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One Piece - Film 14 Stampede


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il y a une heure, Natsũ a dit :



Je poste l'affiche du film au bon endroit du coup :




Une équipe Luffy, Law, Sabo, Lucci, Smoker, Buggy et Hancock ça aurait de la gueule ensembles a l'image de la team improbable post Impel Down. Hâte de voir que va donner le film si c'est pas juste des caméos. Trop beau pour être vrai. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

Bizarr, avec cette nouvelle bande-annonce, le film me "hype" moins.


Au début on a l'impression qu'on va avoi une verson "Nouveau Monde" du film Dead End Race, là j'ai l'impression qu'on va revoir la même chose que dans Z ou Gold.

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Il y a 13 heures, goon a dit :

Bizarr, avec cette nouvelle bande-annonce, le film me "hype" moins.


Au début on a l'impression qu'on va avoi une verson "Nouveau Monde" du film Dead End Race, là j'ai l'impression qu'on va revoir la même chose que dans Z ou Gold.

Tout à fait, il m'a vraiment pas l'air original. 😕

Au moins pour Z et Gold, j'appréciais les thèmes mis en avant même si la structure du récit était assez classique. Là, c'est juste une excuse pour voir des combats sans rien d'autre pour les justifier qu'une simple chasse au trésor.

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Pandaman à la 0:27 :) 


Mouai j'attends de voir. N'étant pas particulièrement friand du "fan service", j'espère que l'histoire aura plus d'intérêt qu'une succession de visage connu.


J'ai encore le souvenir d'un Sabo vs Rob Lucci dans le précédent film qui n'apportait absolument rien.

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Faut dire qu'a trop utilise les mêmes ficelles...

Bonla le roaster est quand même ouf et c'ewt clairement l'argument massue vendu dans la promo du film.


Ce qui est inquiétant car le film risque de trop se reposer dessus.

J'ai peur que les mugis soient encore moins présent que d'hab...


Luffy fait ses 2 formes de G4 du coup. je ne comprend pas bien pourquoi il utilise le snakeman contre le mec au CaC de base, ça n'a aucun sens je trouve et j'ai déjà peur de ce qu'ils vont en faire...

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Pas de rapport direct avec stampede mais avec la canonicité des personnages souvent décrit canon par les fans (je parle des personnages antagonistes qu'on ne voient pas en dehors des films.


On a eu la vivre card de Weeble, pour la énième fois rien ne le relis a Z, j'y vois un refus de canoniser réellement Zephyr qui n'a d'ailleurs pas de vivre card


Moi perso je m'en fiche, je voudrais juste statuer, c'est pas important pourquoi Oda n'assume pas la canonicité si c'est le cas ?

Et comme j'ai pas eu le souvenir de l'annonce officielle de sa canonisation je commence a me dire que c'est juste de la légende urbaine...avec Shiki les gens ont du se dire que tout les persos étaient forcément canon car crée par Oda....


Quand bien même Zephyr existerait, serait il comme dans l'anime ? déjà le background ne serait pas le même car pas d'histoire de bras blessé par un corsaire recruté lors des 2 ans.


La on nous fait la même avec l'ancien commandant machin truc...le gars est il vraiment canon ? c'est un membre obscur de l'équipage et pourtant il est peu être(probablement) plus puissant que Katakuri, l'équipage du SDP est complètement hors concours ou on sous estiment largement la puissance des membres de certains équipages ? Rayleigh devait vraiment être un monstre en tout cas. je serais pas surpris que sa prime atteigne voir dépasse les 2 milliards


EDIT: j'oublie de préciser mais le mec qui a agressé l'amiral devrait avoir un FDD...qu'on me dise pas que c'est Law a 15 ans lol, le mec était surement archi faiblard en ce temps la rapport a un amiral aguérit

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Le problème est qu'il avait été dit que Zephyr et son histoire (dans le tome 1000) étaient des éléments "canon". Il y avait des infos sur Garp/Sengoku/Tsuru qui disaient qu'ils étaient les plus puissants officiers de l'époque. Mais,l'histoire du Corsaire qui coupe le bras est quasi-incohérente !! De plus,bien qu'à la One Piece Tower,un organigramme officialisait les présences des personnages du film GOLD (ainsi que Mad Treasure) + Zephyr et ses deux VA Ain et Bins,ensuite il s'est avéré qu'ils n'étaient pas "canons",de même que leurs FDD (dommage,j'aimais bien Gildo Tesoro). Pourtant,les autres personnages "Hors-série" de One Piece n'apparaissaient pas sur cette fresque !

Après,les films et leurs événements sont totalement hors réalité,bien évidemment ! Ce qui est dommage pour certaines choses,car Oda a créé un paquet de personnages pour des Live-Action (Puggy / Chameleon),jeux vidéos (le dernier Scientifique de World Seeker,ou encore le fabuleux Patrick Redfiel + Pato de World Red) ou films/animes spéciaux (ceux pré-cités),expositions (avec le FDD du Nue,histoire prenant place à Wa no Kuni) qui auraient pu avoir leur place au sein de l'oeuvre !!


D'autres personnages ne seront pas non plus développés,comme les camarades de Ace,ou des autres supernovas (donc potentiellement pouvant devenir super forts !!),les capitaines alliés des Yonkous (ou la pègre invitée par Mamma)etc...

Il faut juste se contenter de ce que l'on a...

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Il y a 5 heures, The Dancing Bear a dit :

Le problème est qu'il avait été dit que Zephyr et son histoire (dans le tome 1000) étaient des éléments "canon". Il y avait des infos sur Garp/Sengoku/Tsuru qui disaient qu'ils étaient les plus puissants officiers de l'époque. Mais,l'histoire du Corsaire qui coupe le bras est quasi-incohérente !! De plus,bien qu'à la One Piece Tower,un organigramme officialisait les présences des personnages du film GOLD (ainsi que Mad Treasure) + Zephyr et ses deux VA Ain et Bins,ensuite il s'est avéré qu'ils n'étaient pas "canons",de même que leurs FDD (dommage,j'aimais bien Gildo Tesoro). Pourtant,les autres personnages "Hors-série" de One Piece n'apparaissaient pas sur cette fresque !

Après,les films et leurs événements sont totalement hors réalité,bien évidemment ! Ce qui est dommage pour certaines choses,car Oda a créé un paquet de personnages pour des Live-Action (Puggy / Chameleon),jeux vidéos (le dernier Scientifique de World Seeker,ou encore le fabuleux Patrick Redfiel + Pato de World Red) ou films/animes spéciaux (ceux pré-cités),expositions (avec le FDD du Nue,histoire prenant place à Wa no Kuni) qui auraient pu avoir leur place au sein de l'oeuvre !!


