ce cas elle n'aurait d'autre choix que de venir, j'imagine) ou sans ? Si sans, c'est elle qui apparaît et pas un autre héros parce que son caractère ou son histoire se rapprochent le plus de ceux de son invocateur, Sakura ?


D'après le wiki :


"Rider est invoquée par Sakura environ une semaine avant le début de la guerre. Sakura a utilisé comme catalyseur un miroir que Zouken a déterré près d’un temple situé en Érythrée. Avec une telle relique, Sakura aurait pu invoquer Persée à la place, mais c'est Rider qui a répondu à son appel, grâce à la similarité de leur personnalité."


Après l'invocation de servant n'est pas une science exacte x)


Merci pour l'ouverture du topic, enfin une adaptation de HF en mangas, ça fait plaisir ! Les dessins sont vraiment agréables et j'espère qu'ils pourront retranscrire l'ambiance particulière de cette route. La parution est mensuelle ?

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J avais déjà vu le chapitre 1 en vf mais pas la prologue et déjà tu vois la différence avec les deux autres route ,  la maltraitance de sakura commence et on voit que rider est déjà touché par sakura et elle  a compris pour shinji .


Chapitre 2 la l histoire commence avec le changement qui est cour par rapport au deux route sa va être énorme de voir la suite .


PS : Je comprend pas pourquoi il ne dise pas le nom de rider  a part ceux qui ne connaisse pas mythologie ou l univers de fate tu comprend qui elle est , au pire tu peux la confondre avec les trois autres  sœurs mais vu que shinji parle de monstre qui a été tué par un héros  , après c est juste pour caché son pouvoir mais bon .

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T[X]" post="1526442" timestamp="1434449348"]


La parution est en effet mensuelle :)


Merci :)


Sinon pour le nom des servants et tout, je pense que quelqu'un qui arrive a Heaven's Feel doit déjà savoir tous ça.  Je me demande comment le dessinateur va gérer les phases de "recharge de mana". Façon VN original ou version Realta Nua ?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Merci pour ce topic ainsi que les chapitres. Ça va être bien d'attendre le/les film(s) avec le manga ! Je suis vraiment heureuse de lire cette route autrement, l'ambiance est bien restituée et en plus c'est bien dessiné.


Le prologue est juste parfait pour comprendre à quoi on va avoir affaire.

L'invocation de Rider est très jolie à regarder *-*

Rider qui comprend rapidement ce qui se joue de terrible sous ce toit. Ah la la ...

Les nouveaux sur cette route ne devraient pas être déçus. Limite ils pourraient se dire qu'ils ont rêvé avec le chapitre 1 mais le chapitre 2 va les remettre dans le propos direct .

Chapitre 2 dont la fin est assez grandiose, je dois dire.

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Chapitre 0 et 1 lu franchement le dessin a de la gueule , je suis pris dans le truc et j'ai hâte de savoir ce qu'il va s'ensuivre .

Pour l'instant rien de bien nouveau par rapport au autre route à part quelques élément distillé par ci par la .

Pauvre Sakura :( quand on sait ce qui lui est arrivé j'ai mal pour elle :(.

D'ailleurs j'avais même pas capté que s'était la gamine de F/Z dans FSN UBW xD je m'en suis rendu compte qu'à la fin .-. .

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[spoiler=Script US du chapitre 3 ]



box: The story comes to life.



right: On that day


left: An encounter with Destiny




right: A gallant young woman appeared before Shirou.

left: Their fates came to life with this meeting.


#3: Day 3 / Night of fate (1)

Author: Task Ohna

Original Work: TYPE-MOON




...When I think about it, something had


been strange about that day since the morning.




When I woke up, it was dark.


I was having the same dream that I always did.


A crimson nightmare.


An image of a sword.


I’ve never had any other dreams.


Yeah, this scenery was from ten years ago.


I ran and I ran. I ran everywhere I could,

even though I knew there were only nightmares to be found.


I couldn’t find a way out




*pant* *pant* *pant*


Shirou: (I haven’t had this

Shirou: dream in a long time.)


Shirou: (I rarely have dreams these days—)

Shirou: Ah, it’s this time already.




Shirou: Sakura’s here early today, too.


Shirou: Darn, this is no time to be impressed. I overslept again.

Shirou: I have to help with breakfast!


Bubble: Time to eat!




