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Couvertures tomes One Piece (tome 104)


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Total fan !!!

J'adore la posture de Baggy, Bon Clay et Mr 3 xD.

Ensuite, intégrer Ace dans la couv' comme ça, c'est une très bonne idée et le rendu est vraiment sympatoche, pour Luffy, Oda aurait pu lui trouver une posture un peu plus classe, mais ça passe assez bien.

Et les animaux derrière ne me choquent pas, l'ensemble rend vraiment bien !


J'adore x)

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Ah... Vraiment top celle-ci, j'adhère complétement là.

Mr.3, Bon Clay et Baggy avec leur posture, me font bien marrer. Par contre, de là, la façon dont est dessinée Luffy est un peu bizarre. Peut-être juste une impression car la qualité n'est pas tip-top. Le font est bien recherché. En tout cas, tout me plait ici !

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Oh je ne m'attendais pas à voir la couverture du tome 55. Je préfère celle du 54 mais elle est quand même jolie. 

Le regard de Ace en fond j'adore, avec autour un cadre qui ressemble à du papier brûlé enfin je pense qu'on peut me comprendre. Des contours brûlés xD Je sais pas comment appeler ça, mais ça rappelle la Vivre card que Luffy possède.

C'est cool de pouvoir voir Luffy, Buggy, Bon Clay et Mr 3 sur une même couverture. Par contre les Gardiens démoniaques  9_9 voilà quoi.

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Et bien , dîtes-moi ! Ca reste acceptable et même très bien.

C'est vrai que mettre LES personnages qui ont foutu le plus le bordel en premier plan était sympa de la part d'Oda.

Il a quand même assuré et les yeux d'Ace sont vraiment  :-*.

Donc ça reste très bien de la part de notre Dieu. Il faudra voir avec la HQ.


PS : Les Monstres derrière ne m'ont pas choqués, ils me font même rire, surtout leur couleur....... :D

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Wow pas mal la couv'  :D


Un peu flashi mais bon on commence à s'habituer avec Oda.

Les yeux de Ace attire toute mon attention, le regard qui tue :P

Luffy entre les yeux de Ace, tout est parfaitement positionné avec les monstres en arrière plan.


J'ai hâte de voir la couv' du tome de la bataille à MarinFord avec BB en devant sûrement.

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J'aime bien le regard d'Ace en arrière plan.

Le reste de la couverture parle clairement c'est l'arc ID donc on voit les prisonniers qui aident Luffy plus ou moins important comme Buggy Bon Clay et Mr 3. Les gardes eux sont justes la pour montrer qui sont les adversaires même s'ils ne sont pas au niveau des héros.

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La couv en meilleure qualité (cliquez sur les images pour agrandir):




+ les SBS (avec trad US) :




(R = Reader, O = Oda)


Boa pic by pen name "Otaku who couldn't go on a school trip because of the New Type Flu"

O: Welcome, welcome, welcome! This is SBS, and we've become a meeting plac-- *bada-bing!*


R: Hello, Odacchi! I wanted to send a letter, so I sent a letter.

O: Yes. Thanks a lot. Let's move on.



R: Captain T-Bone is in page 42 of volume 54, in panel 6 - but how did he survive after the fight with Zoro?

O: Ah! You're right. He's definitely there. That's captain T-Bone, who should have been unmistakeably defeated in the Water Seven arc. As to how he survived, well, it just happened. It just happened in a manly way.


R: Don! I've gotta question! On page 110 of volume 52, when Capone's opening the gates in his stomach, isn't the "wandabadabadaba"-melody the same melody they played in the scenes when the members of "Ultraman" sallied from their machine?

O: Oh, is it? So that's what it was, huh. Yes. This is something we've received postcards about from various people, so if that's what everyone's saying, it's probably true. That is to say, when I was drawing I could clearly hear a melody in my head, and it was some kind of background music I'd heard as a kid, but - what exactly is it, I wondered as I drew. (Laugh) Incidentally, that melody is also used in volume 33 when the Groggy Monsters make their entrance.