D'autres personnages ne seront pas non plus développés,comme les camarades de Ace,ou des autres supernovas (donc potentiellement pouvant devenir super forts !!),les capitaines alliés des Yonkous (ou la pègre invitée par Mamma)etc...

Il faut juste se contenter de ce que l'on a...

On peut aussi parler de cette double page couleur du chapitre 691, ou l'on voit une représentation passé des membres de la marine, et l'ont y voit même Bins & Ein.



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il y a 45 minutes, Jersey-louis a dit :

On peut aussi parler de cette double page couleur du chapitre 691, ou l'on voit une représentation passé des membres de la marine, et l'ont y voit même Bins & Ein.



Je m'en souviens, mais c'est de la promo du film Z qui n'est pas canon, pour preuve les mugis au 1er plans avec un aspect qu'ils n'ont jamais eu.



Moi ce qui me chagrine c'est que j'ai la très nette impression que la prod se sert du maccaron "canon" comme d'argument marketing pour faire plus vendre.


Et au final Oda joue pas le jeu, il ne s'en sert pas et avec le temps, sans en tenir compte, il fini par infirmer leurs canonicités mais le temps a passé donc il s'en fou...


Finalement je ne vais pas conssiderer le dernier antagoniste comme faisant partie de l'équipage de Roger. mieux vaut que ça reste un élément obscur dela mythologie.

De toutes façons vouloir tout raconter est l’erreur classique d'un débutant...

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Oda le dit lorsque ce n'est pas canon,comme ce qui se passe dans l'anime. Pour l'instant,rien n'est sorti au sujet du prochain film,donc ce n'est pas canon jusqu'à nouvel ordre. l'image avec les marines est validée.

Oui,il y a des vides juridiques,et tu prends ce que tu veux dedans pour l'instant.

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Je pense qu'il ne faut pas s'embêter à chercher à comprendre ce qui est canon ou non pour la série. One Piece, c'est un manga blindé de personnages, d'histoires et de thématiques. Appréciez les récits pour ce qu'ils sont, pas pour leur cohérence avec l'oeuvre. Par exemple, Strong World montrait ce qu'un pirate aussi influent qu'un empereur est capable de mettre en oeuvre pour assouvir ses ambitions à l'échelle mondiale. Z, c'est une remise en cause des objectifs de la Marine par un élément s'étant senti trahi par l'organization au crépuscule de sa vie. Gold, c'est l'attrait des richesses faciles entraînant leurs victimes dans de sombre pièges (autant pour les Mugis que Tesoro lui-même). Je pourrai remonter plus loin, avec l'Île du Baron Omatsuri dont la deuxième partie reflète l'amertume de l'échec et le refus de laisser les morts reposer en paix, quitte à nuire à autrui.


Enfin bref, que les films soient canon ou non, ça n'enlève rien à ce qu'ils apportent à One Piece.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Une semaine avant la sortie du film au Japon, certaines personnes ont pu le voir en avant première :


Attention spoilers



- When Bullet belonged to Roger pirates, his strength was equal to Rayleigh. Since then, Bullet has been training harder. 
- Urouge showed a move Inga-Zarashi (He used the same technique against Pacifista before timeskip.)
- MVP in this film is not Straw Hats nor anyone in the poster Oda drew. Smoker has some highlight scenes.
- Usopp has so many highlight scenes. Stampede is the best OP film for him so far.
- Crocodile has more highlight scenes than Lucci. 
- Fight between Luffy and Urouge. Luffy doesn't use Gear 4 in this battle.
- Bullet's bounty is NOT shown in the film...
- Capone's Big Father can't hurt Bullet.
- In the end, Bullet is defeated by Luffy, Law, Sabo, Hancock, Smoker, Buggy, Lucci, Crocodile and Usopp.
- Crocodile talks with Robin. He calls her "Miss. All-Sunday".
- Sentoumaru gets defeated by sneak attack from Perona.
- Perona appears with Mihawk. 
- Zoro fights toe-to-toe with Fujitora. Neither of them get defeated. Fujitora summons meteorite(s). (According to Zoro's VA, Zoro's 100% strength is finally shown in this film.)
- So many characters are crammed into the film. Maybe 80-90% among whole OP characters appear except for characters in Whole Cake Island and Wano.
- Stampede is different from other OP films in that it heavily focuses on fights rather than human dramas or sightseeing of an island. 
- Spoiler provider says Stampede somewhat reminds him of "Dragon Ball Super Broly".
- Stampede is the best OP film ever in terms of awesome sakuga in fight scenes.
- Blackbeard appears only as a flashback in Impel Down 2 years ago.
- The song "We Are!" is aired in an impressive scene.
- Roger's words near the end of the film sounds important. 
- Bullet hints a new aspect of Devil Fruit that manga has not mentioned yet.
- Nami and Franky defeat random fodders. Aside from that, both of them have little impressive scenes...
- Hancock shows smiles many times.
- Zoro fights Crocodile (short time) , Fujitora and Killer.
- Sanji fights Lucci (short time) and Smoker. (Zoro's VA loves Smoker so much and he said he would be glad if Smoker takes out Sanji. lol)
- Ace appears only a short time, but fans will be convinced about how staffs handle him in the film


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Ok,ça a l'air aussi sympa que comiquepour certains combats.


Lucci se tape Sanji,et Zoro se tape Crocodile= Crocodile plus fort que Lucci 😁


Rien sur Sabo ?

Comme d'hab,on ne sait plus comment surenchérir sur le niveau des méchants...le mec inconnu du level 6,puis l'inconnu aussi fort que Rayleigh,et même plus (donc le type était SDP en fait....).

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Au final c’est plutôt un film pure baston, c’est pas plus mal, quitte à faire du HS autant balancer de la fight et éviter de dire n’importe quoi.


Je suis particulièrement intrigué par ça :

- Bullet hints a new aspect of Devil Fruit that manga has not mentioned yet.


Autre chose encore que la relation FDD-Haki et l’eveil ? 

Qu’on aurait vu chez personne ? 

Je suis très curieux à ce sujet !

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Les bastons sont tellement ellipsées que moi aussi je préfère un peu de show de galerie et de fan service (sans exagération),avec de belles animations,histoire de ressentir la puissance et la vibration du combat.

De plus,on évitera l'écueil de la princesse ou du gosse à sauver,qui plombe le rythme de l'histoire.

J'ai toujours voulu voir Sanji contre Lucci,alors je suis hypé. Je ne pensais pas à Zoro VS Crocodile en revanche,mais je suis tout autant hypé,et heureux pour les deux (même si le passage est bref).