Taiga: Speaking of which, Shirou, you were up late today. What happened?


Shirou: I had an old dream.


Shirou: I had a hard time getting up, but nothing other than that.

Taiga: Oh, so business as usual?

Taiga: I’m glad to hear that.


Shirou: (...Argh, she’s normally so airheaded.)

Shirou: (Why’d she have to be paying attention today?)


Shirou: (Back when I couldn’t get the fire out of my head, I had nightmares all the time.)

Shirou: (Fuji-nee was around back then, so she was really aware of the changes in me.)




Shirou: (As time passed, the nightmares stopped.)


Shirou: (I grew able to watch the house on my own eight years ago.)


Shirou: (Once I could,

Shirou: (Kiritsugu would often leave home.)


Shirou: (“I’m going on an adventure around the world,”


Shirou: he said, like a child.)


Shirou: (There were times when he would only come home once every half year.

Shirou: —But…)




Shirou: (I still loved that life.

Shirou: He would go on trips, come back, and happily tell me stories.

Shirou: Kiritsugu was always chasing his dreams, like a young boy.

Shirou: He was brilliant in my eyes.)


Shirou: (So, I wanted to be like him one day.)


Shirou: (Well, next…)




Shirou: (I thought in my kid’s heart that,

Shirou: since Dad was such a dreamer, I needed to grow into someone more serious.)


Shirou: Okay, let’s go. ...Hm?


Shirou: Sakura? You look down.

Shirou: Are you still feeling sick?

Sakura: Ah… no.


Sakura: I’m okay.

Sakura: Shouldn’t you be worrying about yourself, Senpai?




Sakura: You looked like you weren’t feeling well this morning.

Sakura: ...Maybe your wound from yesterday got worse.


Shirou: Eh? Nah, that bruise is still the same…


Shirou: Ah… no, I’m really fine, okay?

Shirou: A welt like this will heal right up!


Shirou: What is it? Did you step on my hand while I was sleeping or something?





Sakura: SE-SENPAI!

Sakura: I would never do something like that, and I’m not even that heavy!


Sakura: I just… well…


Shirou: Just what?


Sakura: …...I hope I’m wrong.


Shirou: (I don’t really get it… she usually doesn’t dance around the topic like this.)

Sakura: Senpai, um…




Sakura: I have a request…

Shirou: Yeah?


Sakura: I won’t be able to come over to help until tomorrow night.

Sakura: Until then, could you please try to stay inside your house?


Shirou: …? Are you telling me to skip work tomorrow?

Sakura: Yes. I want you to stay at home as much as possible.


Shirou: Hmmm…

Shirou: Well, I guess I could take it easy once in a while.


Shirou: Will that work?

Sakura: Yes, please. As a favor to me.




Sakura: Well, see you later.

Shirou: Yeah, work hard at club.


Shirou: (I knew it. Sakura’s been acting weird since yesterday.)




Shirou: What… was that?


Shirou: Am I tired too?




Sakura: Ah…


Rin: I’ll help, Sakura.




Sakura: Ah… Tohsaka… senpai.


Rin: Oh, printouts? Our homeroom teacher teaches World History.

Rin: Here, give me half.

Sakura: Ah… okay.




Sakura: Thank you very much… Senpai.

Rin: Sure, sure.

Rin: So, are we taking these to your class?


Sakura: No, to Kuzuki-sensei. They had a typo, so he said to take them back.


Rin: ...I can believe that.

Rin: Kuzuki doesn’t let anything slide.


Rin: He’s the kind of guy that would stop a whole exam just because of a typo…

Sakura: An exam… do you mean a school exam?


Rin: Yeah, it was during midterms last year. The teachers were surprised. They still talk about it.

Kuzuki: (A question was incorrect. Thus, I will suspend the test, and you will take it again later.)

Sakura: That sounds like Kuzuki-sensei.




Sakura: He won’t allow any error in instruction, so…

Rin: Kuzuki takes it too far.


Rin: Sakura, remember this now.

Rin: That guy’s as stubborn as a mountain.


Sakura: Heheh.

Sakura: You like him, Tohsaka-senpai.


Sakura: You don’t talk about people like that often.

Rin: Oh… is that right?


Rin: By the way, Sakura—





Rin: I want to ask you something… do you mind?

Sakura: What is it?


Rin: Well, yesterday,

Rin: while you were on the way home…


Rin: Sakura,

Rin: were you talking to a blond foreigner?


