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Couvertures tomes One Piece (tome 104)


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Moi, je suis explosé de rire rien qu'avec la pose d'Iva. :D

La grosse tête qui prend quasiment toute la couverture et sa pose de Superman avec ses petits poings, là j'adhère carrément.

Vraiment excellent ! :D

Et on revoit notre cher Croco et Jinbei et en arrière plan, Mr.1 et Inazuma.

C'est pas pour me déplaire de les voir, eux. :P

En plus, Inazuma a une coiffure très originale, surtout en blond/doré. :D

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Pas mal du tout ^^ J'adore cette couverture, comme promis nous avons Ivankov + Jimbei + Croco-boy. Donc Oda nous a montrer l'intégralité des personnages clés d'impel down a travers les couvertures des tomes 54, 55 et 56 ^^


Celle la est la meilleure des 3 je trouve. Mais j'imagine déja les 2 prochaines couvertures:

( T57: Les marines sengoku, aokiji, kizaru et aka-inu + garp, etc....) et ( T58 avec les pirates de Barbe blanche )

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On a connu mieux mais elle est pas mal.

Je me demande juste pourquoi c'est Inazuma qui est au centre de l'image et en gros.

Sinon, on retrouve les principaux protagonistes de l'arc Impel Down, donc très cohérent de ce coté là.


Non j'aime bien, moins remplis que certaines, mais les couleurs sont assez sympa, tout comme l'agencement.



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Celle la est la meilleure des 3 je trouve. Mais j'imagine déja les 2 prochaines couvertures:

( T57: Les marines sengoku, aokiji, kizaru et aka-inu + garp, etc....) et ( T58 avec les pirates de Barbe blanche )

Oui c'est clair celle du 57 et 58 auront une classe folle  :)


Pour le 56 les couleurs de Luffy sont horrible  :o

Jimbei et Croco la grande classe  8)

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ça va pas trop mal.

Jimbei et Croco, c'est vrai qu'ils ont la classe

Luffy en le regardant bien, c'est la même, il est terrible dans cette position et ces habits sont pas si mal.

Nan ce qui gène c'est l'autre là, il prend toute la place (maintenant ça rentre complètement dans le contexte :S)


Bref sympathique et merci pour la version MQ

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J'adore Iva xD

Il/Elle me fait toujours délirer ce perso xD et puis cette pose xD

Les deux shishi bien classes, ciseau-man et spur-man et enfin....Luffy dans un costume jaune (il va vraiment passer par toutes les couleurs xD)


En tout cas, j'aime beaucoup la symétrie de la page avec deux hommes aux pouvoirs métalliques symétriques, deux shishi symétriques (en plus avec Jimbei qui peut contrôler l'eau et qui est donc l'antagoniste de Croco xD) et au milieu.....Bah pas grand chose de symétriques T.T

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Extra la couv' ! Au début j'ai eu du mal à m'y faire mais le graph' de One Piece est vraiment génial ^^ ça va bien avec l'univers... Et puis cette tête géante en plein milieu de la couv' c'est vraiment trippant ^^

Crocoboy a une de ces classes ! On sent qu'il va être imporant dans la couv' c'est bien ^^

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J'aime beaucoup cette couverture  ;) .Je trouve vraiment que Jimbei a la classe comme ça.Crocodile est pas mal aussi dans cette posture...

Mais le seul problème c'est luffy ,vraiment il est trop petit je trouve mais bon encore une fois la couverture est génial  :D.


PS =Je comprend pas comment cela se fait que c'est Inazuma qui est au centre dommage...

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Couvs intérieures (merci Greg @AP) :






+ SBS (merci Shayera @Livejournal) :


Page 1 :



R (Reader): Let's begin SBS... NOT!

(Pen Name: Sun)


O (Oda): So it's not beginning? You got me there!


R: Oda-sensei! EMPORIO "WOMAN" HORMONE! Now - begin SBS~!

(Pen Name: One of the Newkama)


O: SBS~♥ Starts now~~! Hee. ♥


R: Which squad of the Whitebeard Pirates is this guy commander of?

(Pen Name: Tarou)


O: This guys isn't in any of Whitebeard's squads, and of course he's not the commander of one? Tarou-kun. He's not in the Whitebeard Pirates at all? Tarou-kun.


R: Does the miracle worker of the okama world, Emporio Ivankov-san, have real eyelashes? Or fake eyelashes? He can even do Death Wink, so is he using triple mascara? (by the way, even if I use double mascara on fake eyelashes, I still don't have enough power in my eyes ^^;)

(Pen Name: I love Odacchi ♥)


O: It's real eyelashes. I've gotten a lot of letters asking if Death Wink is a kind of haki, but it's a blast that is created by winking.