Pour ce qui est de l'aspect des FDD non vus,je ne m'inquiète pas,Doflamingo avec son FDD du couteau Suisse nous a déjà tout dévoilé ! Du clonage impossible à la suture improbable,en passant par les baraques qui se transforment en gros fils....honnêtement,je ne vois pas ce qui pourrait me surprendre !

Peut-être que si Cracker faisait des clones,ou Katakuri apparaître des Bras en mochi depuis les airs,ça me surprendrait tellement c'est naze et en théorie infaisable avec leurs FDD...

Ah,mais on me dit qu'ils l'ont fait !! 

Ok,Fuck The Rules ! >:D

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Voici la chronologie complète de la vie de Bullet. Elle vient de EtenBody sur Oro Jackson.




Top Secret Notes of “One Piece Stampede”
【Life of Douglas Bullet】
“You’re the strongest when you’re alone!!”
“You’re strong because you’re alone!!”

Age 0(45 years ago):
•Born in the “Country Where War Never Ends” in the “Grand Line”
•His parents belong to the enemy state; he was abandoned by his mother early on and became an orphan
•Found and raised by the army of the enemy military state “Gartzburg”, “GartzForce”
【「GF」on the Armband】
Bullet was found by the Gartzburg army “GartzForce”. The 「GF」on his armband is to show his old place GartzForce.

Age 1~8 ( 44~37 years ago):
•He is strictly trained as a child soldier under a commander of “GartzForce”, Douglas Gray, and he was only given the minimum amount of supplies to live.
•His main tasks were to be used a “sacrifice piece”, such as walking through minefield as vanguard, and participating in mission that requires him to carry a bomb and blaze a trail.
【Origin of His Name】
In the army they called all the child soldiers, who were treated as pellets, “Bullet”. They also organize the child soldiers with number, Bullet is “Number 9”, and his Commander’s name is Douglas. “The 9th Bullet of Douglas Troop”...That’s the origin of the name, Douglas Bullet.
•They have the reward system in which the person who earn the most feats of war on the battlefield will be rewarded with a “Medal”(service ribbon).
•A child as he was, Bullet, who was not given anything aside from weapons, desired to earn the “Medal”.
•There can only be one winner of the “Medal”. With his genius-like combat abilities, Bullet was very active on the battlefield up to the point that he almost achieved his goal, but then he was betrayed by his comrades, he didn’t get the “Medal” and he was severely injured.
•“You’re way too strong...! You monster...!
The reason for this betrayal was “Bullet’s strength”. He was even persecuted by the child soldiers who grew up in the same environment as him.
•He rounded up all the child soldiers who betrayed and persecuted him, and seized the medal. He realized that the reasons for his failure were his carelessness, pride and his weakness to believe in his allies.
•Supplies, tactics, strength... Bullet, after learning from his mistakes, uses all of them for “his own victories” without any hesitation, he earned the “Medal” one after another. He remains undefeated.

Age 9~13 (36~32 years ago):
•Demonstrating his “strength of one”, he’s a unparalleled hero on the battlefield. He became the strongest child soldier.
•The more he wins, the more he can act as he likes. He felt a sense of fulfillment and that he’s truly alive, and he felt that he’s free.
•Being strong let you survive and give you freedom. He begins to feel that being strong gives him a reason to live.
•One day when he reached his limit on the battlefield, due to exhaustion and hunger, he discovered and ate a devil fruit, “Gasha-Gasha Fruit”. He survived because of that and his strength became more unwavering.

Age 14 (31 years ago):
•Thanks to the effort of Bullet, the hero of the war, the war was near its end.
•Bullet’s commander Douglas Gray was promoted to “General” because of Bullet’s feats.
•General Douglas treated Bullet differently because of the possible benefits that he can bring.
Bullet, I think of you as my own son...! After we win this war, I’ll welcome you into the upper officials of the army, I’ll release you from this bloody battlefield that’s full of discipline! You can even lead a rich life away from the battlefield. You’ll have true freedom!
【Establishing the Identity of an One Man Army】
Bullet served in the army until he was 14, he was called a hero for his feats that can matched a thousand. He fully realizes that “One treasure can only be obtained by one person”, and as he grows, he established his identity of “A person is strong because they’re alone”.
•Bullet dreams of the General’s flattery
Away from war, a life of freedom...
•Bullet departed for the final battle that’ll decide the outcome of the war.
•Thanks to Bullet, they forced the enemy’s army to surrender. Just when he thought they won, he was surrounded by his army.
•“Your strength will eventually threatens my position...!
General Douglas had betrayed him in order to kill him.
•The betrayal of General Douglas, the first person that he trusted, and the disappointment of the new freedom before him. Those combined made him furious and when he was in a dying condition, he went on a rampage.
•Only his strength that he got from training did not betrayed him. He ended the war and destroyed his own army and country.
•Since he destroyed a country, the World Government begun to go after him. Bullet set sail out to the sea as a pirate alone, seeking battleground.

Age 15 (30 years ago):
•Bullet the unbeaten roamed the sea looking for battles.
•He met Roger and challenged him, he lost. No matter how many times he challenged him, he just kept losing, Bullet suffered his first series of defeats in his life.
•Apparently, Roger's strength is different from ,“You’re strong because you’re alone”, what Bullet has developed. Bullet continued to attack Roger's ship with the feeling of wanting to find out its identity and more than anything, he doesn’t want to keep losing.
•During the days of Bullet’s challenges, Roger faced all of them head-on and Bullet can never managed to win. One day, Bullet lost after giving all he’s got, he then swore to Roger,
One day I’ll defeat you and become the strongest in the world...!
Roger laughed“Come at me anytime”.
【Joining Roger Pirates】
Bullet, who’s always been alone, met someone who’s stronger than him for the first time. He admired Roger. Bullet, who has made a “friend” for the first time, decided to aboard his ship as a “challenger”.

Age 17 (28 years ago):
•being called the “Demon Heir” of Roger Pirates
•Bullet was shocked when he learned about Roger’s incurable disease.

Age 18 (27 years ago):
•Learning the upcoming time of Roger’s death, he became impatient that he might not fulfill his oath. He begins to have doubts.
•Eventually, he developed the consciousness of “I have to protect my friends” , and he hesitates when making decisions during battles. He thinks that he’s becoming weaker.
•He began to have doubts about Roger’s “strength”. Roger is strong like a demon when he’s fighting for his friends. The essence of this is the result of demonstrating an extraordinary resolve by being alone and putting himself in danger. However, on the other hand, Bullet realized that Roger’s idea of "protecting my friends" gets in his way, and he can’t go all out. Bullet thought that...the existence of friends makes strength imperfect.
•Bullet believes that he cannot surpass Roger by staying with them. He have to corner himself more...
•He challenged Roger one last time, he put up a good fight but he still lost.
Bullet: “Kill me...!
But as usual, Roger: “Come at me again anytime
Bullet got off the ship and made a name for himself as a rookie after his independence.