Sakura: Ah… you saw.


Rin: I was just passing by. Someone you know?




Sakura: ...No.


Sakura: He seemed to be lost…

Sakura: And I couldn’t really understand him.


Rin: I see. Sorry, I was just a little worried.

Sakura: I don’t mind.


Rin: All right, see you around.

Sakura: Yes. Thank you.


box: What are Sakura’s true feelings?


box: To be continued in September




Source :

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VF du chapitre 2 :


Il y a une chose que dit Sakura à la page 38 que je n'ai pas bien compris. Lorsqu'elle dit "On regardait tous les deux la même chose", est-ce qu'elle parle d'elle-même et de Rin en fait ? Vu qu'on apprend dans UBW que Rin observait aussi Shirô lorsqu'il faisait du saut en hauteur quelques années auparavant.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Raw chapitre 4 :


[spoiler=Script US]

Source :




Shinji: What,

you're still at school, Emiya?


Shinji: You're not even in a club, but you're still here?

Shirou: Shinji...


Shinji: Oh, that's right.

You're brown-nosing the student council again and fixing their stove or something.




Shirou: I'm not helping the student council. Fixing school appliances is the natural thing to do as a student.

We're the ones that use them, after all.




Shinji: Ha! You're one to talk.

Everything's "natural" to you, Emiya.


Shinji: Haven't I told you before that your goody two-shoes act annoys me?

Shirou: Hm? Sorry, I don't really remember...


Shirou: I thought that was just a favorite catchphrase of yours.

(So I didn't care.)

Shinji: Wha!?


Shinji: Hmph. Fine... So you'll fix anything, as long as it belongs to the school.


Shinji: Then do me a favor.




Shinji: The archery range is pretty messy right now.

You're a former member, right? Help me out once in a while when you're not wagging your tail for the student council.


Groupie 1: Eh? Senpai, Fujimura-sensei told you to do that!

Groupie 2: She'll get mad at you tomorrow if you don't!

Shinji: But that place is gonna close if we start cleaning now.


Shinji: Any complaints, Emiya?


Shirou: Ah, sure. I'm free anyway.


Shinji: Haha, thanks!

Let's go, everyone.




Shirou: Phew... it's gotten pretty late.


Shirou: Well, the main gate is closed anyway.

Sakura isn't coming over tonight, so maybe it's fine.


Shirou: I thought it was dark, but the moon is just hidden.




Shirou: Did I just hear something


Text: The sound of metal clashing with metal


Shirou: coming from the school field...?


Text: In other words, somebody


Text: was crossing swords.




Shirou: (What is this?)




Shirou: (Those inhuman things

Shirou: are killing each other.)




Shirou: (That's...?)


Lancer: Who's there!?


Shirou: (I'll die.)


Shirou outside panel: (If I don't flee, I'll die.)


Shirou: (If I don't run, I'll be killed.)




Shirou: (...A horrible premonition--)


Shirou: What was that just now...




Lancer: You've got terrible luck, kid.

Well, you saw us, so do me a favor and die.




Shirou: (I know

this feeling)


Shirou: (I tasted it ten years ago.)


Shirou: (It's the feeling of someone who is dying.)


box: The death of Emiya Shirou!?


box: To be continued in October




Un chapitre bien court cette fois-ci.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Je peux enfin découvrir cette fameuse route Heaven's Feel en attendant le film ! ( Je n'ai aucune motivation quant au fait de parcourir 40 heures de Visual Novel pour tomber sur cette route ).


J'en ai toujours entendu beaucoup de bien, j'espère que cela va être à la hauteur de mes espérances. Le départ est classique pour l'instant, à voir comment ça évolue :o

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  • 2 weeks later...

Bon on avance doucement même si j'aurai préféré que le chapitre précédent s’arrête avec l 'arrivé de saber ; qui nous fait  encore un super entré très belle page .


Donc pour le prochain j’espère que sa ira jusqua la rencontre avec illya .


Petit plus avec la dernière page si je me souvient bien cette scène n'est pas censé être la , il me semble  :-\ .

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  • 3 weeks later...

Script US chapitre 5 :



Source :


Original author: Task Ohna (タスクオーナー)

Published in the October 2015 issue of Young Ace.

Not for commercial re-use.


Original author: Task Ohna (タスクオーナー)

Published in the October 2015 issue of Young Ace.