R: Odacchi, help~! ^^; All of us who are going to take entrance exams but can't concentrate on studying - please tell us off! Seriously. A word to all of us taking entrance exams. Even though this isn't a question.

(Pen Name: Pote-chin)


O: Read manga! Watch the movie (Strong World)! And study for all you're worth! You can have the cake and eat it, too!


Page 2 :



R: I want to go to Disneyland! `_´

(Pen Name: Odacchi please take me there~ ♥)


O: Alright! Let's go for the rides! Blue Mountain! (<-That was coffee)


R: Hello, Oda-sensei! Speaking of nothing, I discovered something, not about Inudesu ['I'm a dog'] or Umadesu ['I'm a horse'], but about Sarudesu ['I'm a monkey']! If you look closely at Sarudesu's spear in the scene where he first appears in volume 54, there's something that looks like black holes or something at regular intervals, right?

Keep reading from there, and in the panel under the panel that explains Mr 2's ability, there's a scene where Sarudesu is holding his spear, but somehow it seems he's holding it to his mouth! In other words, is Sarudesu's spear a flute, and does he use its sound to control the blugoris?

(Pen Name: Morning Musume at full cuteness)


O: That's right. Well done noticing. If I write the battle scenes too detailed, the story will come to a stop, and that's no fun, so stuff like that easily gets showed away to the corners of the panels in this series. But that's right, Sarudesu's spear becomes a flute that controls the blugoris!


R: I have a question for Odacchi. Why do the residents of Newkama Land wear net stockings? And, do you like net stockings? Please tell me.

(Pen Name: Mosako)


O: Well, it doesn't matter if I like them or not, but I'm the kind of person who wear nothing but net stockings and fur coats while drawing comics. As for why the people in Kama Land wears net stockings, it's because they're there. It's just like how mountain climbers climbs mountains just because they're there.


Page 3 :



R: Does Nyon-baa also have a butt-butt chin?

(Pen Name: Gon-chan)


O: You're right - that's true! She's got a butt-butt chin just like Franky! I wonder if she can shoot a "Kuu Do Van"?


R: Oda-sensei. On the cover of volume 54, you say that people can basically live to be 140, but is Kureha alright?

(Pen Name: O-baka-san)


O: Ah, right. Now that you mention it, she's 139, isn't she? Well, if we say that the limit for a normal person is 140 years, she's still superhuman, in the sense that she goes beyond other people. So she'll be fine. Also, old people who will die in a year do not walk around in the snow with bare midriffs.


R: I just realized this, but even though you always listen to all sorts of wishes from your readers, you never publicity ask for a new character design, or ask us to think up a new Devil Fruit that will appear in the series? If I could make one... Hmm... A "Diarrhea Fruit" (gerigeri no mi) or a "Stomach Growl Fruit" (buriburi no mi)? A Stomach Growl Fruit eater whose stomach works perfectly, wouldn't that be cool?

(Pen Name: Scorpius girl)


O: Not cool at all! That's just a normal healthy person!! ...right, I don't ask for suggestions. And I won't. I don't need them. This might sound a bit cold, but I don't want other people's ideas... The editors and people at Jump sometimes change, but every time there is a new one, the first thing I tell them is to not give me suggestions. I want to have the confidence to say that I thought up all the people and the entire story by myself! If I rely on people once, I might keep doing it, and if it's a failure, I'll blame it on them. But if I succeed, it's because of my own ability, and if I fail, it's my own fault. I like that. Although I might want ideas on things that has nothing to do with the main story... Like the covers with Strawhats and animals. I'd love to get ideas for those. If you write "I'd like to see this animal and this person do something" on a scrap of paper for me, I'd love to draw that!


Page 4 :



R: Nice to meet you. I was thinking while looking at Iva-chan that I'd like to see genderswapped versions of the Strawhats. You don't think you could draw them seriously for me? Please do it seriously.

(Pen Name: TOMO. M)


O: Sure. They become different.


Luffy: I'll eat salad and become the Pirate King!


Zoro: Three swords? I can't, that'd break my teeth.


Nami: I'm asking you - who is the navigator aboard this ship?


Usopp: I think I'll die if I go to that island.


Sanji: I only do sweets.


Chopper: Doctooor! Oh, that's me!


Robin: That's awful.


Franky: Am I super this week?


Brook: ?


[note: Except for Luffy (partly), Zoro and Sanji, they all say their own catchphrases, but modified to be extremely feminine/masculine.


I'm not sure what to make of Odacchi apparently saying that eating meat is too manly. o_O And they wouldn't get too far with a cook who only made sweets! As for Zoro, I guess it could be read as a woman wouldn't be stupid enough to fight with a sword in her mouth (because OW), but... Zoro can, so why not?