Age 19 (26 years ago):
•Fought against Crocodile, who’s a rookie at that time, no result.

Age ??:
•Roger’s subordinate made a “Eternal Pose” pointing to “Laugh Tale”. However, after Roger found out what they did he threw it in the ocean. Then it was eaten by a sea king.
•The Great Pirate Era starts as Roger’s being executed.
•What can he do to surpass Roger, who’s now dead. A dilemma that you can never win against those who have died. As if trying to get rid of his hesitation, he goes on a rampage on the sea.
【The Wound on His Left Shoulder】
The tattoo-like wound on his left shoulder is like a medal to Bullet. He got it during his first “Buster Call”.

Age 22 (23 years ago):
•The Marine uses “Buster Call” to corner and capture the rampaging Bullet.
•Even though Bullet fought fiercely, he eventually wears out. Then he was attacked by the pirates whom he had defeated before, that became the decisive factor of the battle and Bullet was finally caught. He was then imprisoned in the underwater prison Impel Down.

Age 23~43 (22~2 years ago):
•During the 20 years in Impel Down Level 6, he concentrates and continues his training silently.
•He made a decision after being distressed about what he should do to surpass Roger.
•“I will become the world’s strongest ‘Pirate King’ that surpasses Roger
He decided to kill all the strong people in the world, including the “Four Emperors” and the navy admirals. He thinks that it’s the proof of being the strongest, something that even Roger couldn’t accomplish. He plan to accomplish that goal with his completed “strength of one”.
•Just when he was finishing his training, the prison break commotion started by “Strawhat” and “Blackbeard” happened. Taking advantage of the commotion, Bullet escaped.
•grasp the current situation of the sea
• After learning about Whitebeard’s death and that he died protecting his subordinates, he’s convinced that his belief is right.
•He found the man that was supposed to be dead after being eaten by a Sea King, Festa. They obtained Roger’s treasure for the ambition of being world’s strongest. They start the plan to seize the Buster Call and kill all pirates.

Age 44~45 (A year ago~Now)
•Hidding, preparation stage
•“Pirate Festival” starts
To show that he’s the strongest and has surpasses Roger, he puts on a military uniform, which represents his origin, as the proof of his determination.


【The Reason behind His Escape is one of the “Four Emperors” Blackbeard】
Bullet was imprisoned in the underwater prison Impel Down. Blackbeard provided him with the chance to escape. During the Summit War, Blackbeard appeared with his crew mates, some of whom were prisoners of Impel Down, but Bullet was not among them. It seems that even Blackbeard decided that Bullet was “too much”.

【The “Worst Generation” VS Bullet】
Before being imprisoned in Impel Down, Bullet was called a super rookie as well. It’s just like a battle between the old and new rookies, a fight between Bullet and the current super rookies, the “Worst Generation”, is happening.



Je pense que le combat entre Bullet et Crocodile il y a 26 ans peut t'intéresser @The Dancing Bear. Si on part du principe que Bullet avait le même niveau que Rayleigh et que son combat contre Crocodile n'a rien donné... Quelle conclusion peut-on tirer sur le niveau de Crocodile rookie cette fois-ci (lorsque c'était encore un rookie) ? 9_9

Bonne soirée.

Modifié par Natsũ
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Sur la librairie d'Ohara,il y a un spoil complet du film,attention ! 

Encore une fois,nous le devons à Arthur,le plus grand reporter de cet univers en occident.

Les commentaires à côté des images sont forcément les miens...






The movie opens up with a flashback to the Paramount War, when Blackbeard is breaking out the top fighters in Level 6. As he gathers his new crewmembers, he spots Bullet in his cell, having massacred the bodies of his cellmates. Blackbeard recognizes him and decides to go away as he’s too scared to confront him. Bullet breaks out of his cell and leaves the prison. (this is Blackbeard’s only appearance within the movie)

Screen Shot 2019-08-10 at 2.00.28"J'ai dit que je voulais les meilleurs, me fait dessus dès qu'il y a un mec trop fort : Bullet,Patrick Redfield,etc..."


Flashforward to the current year, Festa is setting up the Pirate Expo and talks to Bullet about fulfilling their ambition together (the scene at the moonlit island from the trailer). He talks about the expo and how that will be their great chance to change the world.

We then cut to the expo, with the Straw Hats approaching Delta Island to join in the festivities. Luffy is excited to know they’ll be hunting down Roger’s treasure. The Straw Hats arrive at the expo and join in the festivities, having fun at many of the festival’s attractions in a short montage. After that, the treasure race begins, where everybody gets ready to participate. The big participants include the Straw Hats, all the Supernovas (including Barto and Cabbage), the Foxy Pirates and Wapol’s newly re-founded crew. However, an injured Law appears among the backstreets of the expo, having found out about the truth of the festival. Buggy appears, with a 30 second long introduction as he just brags about himself. He’s apparently late to the treasure race because he got too distracted at the expo. He spots Law and tries to attack him, but Law spots the Sunny from the corner of his eye and Shambles onto it since he knows he can trust the Straw Hats.

Screen Shot 2019-08-10 at 2.01.20"OSEF !!"

Moderato and Ann are introduced as the hosts. Ann does a display of the Bijyo Bijyo no Mi (Vision Vision Fruit) by replicating the Punk Hazard Dragon nº13, but unfortunately this is the only time it is used in the movie. It is explained that long ago Roger left this treasure on this very island himself, being one of the greatest treasures he’s ever had and that only today, through a certain phenomenon, will that treasure finally be availabble. The race for Roger’s treasure begins, but suddenly a whirlpool forms at the center of the island. From it comes out a Knock Up Stream, towering over the island for a good while. On top of it lies an island within a bubble (similar to Fishman Island), being sustained at the top of the Knock Up Stream. Turns out this is a long-since sunken island that has finally risen from the depths containing Roger’s treasure, finally making his treasure reachable! Participants must race all the way to the top to that island to find Roger’s treasure and whoever takes it first is the winner!

screen-shot-2019-02-21-at-1.13.47-am"J'ai copié le pouvoir de Viola..."