Oda-sensei, I recently saw this on the news: "Power generated by cola! Bio-battery!"! When I saw that news, I naturally thought of Franky-aniki and Sunny-go! If they're making your ideas reality, so the next thing that will be realized is... what? According to you, what do you think will become real?

O: Hahaa. Oh, really...? With cola... they make batteries... Ah! Um, um, um, um, o-o-of course, I k-k-knew about it. Right, so, next maybe the Sea Train will become reality. Yep. When it's done, I want to go for a ride~.


R: Have the CP9 ever sprained their fingers when they've failed at the shigan? I HAVE.

O: What are you doing!?? Don't do that! It did happen to the CP9 back when they were in training, though. But please everyone, don't imitate them. Because if you do, the PTA will get mad at me!


R: Nice to meet you. Everyone in my family's into One Piece. Right, here's the real question. Luffy was sent flying to the Island of Women in volume 53. Even though it's the Island of Women, this → was there on page 101, panel 3; page 140 panel 2; page 153 panel 1 etc. Who is this guy who looks like Pandaman?

O: So you found it, huh... It's not Pandaman! Of course it isn't, since the Island of Women is forbidden to men. The answer is... it's Pandawoman-mi! [-mi is a common kanji in girl names. -N] It's said that Pandaman loves her. But it isn't known whether the feelings are mutual or not.




R: Greetings. Very pleased to meet you! We are the Panda Pirates from China. By the way, China has the largest crew~! People from all over the world have gathered in pirate crews through the internet, and counting the registered users, we are about 40,000 people! (What's that?! Since it's China, you're not surprised? Well, well...)

(Question) The buildings and landscape of the Island of Women feels a little Chinese in their character. Did you make it that way on purpose?

O: Yes, yes. The model for Amazon Lily is China. There are lots of movies and stories about Amazons, but I thought there were very few with an elegant setting. I wanted to make them a country of women with have an high cultural standard. Speaking of which, Chinese women are HOT! I love China dresses! Says Sanji.

By the way, the representatives of the internet group called the "Panda Pirates" who sent me this letter also sent me a a THICK envelope filled with messages from the members. There was a list of names, too, and there were One Piece fans from all over the world gathered together... Mmm, it made me really happy~! Please keep up your easy-going support!


R: Oda-sensei, Chopper is cute, so I want him as my pet! Huh? No way? Then - PLEASE MAKE ME NAMI'S PET.

O: Hey, what are you saying, you!! Ah! Excuse me, officer, you came at the right time. It's about this little pervert. Yes. He's causing trouble. Wee-oo-wee-oo... ah! No, I'm not - it's not me, really!!


R: Odacchi! ♥ Won't you come over tomorrow~?

O: Oh, alright - wait, WHERE?




R: Odacchi! DON'T WORRY.

O: Okay, thank you. I think even I can go and live a strong life.


R: What's the mark used by Magellan and the others in Impel Down? Is it "strength"? What's this ← thing?

O: Oh, I got this question from Toei Animation too. If you look carefully at the mark on the armbands and collars of the soldiers, you'll notice that the insignia is slightly different, right? There are two different marks, but really, they share the same base. Both marks symbolize the "I" and "D" of Impel Down. They overlap like this:


And so you get this mark, and if you cut it differently you get this mark. It doesn't really matter, though.


R: Hello, Oda-sensei! I've been thinking about this for three days and three nights without sleeping, but - looking at your name, shouldn't your birthday would be the sixth of January? [Number-pronunciation logic: Ei-ichi-rou, where "ichi" is "one", and "ro" is the first syllable of "six".]

O: Yeah, that works. [Yes, this is a continuation of the long-running tradition of readers suggesting birthdays for characters based on their names. ...and, no, Odacchi's birthday isn't January 6. It's January 1, and how sad is it that I know that without looking it up, even though I can never remember more than a handful of friends' birthdays?! ...incidentally, that's also Ace's birthday. And I will shut up now, before all my friends disown me for forgetting their birthdays when I remember stuff like this. xD -N ]


R: "In Whereupon We Ask Odacchi A Question". [The letter writer is sounding like Sweetpea, so this is my approximation of how Sweetpea would sound like in English. It goes on through the letter. -N] Inside Sunny-go, there's a splendid bookshelf, isn't there? And in that bookshelf are "everyone except Luffy's books"! But! There's one person in the crew that I simply cannot imagine reading. And that is... Zoro. What sort of books could he possibly be reading? Please tell me!