Actually, I don't think Odacchi did it all that seriously after all. ^.^]


Page 5 :



R: The thing that got to me this time was when, in in the 4th panel on page 5 of chapter 526, Luffy emerges after getting into Impel Down... but no matter how I look at it, it seems that doesn't come out of Hancock's cape, but from her skirt! What's the truth? It's getting to me so much that on the geography test, I wrote "Laboon" instead of "Lagoon"! What are you going to do about that?

(Pen Name: The Sacred Ground inside the Skirt)


O: I can't take responsibility for the test, but of course Luffy wasn't hiding in the cape, but in the skirt... or more directly, in that china dress. If he didn't, the cape would just bulge over him, and he'd be discovered immediately? He was clinging directly to Hancock under her clothes - hey hey! Stop imagining weird things like that! Oh dear. The two of them were serious! If they were discovered, they'd be killed...! Ah, a nosebleed.


R: If a tanuki and a reindeer got married, would their child be Chopper?

(Pen Name: Sugacchi)


O: Yes, it would. Definitely. Oh, the nosebleed? That's, well, I fell over. Yes, I fell.


R: Oda-raoshii [note: That looks like a Chinese word for "sensei"? - it's kanji for "old master", but a non-Japanese pronunciation]. I'm sure you're going to say "There was a guard room nearby where the prisoners' private clothes were being stored, and he went there and got his clothes and cigars back. Well done, Crocodile! He's so sensitive about appearances." ...or some reply like that, but I'm still going to ask. When he was freed in chapter 540, Crocodile was wearing a prisoner's uniform, so why is he wearing his own clothes and smoking a cigar the next time he shows up?

(Pen Name: Aohige)


O: You almost know already!! But I'm still going to answer. The prisoners' personal belongings are put in some place for storage, and since the people of Kama Land steal from there, they have a lot of different clothes. Cigars and other stuff, too. I skipped drawing it, but Luffy and the others did go back to Kama Land briefly, so he got it from someone there. Well done, Crocodile! He's so sensitive about appearances.


Page 6 :



R: Is there something inside Hannyabal's chin? DREAMS?

(Pen Name: Sappiina)


O: Yup. That's right. Ambitions called dreams.


R: Nice to meet you Oda-sensei, I have a question. If One Piece was set in the real world, which countries would the nine Strawhats come from?



O: Well. I'll just put what fits with the character's image.


Luffy: Brazil

Zoro: Japan

Nami: Sweden

Usopp: Africa

Sanji: France

Chopper: Canada

Robin: Russia

Franky: USA

Brook: Austria


R: The sound effect of Iva-chan's Death Wink is "[ba]choon"!!! "[ba]choon"!!! Odacchi! Teach me how to pronounce it!?

(Pen Name: Strawhat Mafui)


O: You have good eyes! You're right! It's not just a "バ"! It has three dots. A regular "ba" just won't capture the destructive sound of that wink, so I made it up. In the beginning, the staff didn't notice, so they'd erase one of the dots, but I complained. It's "[ba]choon". It's easy to pronounce. Just pronounce "ba" with enough force to spit at least three grains of saliva. So! All together now! [ba]choon"!! [ba]choon"!! Mmm!


And that's why SBS ends here! This time we're taking a break from seiyuu SBSs, but instead we offer a huge movie feature! SBS will be back next volume!


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  • 5 weeks later...

Ouai c'est la classe de voir les mugi inversé leurs sexes. Ca me fait pensé à Iva qui aurait changé leurs hormones. Mais c'est moi ou je trouve que robin version homme resemble à Ener  ???. Le même regard, la même expression du visage et les cheveux descendants comme les lobes de Ener. C'est étrange mais je trouve que zoro est très réussi en mode Femme. Toujours la même classe notre sabreur (ou sabreuse dans ce cas).

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  • 1 month later...

La couverture du Tome 57 est sortie !!! C'est bizarre que ce soit si tôt mais bon avec un tirage record de 3 miilions de livres édités ...

Voici le lien :




Elle est sublime !!! Barbe Blanche en gros et tous les pirates en bas, trop l'effet de style !!! Et bien sûr, Luffy qui court !!! Le titre est donc Bataille Décisive au Sommet

Reste plus qu'à savoir le nombre de chapitres.

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Elle ravage tout mon Dieu ! J'accroche direct.

Elle est impressionnante cette couverture et très bien dessinée.

Les couleurs, elles claquent. ;D

BB en gros plan avec les pirates en dessous, ça risque d'être encore plus beau en plus grand et entre mes mains.

Merci beaucoup pour l'image. :P

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  • Mµû changed the title to Couvertures tomes One Piece (tome 104)

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