All ships advance, but the Straw Hats retreat for a moment. However, as contestants fight over climbing the Knock Up Stream (it features a sort of water path that goes up counterclockwise, almost like a spiral staircase, hence why ships can ride it). Many of the Supernovas and other pirates fight among themselves to get in the lead. The Straw Hats return, with Franky having decked out the Sunny with penguin features, as the Sunny flying version! (an homage to the “chicken” Merry) They use a coup de burst to go up the Knock Up Stream (blowing away Buggy’s Big Top behind them in the process) and get in the lead. However, Law pops out of the ship’s cabin, telling the Straw Hats to be careful and leave the island, as Festa is planning something. The crew understands, so they decide to split up, with Chopper, Robin, Sanji and Brook assisting Law to find what’s behind this festival and Luffy, Zoro, Nami, Usopp and Franky going after the treasure. The first group drops out of the Sunny on the Shark Submerge, leaping off the Knock Up Stream. They’re about to crash down but Robin saves them by using Cien Flower: Wing.

screen-shot-2019-02-21-at-1.13.43-am"Original,quand on n'a jamais joué à un JRPG..."

Luffy and the other contestants arrive at the island on top, spotting the ship with the treasure on top of a central hill. Everyone rushes towards it, with many fighters from each crew clashing against each other. Killer leaps at Luffy, but Zoro intercepts him, declaring to fight him. Zoro smiles and snickers at Killer (I see what you did there Oda). Luffy rushes ahead but is stopped by Apoo. However, as they’re busy fighting, Kid outruns them both and goes ahead, but is stopped by Drake. Luffy brings out an Elephant Gun and knocks both of them back, rushing ahead towards the treasure, with them giving chase behind hhim. Bege sends his men out of his body to surround other pirates, but Bonney uses her powers to turn many of them into babies and elders (which shows us her powers finally in action, being a sort of pink plasma-like substance in her hands she touches them with), laughing at Bege from atop a hill afterwards. Meanwhile Hawkins just sits calculating his chances with his cards.

Around this point in the movie (both scenarios kinda switch back and forth), we have the other Straw Hat team infiltrating inside Festa’s base. The group almost gets caught because Brook drops a big fart. Robin and Brook use their powers to overhear Festa declaring the arrival of a Buster Call; something that causes Robin to freeze in terror for a few seconds. They attempt to run away to inform the others, but are confronted by Smoker, who also came to investigate. Brook stops Smoker and Sanji assists him by fighting him with haki (still no black coating though, lol). Robin and Law rush ahead. They go through the tunnels until Robin overhears the sound of dust in the air. “It’s been a long while… Miss All-Sunday” greets Crocodile, forming in front of them. Robin says that there must be some big reason for him to be there, to which Crocodile agrees, claiming to be interested in Roger’s treasure and what it might entail.

Screen Shot 2019-08-10 at 2.00.26"Je suis beau et je m'aime"

Back at the race, Luffy makes for the mountain where the treasure is, but the Ma D. Monk himself pops out of the middle of the mountain, pushing Luffy off of it. The two engage in a brief battle. However, as everyone is busy fighting, someone sneaks unadverted on the treasure ship, claiming Roger’s treasure for himself: it’s the future pirate King, Buggy-sama! While there is a lot of gold on the ship, the treasure is located within one simple, tiny treasure chest. Buggy finds it and is declared the winner of the race, with the treasure his. Who could’ve guessed Buggy would’ve been the winner!

Luffy leaps towards Buggy trying to get the treasure, but Buggy runs away. Buggy opens the treasure chest to see what’s inside, but he is frozen by fear. “What is THIS doing here???” he exclaims. However, at that point, the Knock Up Stream ends, the island crumbles and shatters to pieces, falling down towards the island below. The chest slips from Buggy’s hands, falling down to the island, freaking out about how he lost the treasure (completely forgetting he could use his powers to get it, because Buggy’s that dumb). The supernovas and other pirates make it safely down through various means (interestingly Hawkins straight up dies from the fall, but survives thanks to a straw man of his). Among those falling there’s Usopp, who sees the treasure chest in mid-air and catches it. He opens it to look at its contents, also freezing in sheer shock at what’s inside. To make matters worse, it seem the Buster Call is approaching the island and everybody begins to panic.

Screen Shot 2019-08-10 at 2.10.27"J'imite la technique de Law à Dressrosa..."

However, as everyone is getting back up on their feet, someone suddenly appears and massacres Usopp in seconds, holding his battered up body as he gets the chest. This is Douglas Bullet. 4-5m+ in size, a hulking body and an epic theme that is almost as good and epic as Katakuri’s. Buggy recognizes Bullet, quivering in fear: he claims that during Roger’s prime Bullet was the strongest member of Roger’s crew alongside Rayleigh and that he might’ve even surpassed him by now as he’s trained all this time in Impel Down to get stronger. Bullet’s bounty is in the billions and is considered an absolute monster in the OP world.

Screen Shot 2019-08-10 at 2.10.29"Moi,c'est King Wildfire ! Quand j'enlève mon masque,on voit que je me suis brûlé...."


Bullet uses a blast of Conqueror’s haki that knocks out everyone aside from the Supernovas, but Luffy counters it with a blast of his own. The impact of this clash is so massive that embers form in the air from it. Bullet tosses Usopp in the air and Luffy tries to catch him but Bullet instantly leaps in front of him, using Future Sight to foresee his movement (uses the same future sight effect from the anime) before Luffy can even grab Usopp. Bullet moves at supersonic speed, practically as fast as Kizaru, with none of the Supernovas being able to even see him. Luffy decides to fight Bullet to avenge Usopp, asking the other Supernovas “to not interfere in his fight”, but they join in as well. However, Bullet easily keeps up with all of them: Hawkins turns into Goma no So to attack him, but Bullet dodges him faster than he can see. Apoo and Urouge try to attack him, but to no avail. Allosaurus Drake bites Bullet, but his teeth do nothing on him and Bullet just tosses Drake around like a toy. Luffy and Kid team up for a dual attack with Elephant Gun and Kid’s metal hand, but Bullet swats both away with just a wrist of his hand. Bege enters Big Father mode, but Bullet punches through it just like Big Mom did, causing Bege to fall back (but remain transformed). Killer leaps at him with his scythes and tries to decapitate him, but the blades simply won’t cut his neck. Bonney attempts to touch him, but Bullet pushes her away before she can even make contact.

Screen Shot 2019-08-10 at 2.03.13"Ne dis plus jamais que mes cheveux ne sont pas assortis !"


However, after some teamwork, the supernovas manage to hit him and Luffy and Kid unleash another team attack, with Luffy’s Red Hawk landing a hit and pushing him away. This destroys his clothes and damages him slightly. However, Bullet gets up rather unscathed and claims he’s going to get serious. Bullet proceeds to wreck the Supernovas even further, but Luffy decides to enter Gear Fourth: Snakeman! The two clash for a while, with Luffy ultimately unleashing King Cobra (with as much flair as in the Luffy vs Katakuri finale), the two landing a hit on each other just like with Katakuri. Both are sent flying, but both eventually get back up, Luffy being a bit weakened due to G4 effects and Bullet being still rather unscathed and having taken only some damage.