O: It certainly does seem like books don't suit Zoro very well. But rather than reading books, you could say that he views them. Diagrams from books on martial arts, illustrations of weapons, collections of high-level bounties and so on. He looks at them.




R: Odacchi! Congratulations! They're doing another One Piece movie. But this time, it's your script, right? I'm really looking forward to it!! ...and, when I was watching the movie trailer on my computer I heard the word "Kinjishi" come up - but isn't that the flying pirate who broke out of jail 20 years ago that Sengoku mentioned in chapter 530!? There has to be some connection, right!?

O: Yes. "Kinjishi". Actually, I really wanted to have his name come up in the scene where Shirohige talks to Shanks in volume 45. But I thought at the draft level that I was handing out too much information and confusing the readers, so I took it away - but in my mind, I have determined that he is one of the legendary pirates who played a big part during Roger's time. Though I didn't think I'd make a movie about him. In any case, "Kinjishi" escaped from Impel Down, and now that 20 years have passed, he's finally starting to make a move, and that's what the movie is about. There's an announcement on page 192.


R: Would you like to be whipped by Sadi-chan together with me? O: What are you saying!!!? You bastard, are you back? A 21-year-old from Aichi! Excuse me, officer, this kid is a pervert. Nono, not me!! Eh? Why aren't you wearing panties? >_<


R: When Oars fell down and the bridge was destroyed in volume 48, Franky repaired the bridge, but where does Franky keep his hammer (and stuff)? Please ask Franky!

O: In your speedos, right?

Franky: Yup.


+ les résultats du concours de popularité publié dans le SJ n°49 de 2008 (correspond au chapitre 513, soit le dernier chap de l'arc Shabondy). Total des votants : 42,116 (on les avait déjà mais bon...  :P) :


cc515247827160.gif 45c3a647827164.gif a573ad47827168.gif


Merci à naye@livejournal pour toutes ces infos et images.



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Dites, dans le classement de popularité, c'est qui le 31ème? Même les shichibukais et les supernova sont derrière, pourtant j'ai jamais vu ce personnage xD


Sinon, je trouve que la couverture est pas mal, mais pour ce qu'on a vu des 4 gardiens, je pense qu'ils méritaient d'être mis en avant sur la couverture, on les a vus que pendant 3 chapitres.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oui la couverture du tome 55 est tout simplement magnifique, j'ai bien aimé aussi le classement, j'ai toujours pensé que Zoro était le numéro des fans, mais faut croire que c'est cet idiot de capitaine xD. Enfin faut dire que Luffy est trop stylé dans les derniers chapitres, et il sait être classe à certains moment!! ^^

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Je trouve que cette couverture est juste superbe ^^

ça rentranscrit bien Impel Down je trouve et montre vraiment ce qu'il faut savoir : les 4 prisonniers principaux, les gardes et bien sûr l'objectif : Ace.

La couverture que j'attend le plus c'est celle où l'on verra peut être BB, Shanks et les deux autres emepereurs réunis, ce sera juste splendide ^^. Enfin, je me contenterai pendant la guerre des amiraux + BB + Luffy xD

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Très belle couverture, j'aime beaucoup le regard de Ace en arrière plan aussi, je suis vraiment pressé d'avoir le tome entre les mains!! ^^ pour le classement des personnages je suis vraiment surpris de la position de certains... Law n'a pas mis longtemps avant de rentrer dans les personnages préférés des fans lol.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Couverture Tome 56




Je l'aime beaucoup celle-ci. Mr1 et Inazuma ont trop la classe dessus.


Il semble aussi que pour une 1ère edition du Tome, il est annoncé un tirage de 2 850 000 (nouveau record dans le monde du manga)

Le précedent record était detenue par le Tome 55 de One piece avec 2 630 000 tirages



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  • Mµû changed the title to Couvertures tomes One Piece (tome 104)

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