Not for commercial re-use.





Everyday scenery.

Everyday life.


#5: Day 3 / Night of Fate (3)


Manga: Task Ohna

Original Work: TYPE-MOON






Box: Shirou falls!?



Rin: After him, Archer.

Rin: Lancer should be returning to his Master.

Rin: This will have been for nothing if we can't at least glimpse their face.



Rin: Downed in one thrust of Lancer's spear...

Rin: I can't help you if your heart is destroyed.



Rin: ...Sorry.

Rin: I'll see you off, at least.





Rin: Don't do this to me...

Rin: Why are you here!?



Rin: (Why you, of all people!?

Rin: Now she'll definitely cry...)






Rin: ......Argh.

Rin: Now I've done it.



Rin: (This was the one heirloom Father left just for me.

Rin: It was to have been an absolute energy cluster. A trump card for the Holy Grail War.



Rin: It's almost completely empty now...



Rin: I'm sorry, Father.

Rin: Your daughter is terribly heartless.)



Rin: Well.

Rin: There's no helping it!



Rin: (It would have been impossible if he was completely dead, though.)





Rin: (But he was still alive,

Rin: so I just did what I could to help.



Rin: Time to go.

Rin: I need to get back before this guy wakes up.)



Kiritsugu: Listen, Shirou.

Kiritsugu: To learn magic is to stray from common sense.






Kiritsugu: When you die, you die.

Kiritsugu: When you're killed, you're killed.



Kiritsugu: Our true nature is death, not life.



Kiritsugu: I'm teaching you something that will destroy you, and invite conflict.

Kiritsugu: So, you should never use it in front of other people.

Kiritsugu: And you mustn't neglect your training.



Kiritsugu: Still, I don't mind if you break those rules.

Kiritsugu: Above all...





Kiritsugu: Magic is something to be used for others, not yourself.

Kiritsugu: If you do that, you'll be a user of magic...



Kiritsugu: But you'll never become a magus.






Shirou: (What... happened?)

Shirou: Argh, my head...



Shirou: What's this?



Shirou: Damn it...



Shirou: (I need to get home...)





Archer: Sorry, I lost him.

Archer: His Master is quite cautious. At least, Lancer's Master isn't on this side of town.

Rin: I see. Well, I knew it wouldn't be that easy...



Archer: ...Rin, what happened to that ornament?

Rin: Ornament? You mean my pendant?



Rin: I forgot it back there. It doesn't have any power left at all, so it's fine, isn't it?

Archer: Perhaps...



Rin: Yeah... it was a memento from Father...

Rin: But it's not like that's the only memory I have of him.






Archer: There's no need to act so tough, Rin.



Rin: Ah... you went back to get it for me, Archer.



Archer: Don't lose it again.

Archer: It only looks right on you, Rin.



Rin: ...Yeah. Thanks.



Rin: (I knew it.

Rin: There's clearly no energy left in it at all.)






Rin: (It's just an expensive jewel.

Rin: But... even if it's lost its power...



Rin: It still has meaning as something my father left to me.



Rin: He'd probably laugh at me for trading my trump card to save that guy.)



Rin: Wait...






Rin: (If I think about it calmly, isn't this a bad situation?)



Rin: (Lancer prioritized eliminating witnesses over his fight with us.

Rin: That means...





Rin: Lancer would never let him escape with his life!!!



Rin: Archer!

Rin: Let's go!


Archer: Good grief... you're taking on a needless burden.






Shirou: *gasp*



Shirou: (I think my heart was destroyed.



Shirou: ...No, I'm not just imagining it.

Shirou: Just earlier, my heart was pierced with a spear.



Shirou: I was killed.)



Shirou: Ugh...

Shirou: *COUGH* *GAG*





Shirou: *sigh*



Shirou: Guh... damn.

Shirou: I'm going to be having nightmares about this for a while.

Shirou: (But if I survived,



Shirou: someone must have saved me.

Shirou: Who was it?



Shirou: I need to properly thank them someday.



Bells: *ring* *ring*



Shirou: An intruder on the grounds!)






Shirou: (A burglar at this hour?

Shirou: No way.



Shirou: After all, that man said:

Lancer: "You saw us, so do me a favor and die."



Shirou: That means he's come again to kill me.)



Shirou: Hah- ARGH!

Shirou: ...rgh!