Screen Shot 2019-08-10 at 2.02.05El classico shonen...

Bullet then decides to use his devil fruit, the Gasha Gasha no Mi, a fruit that can assemble any item into complex contraptions, summoning metal parts from his ship to create a massive robot exoskeleton. As he gets inside of the exoskeleton, Bullet delivers a speech about Roger and even tells the Supernovas that he’ll let them in on what the contents of the box are. “This treasure… is the One Piece”. The Supernovas gasp in shock and so does the whole theater because holy shit.

Screen Shot 2019-08-10 at 2.16.22Monkey D.....Nothing ! fafvbdgfdbgdfbgdbgdkgb excuse me?????

Anyways, during this time, the Buster Call has already been summoned on the island, with Marines storming the shores and landing on the island to fight the pirates as the island is being bombed. A big war breaks out, with both factions of Marines and pirates clashing against each other. Koby rushes in to fight pirates, supported by Helmeppo, with Hina also being there. Sentomaru dispatches a group of Pacifistas towards the island and several Vice-Admirals, such as Momonga and Dalmatian, also land.

Screen Shot 2019-08-10 at 2.00.41 Moi aussi je cours comme ça...

Zoro and the others meet up at the beach alongside Bartolomeo and Cavendish, with Barto finally getting to meet Nami-sempai for the first time and becoming an absolute fanboy. However, something comes flying from the Marine ships and Zoro intercepts it: it’s Fujitora! Meanwhile, Buggy is completely terrified of everything going on, so he decides to ditch his large robe for his normal clothing. With it he also removes his wig and in quite possibly the movie’s biggest twist, reveals that he’s actually blonde beneath. The Foxy Pirates suddenly appear behind the Straw Hats with Foxy menacingly saying “Fehfehfeh… Straw Hats, we’re here to…. ASK YOU FOR HELP, PLEASE SAVE US” as they all bow begging to be helped. Nami scolds them to do so themselves.

Screen Shot 2019-08-10 at 2.00.50"Ou est-il passé ? Je ne vois rien..."

Back with Bullet, he reveals the contents of the treasure chest… Roger’s lost treasure is… an eternal pose to Raftel! Quite literally, a free ticket to the One Piece, hence why Bullet referred to it that way. But in an even bigger twist, it’s revealed that Raftel is not its name… no, the actual canon name of the island, even in the main series, the official romanization, is actually… Laugh Tale… the island of tales of those who laughed. This is why I love Oda.

latest-128 La bombe est lâchée !

(note: in Japanese, you can write both the same. We just assumed it was Raftel for years, but guess Oda just bamboozled all of us)

oda Ouais,avec ces dents,on comprends son goût pour ce qui est original...:-XLOL

Bullet gets into his suit, destroying the supernovas even further with it, without them being able to put as much of a dent in it, as he coats it with haki. He delivers a speech about him not needing anyone by his side, as he feels having weak subordinates is just a burden, putting Usopp as an example. He claims he can only trust himself and his power, becoming Pirate King on his own. Luffy doesn’t stand for it, but Usopp gets up and shoots some of his seeds into Bullet’s armor. However, they don’t do anything, with Bullet mocking Usopp for his being pathetically weak. He proceeds to destroy the Supernovas, sending Luffy flying away.

Screen Shot 2019-08-10 at 2.01.48Encore un mec dans un robot fadasse...merci Tesoro/Franky/Cracker/Pica/ Vegapunk ?


Smoker (who took a truce against Brook and Sanji) arrives and stops Hina, telling her, Tashigi, Koby and Helmeppo that they should all run away. They run into Buggy, with Smoker forcing him to tell him what is in the chest, with Buggy spilling the beans after being threatened. Smoker vows to not let any pirate get their hands on that pose.

With the Supernovas defeated, Bullet proceeds towards the docks of the island. He decides to take the Buster Call on in what is called a “Stampede”, to destroy everything in his path. Seemingly (from what I understand, could be wrong) this is to avenge when he lost to a buster call years ago (leadered by Garp and Sengoku), which was when he was captured and taken to Impel Down, which is why a Buster Call was summoned, just for him to literally flex against it. Bullet suddenly activates the awakening of his fruit, allowing his powers to disassemble absolutely everything near him: the town, the buildings, the ships, all is disassembled and reassembled into a giant body. Bullet absorbs so much that he becomes a giant colossus several times larger than Pica, towering over the island. Everyone looks in horror, as the colossus looms over the docks. All Marine Vice-Admirals from the Buster Call (including Momonga) leap at the colossus, but Bullet coats the colossus in haki and easily squishes them with one hand, as well as the other marines from the call.

Screen Shot 2019-08-10 at 2.20.01 Bullet,c'est d'la "balle" Colossus Bullet artwork by Oda

Festa contacts a very special person… big news Morgans! He streams all the events happening to the brokers of the Underworld (this also includes the likes of Du Feld, Drug. Peclo, Umit, etc.). However, as the Bullet colossus pops out, Festa declares his plans to end this Pirate Age: he claims that together with Bullet, they’ll obtain the One Piece and change the world, starting his own new age. (not sure if I fully caught his entire motivations here, didn’t this quite fully catch this bit in my watch), with the underworld brokers going crazy at the fact he’s obtained access to the One Piece.

450"Je sais même pas voler et je l'ouvre..."

Alongside the Marines, some of the Shichibukai are also summoned on the island: this includes Boa Hancock, who completely disregards any orders to go see if Luffy is alright, and Mihawk, who arrives alongside Perona. Perona uses her hollows to defeat Sentomaru, who says he wishes he was never born. Horohorohorohoro! Fujitora tells Zoro that he doesn’t have enough time for their duel, with Fujitora bringing down a meteor, and an enormous one at that (seemed to be larger than his usual ones). Zoro is quite shocked at first and so is everyone else, but he decides to rush against it and unleash a stronger version of Ichidai Sanzen Daisen Sekai. However, while he manages to split the meteorite in half, the two halves are still falling towards the island. That said, out of nowhere, the meteor breaks apart as it is meticulously sliced in many tiny fractions. This turns out to be Mihawk’s work, with him giving a glare to Zoro as a “you’re not ready yet”. Zoro looks down in mild shame.

Screen Shot 2019-08-10 at 2.01.15"Zoro Lovers en PLS" xD

The Straw Hats and the others also fight at the docks. Franky enters the General Franky and begins to fight Pacifistas, while nami unleashes Zeus to zap the Marines as well as Wapol. Foxy brags in front of the Marines as he prepares to do a big pose to unleash his noro noro beam, but before he can even do it he gets one-shotted by Bastille.

maxresdefault-6Je préfère Héra !

As things get dramatic, the situation turns for the worst as Smoker finds out a second Buster Call is being sent by Sakazuki (keep in mind the first one was busy with the pirates at the port), being leadered by Kizaru himself. Sakazaki orders to annihilate everyone on the island, even if there are marines left on it, claiming them necessary sacrifices to stop Bullet. Smoker orders the others to leave, but Tashigi and Koby refuse. Smoker gives Hina a glare and she understands; she uses her powers to bind them and run away. Smoker leaps with his powers towards Bullet, but is interrupted by a burst of fire. Smoker says “You’re Straw Hat’s…”; “Oh, you know Luffy? He’s my little brother” replies Sabo. The two clash, with both powers negating each other as a callback of Ace vs Smoker in Alabasta. Meanwhile Hancock rushes on the island in search of Luffy. She finds Buggy thinking he was Luffy at first for a second, kicking him in the face when he turns out to not be him. And to top it all of, a certain CP0 agent shows up at the island, as the vanguard for the rest of the team… it’s none other than Rob Lucci of course! It seems he’s heard of the treasure’s contents, coming to the island to confiscate it in the name of the World Government.

Around this point there’s a brief cut to new marineford, where Brannew is giving an insight into Bullet’s profile, as many Vice-Admirals listen (this even includes Jonathan from G-8!!). I didn’t catch the full thing, but Brannew mentions how Bullet was a monster since childhood, almost a bit like Big Mom (though not quite as strong), having innate power ever since his youth. Bullet was forcefully raised in a military as a child soldier and forced to focus on strength and strength alone. However, his comrades betrayed him, making Bullet believe that he cannot trust anyone but himself. Garp and Sengoku talk about Bullet and Roger and how Roger’s era ended, though I didn’t catch quite everything here too, sorry about that.

Screen Shot 2019-08-10 at 2.00.45Serious Face,Flashback coming soon...

Back at the island’s center, Usopp tries to carry a wounded Luffy, but he struggles to move. However, he vows to not give up, as a remix of the first ending, Memories, plays. A burning pillar falls on Luffy, but Usopp blocks it. The two are saved by Brook and Chopper. The latter offers to heal Usopp, but Usopp asks him to heal the captain instead. Luffy wakes up and Usopp apologizes to him for being so weak. Luffy becomes angry and transforms into Gear Fourth, flying towards Bullet’s colossus. BARREETTTTOOOOOO!!! Luffy charges a Kong Gun, but Bullet easily yeets him away.

Screen Shot 2019-08-10 at 2.03.53La gangrène,quel fléau !!

Bullet modifies the landscape of the island with his powers, creating this sort of barricade around it so that no one can escape. Law meets up with Smoker and Sabo as well as Hancock and Buggy (who faints from Smoker’s jutte after he pins him down). Luffy also lands near them as well and Law tells them that they need to work together. Law says it’s too dangerous to stick around, but Luffy is confident they can win “After all, with allies like you guys… of course things will turn out okay, right?”. Law sighs at his optimism and decides to agree to fight.

Luffy enters Gear Fourth Boundman again and tries to attack Bullet, but gets yeeted again, with Law asking him to not be so reckless. The rest of the group prepares to attack, with Hancock in particular rushing in anger for hurting Luffy, climbing over the colossus’s arm and kicking him deep in the chest (without doing too much damage though, with Hancock remarking his toughness). Smoker unleashes a powerful attack but Sabo jumps in to combine it with his Hiken. Smoker is mildly pissed but Sabo asks to get along. The attack hits the colossus’s shoulder and causes his arm to fall off. Buggy recovers his senses and monologues for a good 20 seconds, without realizing that a giant arm is falling in him. When he notices he runs away in vain and thanks his mother for bringing him to life. He attempts to stop the arm by shooting a Muggy Dama, but it does absolutely nothing (literally just bonks against the arm). However, the arm is sliced in mid-air by Lucci’s Rankyaku attacks, but Buggy believes the credit is fully his.

As Bullet prepares to attack, a sudden eighth member appears… yes, the fighters weren’t seven, but eight! Crocodile joins the group to fight against Bullet! He unleashes a massive storm against the colossus, buying some time. Everyone prepares to attack Bullet but he claims it’s useless. Bullet absorbs even more, turning his colossus into an even larger creature that looks like a Godzilla monster. However, Law uses Shambles to bring everyone in one spot: they charge through with one mega attack (aside Buggy, he just stands there) which blows away the left side of the colossus. Bullet, despite having taken damage (seems that the fruit’s weakness is that any exoskeleton part of this that is harmed also harms Bullet’s body), claims it futile as he’ll just regenerate that part of the body by assembling more. However, in the distance Luffy has been charging up this whole time… this was to enter a new Gear Fourth form: King Man! It’s like Boundman, except his body is larger and his arms are way way larger than in normal Boundman form, several times the size of his body. I might’ve been wrong since he only says it once, but I do believe he did call it King Man and it seems to be centered around massive hard-hitting attacks. Luffy further increases the size of his right arm larger than it has ever been seen before, unleashing “Gomu Gomu no King King King Kong Gun” (wew), which blows away the rest of the colossus.

As Bullet’s exoskeleton armor (which was inside the colossus) falls down, Bullet claims he’s still safe within it. However, suddenly, plants sprout from inside the armor, breaking it apart. Usopp smirks, naming his attack and claiming it didn’t miss back then. As Bullet falls down, he still refuses to give up. He’s taken a lot of damage since his exoskeleton and colossus being harmed seems to damage him as well (he’s seen bleeding), but he’s still able to go, so Luffy confronts him head on with a barrage of attacks. Bullet enters full body haki mode and begins to pound Luffy, claiming he and he alone will become Pirate King. However, Luffy claims becoming Pirate King is not something one achieves alone. This moment reminds Bullet of Roger, showing a brief flashback where Roger easily beats Bullet (is this the first instance of direct Roger power level showcase? Because goddamn). Bullet claims he’ll surpass Roger and become the World’s Strongest man. Roger encourages Bullet to get up and try again but claims his strength comes form the people he wishes to protect.

Sanji and Robin are running towards the Sunny, but Sanji asks Robin to go ahead as he senses something.

Luffy charges two massive King Kong Guns and unleashes Gomu Gomu no King Kong Gatling on Bullet, as a remix of We Are plays. After a big barrage Bullet goes down for good and the borders of the island and his devil fruit effects are undone as he loses his senses. Luffy falls to the ground and Hancock helps him out, finding the treasure chest of Roger on the ground. He opens it to see the log pose, but Lucci and Crocodile approach him to snatch it from his hands. However, before they can manage to snatch it, Luffy smashes the eternal pose with his own hands. He claims that he doesn’t need it and that he’ll become Pirate King the proper way without cheating his way through. The two still try to attack Luffy but Zoro and Sanji stop Crocodile and Lucci respectively. Law says Luffy keeps overdoing it and transports the entire group next to the Sunny.