Shirou: (Calm down!



Shirou: This is the second time this has happened.

Shirou: I can't be that pathetic again.



Shirou: Right now, I have to at least protect myself.

Shirou: Why else have I trained in magic for eight years?)



Shirou: ...Okay, time to do this.

Shirou: First, I need some kind of weapon.















Shirou: Analyzing structural components.



Shirou: Reinforcing structural components.



Shirou: All processes complete.



Shirou: It went well...



Shirou: (As light as paper while being as hard as metal.

Shirou: I can't complain about my workmanship.



Shirou: Ever since Dad died, I haven't gotten the shape right even once.

Shirou: I'm surprised I managed it at a time like this.



Shirou: Okay, now I can-






Lancer: Tsk, a waste of effort...

Lancer: I thought I'd do you a solid by killing you before you noticed...

Shirou: (He isn't as intense as he was back at school?)

Lancer: Good grief. To think I'd actually have to kill the same human twice in the same day.






Lancer: So long, kid. Don't lose your way to the afterlife this time.



Lancer: Oh?



Lancer: That's an odd style you've got there. It's feeble, but I sense magic... I get it now.

Lancer: So that's how you managed to survive with your heart run through.



Lancer: All right. Why don't you entertain me a little?






Shirou: The hell I will!



Shirou: (If I jump outside, he'll definitely follow.

Shirou: He'll be on me before I get up.

Shirou: He'll definitely come to kill me, so...



Shirou: THERE!






Shirou: (Yes! Just as predicted!



Shirou: Even with the difference in our strength there's still a limit to how fast he can be.

Shirou: Now I just need to use this opening to run for the shed-)


Lancer: Fly.




Shirou: (The shed.


Shirou: I might be able to find a good weapon here...)


Lancer: What a let down.

Lancer: Well, I guess it's my fault for hoping to cross blades with a magus.


Lancer: This is the end for you.






Lancer: Checkmate.




Lancer: That move just now surprised me a bit, kid.


Lancer: But here's what I don't get--

Lancer: Despite your clever wit, your magic isn't even worth mentioning.


Lancer: It seems like you've got good muscles... well, maybe you were just too young.




Lancer: Now that I think about it...


Lancer: You might've been the seventh.




Lancer: Anyway, that's all over now.


Shirou: (I know that.


Shirou: The sense of metal buried in my flesh.

Shirou: The taste of blood choking my throat.


Shirou: And the feeling of the world disappearing...)




Shirou: (I have to go through that again? Really?


Why do I have to meet such a fate?

He speaks so easily of killing people

I was saved

I was saved so

I can't die so easily

He's screwing around

He's talking so casually of my death


To think I'd be killed twice in one day

He's joking about something so stupid

He's screwing around

Without fulfilling my obligation to live

That's unacceptable

It won't happen

Damn it

I can't fulfill my duty

He's joking around about all of it)







Lancer: Wha-





Lancer: The seventh Servant!?


Lancer: Argh!




Saber: I ask of you--




Saber: Are you

Saber: my Master?


Shirou: Eh...

Shirou: Mas... ter?




Saber: This Servant, Saber, has come in response to your summons.

Saber: Your orders, Master.


Shirou: Ow!


Shirou: This is...



Saber: Henceforth, my sword shall be with you,

Saber: and your fate shall be with me.




Saber: Now, our contract is complete.




Box: The Holy Grail War finally begins.


Voice: It appears that seven have gathered.


Box: To be continued in November



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  • 2 weeks later...

Raw chapitre 6 :'s-Feel/06/1


Script US chapitre 6 :



Source :


Original author: Task Ohna (タスクオーナー)

Published in the November 2015 issue of Young Ace.

Not for commercial re-use.




Shirou: (What is she!?)


(I can't... believe what I'm seeing.)




Manga: Task Ohna

Original Work: TYPE-MOON



Big text: CLASH!!!


#6: Day 3 / Promised Sign (1)


Lancer: Damn you!




Lancer: Coward! What are you hiding your weapon for!?




Lancer: Don't get ahead of yourself, fool!




Saber: What's wrong, Lancer?


Saber: Hesitation shames your title as a spearman.

Saber: If you will not come to me, then I shall come to you.


Lancer: Tell me something first.

Lancer: ...Is that a sword?


Saber: Who knows?