Festa is in disbelief that Bullet lost and doesn’t know what to do. Behind him pops up a flame of fire, as Sabo asks him to surrender in name of the Revolutionary Army. Festa tries to fight but Sabo Fire Fists him. Laying defeated, Festa claims the dangers of Luffy becoming Pirate King and how it might change the world. Sabo tells him “well come on, Luffy ain’t no devil”. Festa smirks at that remark and grins to himself.

The Straw Hats and the others attempt to leave the island, but the Buster Call approaches, leaving no room to escape. However, the ships of all the Supernovas gather, providing a “Pirate Call” to match the Buster Call, putting the Marines at a stalemate. Kizaru leaps from the ship to attack the ships, but a wall of fire stops him, opening a passage for the pirates to escape. Luffy looks back and Sabo smiles at him from the Revolutionary ship, with Ace’s ghost next to him and biding Luffy farewell. Luffy smiles and the Straw Hats depart forth and leave the island.

latest-126No Comment...

Credits roll as Gong by Wanima plays, but some scenes are shown in the background. Ann is rescued by the Revolutionary Army and joins Hatchan’s Takoyaki Stand (seems like she might’ve been the one to create Ace’s ghost, as it references the Tokyo Tower show). Moderato is captured by the Marines alongside a lot of other pirates. Rob Lucci reports back alongside Kaku, Stussy and the other unnamed CP0 members from Dressrosa and Wano. Minor updates for the rest of the cast.

Post-credits scene: flashback to Roger’s crew. Roger finds out one of his crewmates made an Eternal Pose for Laugh Tale in case they need to go back, but Roger claims it worthless and throws it away into the sea. However, it is swallowed by a sea king, eventually ending up in Delta Island in some form or another. Turns out Roger never left it there willingly. (this past scene was apparently sketched by Oda, as included in volume expo)

Another post-credits scene: the Straw Hats chilling on the Sunny. Some of them scold Luffy for getting rid of the log pose, but Usopp claims that the adventure wouldn’t be any fun if they already knew the answer to it (referencing the scene at Shakky’s bar). Luffy agrees and prepares for his next adventure. The movie ends with Luffy grinning and smiling as he heads towards Laugh Tale…

Screen Shot 2019-08-10 at 2.32.08Ready for Laugh Tale ? No,for Laugh Fail !


  • Straw Hats arrive at the expo, participate in the race
  • Law joins some of them to investigate the expo: finds out they’re summoning a buster call
  • The supernovas participate in the race, but Buggy wins and gets Roger’s chest. Inside is an unbelievable thing
  • Bullet appears and fights the Supernovas. While they keep their ground, Bullet ends up defeating them all
  • Bullet reveals the chest contains the One Piece… or rather, the key to it, being an eternal log pose to Raftel. But it’s revealed that the canon spelling is Laugh Tale!
  • Bullet awakens his fruit and creates a colossus by assembling all sorts of things. Goes on a crazy Stampede and destroys the Buster Call
  • Sakazuki orders a second Buster Call, Bullet keeps destroying everything
  • Festa wishes to use Bullet to obtain the One Piece and change the world
  • The seven fighters (+Crocodile, secret eight fighter!) fight Bullet
  • Luffy enters new Gear Fourth, King Man and uses it to defeat Bullet thanks to the help of the others
  • Sabo captures Festa. Interesting comment about Luffy being a “devil”
  • The pirates escape from Delta Island and movie concludes

So many insane revelations, even some big ones with canon implications! Particularly Laugh Tale, it fits so much with the will of the D. and those who smile even in death. Leave it to Oda to fuck with us with a romanization for 20+ years

Also, Bullet is an absolute monster. Bullet has:

  • Observation with Future Sight, Armament with Full Body and superior to most fighters and really strong Conqueror’s
  • Broken fruit that is even awakened
  • Insane endurance and toughness
  • Almost as fast as Kizaru in terms of speed
  • Bigger than Pica when awakened
  • Tanked a King Cobra, and even a King King King Kong Gun

Biggest spoilers:

  • Roger’s treasure is an eternal pose to the One Piece, with the island it’s on being revealed to be Laugh Tale, not Raftel
  • Buggy wins the Treasure Race. Buggy is also blonde. Buggy’s mom is revealed
  • Crocodile is the secret eighth fighter
  • Bullet is awakened and insanely strong, one of Roger’s strongest men
  • Luffy uses a new Gear Fourth form, like Boundman but it’s King Kong Gun based
  • Few other hints about Endgame

Other few details:

  • Jinbe actually appears, but only in flashback, as Luffy thinks of his crewmates, deeming him a Straw Hat, so at least that was acknowledged
  • There’s so many easter egg characters in the movie, both canon and non-canon. The number is nearly triple or quadruple of what we knew, it’s a treat for OP fans
  • Remember the guy who sold nami some sea chart paper in that random post-Alabasta filler? Remember Shuraiya Bascùd from the fourth movie? He’s here. Remember Condoriano and Jonathan from G-8? Oh yeah baby
  • I counted about a dozen Pandaman, not sure if I missed any


  • Nous remarquons donc qu'il s'agit d'un grand melting pot de tout ce qui a déjà été vu jusqu'à présent dans le manga en terme de désirs de lecteurs (fan service +++),avec encore plein de mecs,mais très peu de scènes,ou alors ils sont ridicules.  Easter eggs,clins d'oeils,reprises de scènes et situations déjà vues...
  • La surenchère est plus que jamais présente,Kikoulol-man G4th hyper mega destructoid en approche !
  • Bref,hormis l'histoire détaillée Bullet qui est sympa,et le nom officiel de l'île finale,Laugh Tell (très symbolique,comme Pangea ou Marie-Joie,Rêverie...),c'est surtout la fête de l'animation hypante pour fan non difficile  contenter,aucun spoil garanti pour la suite de l'oeuvre,rien de réellement inédit,Oda a serré les boulons. Juste un petit baroud d'honneur,une occasion de se réunir pour célébrer One Piece.


Autre chose,le film sortira "très bientôt" en France ! Dans les autres pays,cela s'étend de début septembre à début octobre au niveau des dates de sortie. J'espère trouver cela plus vite,mais je n'y crois pas trop. Pourtant il me semblait avoir eu droit à une avant-première très en avance sur le Film GOLD lorsque j'étais allé le voir en cinéma. Puis j'y suis retourné plus tardivement lors d'un sortie "officielle" avec un ami.

Modifié par The Dancing Bear
  • Thanks 1
  • Haha 1
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