Saber: It may be a battleaxe, or a polearm. Perhaps it is even a bow, Lancer.




Lancer: Heh.

Lancer: You jest, swordswoman.


Lancer: While we're here, one more thing.


Shirou: (That stance!)


Lancer: This is only our first meeting. Care to call it a draw?


Saber: I refuse.

Saber: You will fall here, Lancer.




Lancer: Oh, really?

Lancer: From the start, my goal had just been to observe, but...


Lancer: See ya.


Lancer: I'll take that heart of yours!


Saber: A Noble Phantasm!





Gae Bolg

Barbed Spear of Piercing Death





Lancer: You dodged it, Saber. My ultimate killing blow!


Saber: Gae Bolg...

Saber: You are Ireland's Child of Light!


Lancer: Tsk.


Lancer: I've screwed up.

Lancer: I'm in trouble if this doesn't finish someone when I bring it out.


Saber: Are you fleeing, Lancer!?

Lancer: Yeah.




Lancer: Unfortunately, my employer is a coward. He demanded that I return as soon as you dodged my spear.


Lancer: I don't mind if you follow, Saber.

Lancer: But know this--


Lancer: Be ready to die when you do!


Saber: Wait!


Shirou: Wha-


Shirou: Hey, with a wound like that-




Shirou: (Her wound is


Shirou: closing?)


Shirou: Just

Shirou: what are you?


Saber: I am Saber, a Servant.

Saber: Saber? Servant?




Saber: Yes.

Saber: Thus, you may call me Saber.


Shirou: O-Oh.

Shirou: I'm Shirou... Emiya Shirou.


Shirou: No, that's not it! That isn't what I meant to ask...


Saber: Yes, I understand.


Saber: You are not a proper Master, are you?

Saber: Nonetheless, we exchanged a pact, so I shall not betray you.


Saber: There is no need to be so wary of me.


Shirou: Uh...? (Oh, crap.)





Shirou: (None of what she's saying makes any sense to me.)

Shirou: N-Not that, either! My name isn't Master...


Saber: Then, "Shirou"?

Saber: ...Yes.


Saber: The sound of that pleases me.


Shirou: (Wait, she's using my given name!?)

Shirou: (Aren't you supposed to use surnames when you first meet!?)


Saber: Shirou. Please heal my wound.


Shirou: Heal... wait, are you actually asking me?


Shirou: Sorry, but I don't know difficult magic like that.

Shirou: And besides, isn't it already healed?




Saber: Then I shall engage as is. The self-repair is only superficial, however.

Saber: One more battle should pose no problem.


Shirou: What do you mean, one more battle?

Saber: There are two enemies outside. Foes of this caliber


Saber: I can defeat in a few seconds.

Shirou: Wait-


Shirou: (Is she going to fight again!?)

Shirou: Damn it!


Shirou: Saber!




Saber: (It's over!)


Rin: Archer! Disappear!




Rin: Don't look down on me!


Rin: No way!




Shirou: Wha...

(I knew she was strong, but)


Saber: That was admirable, magus.

Shirou: (That's just overwhelming!)

Saber: But this is your end, Master of Archer.


Shirou: Stop, Saber!


Shirou: Please, Saber, stop!


Saber: Why, Shirou? She is Archer's Master. We should kill her here.




Shirou: Just wait, Saber. We don't know what's going on.

Shirou: If I'm your Master, then at least explain a little!


Rin: So?

Rin: You gonna lower that sword now?


Saber: Enough.

Saber: As if I would lower my blade before a foe.


Rin: Didn't your Master tell you to? Oh, so even a Saber would defy her Master, huh?




Rin: Then,

Rin: I suppose I can stand now.


Shirou: Y-You.

Shirou: Tohsaka!?


Rin: Yep.

Rin: Good evening, Emiya-kun.


Box: A smiling meeting...!?


Box: To be continued in December



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Cool! On a droit au premier combat de la série sur papier. J'attendais de voir ce que ça donnerait.


Le résultat est d'ailleurs relativement positif pour le moment. Les effets de mouvements sont bien retranscrits et les attaques paraissent impressionnantes, sans l'être toutefois autant que dans l'anime UBW by Ufotable (on ne peut pas lui en vouloir tellement la barre est haute).


On a là un support papier qui semble être parti pour être de bonne qualité.


Pour le moment, on est sur un terrain totalement connu mais vivement la suite. Lancer 8)

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