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Couvertures tomes One Piece (tome 104)


Messages recommandés

Premiers SBS :


Q: Among the ONE PIECE characters, why is the mortality of the mother characters so high?


A: Because the antonym of 'adventure' is 'mother'


Q. About Senor Pink's son, his name's origin from a cocktail?


That's right. It's derived from a hard-boiled novel(?). By the way, Russian is also named after alcohol.


Q. There's a boy named Dorry who's under Pirate Barrels. Is he X-Drake?


A. When his father Barrels was a navy commissioned officer, Drake admired his excellent father and dreamed to be a marine. However, something happened? His father became a pirate and even used violence on his son. He became a horrible man.


He believed in his father and Drake accompanied him. At the time, he was 19 years old. But he was frightened by his father moreso than when he was younger, I suppose. And so, Drake was protected by the navy as a marine. However, through somekind of fate, and even though Drake also became a rear admiral, he escaped from it and became a pirate....What happened!? I'm worried about his conduct from then onwards!!


Q: Robin, and Nami's busts are huge. Is that to Oda-san's tastes?


A:I've said it often, but I draw the dreams of young boys


On a aussi un SBS qui dit que Crocodile apparait dans un journal que lisait Corazon.




Bref l'info la plus intéressante c'est que Oda est ultra évasif sur Drake, ça sent qu'on aura droit à un FB en bon et dût forme comme celui de Law pour lui  8)

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La présence de Sir Crocodile avait déjà été relevée sur cette case. Ce qui serait sympa,ce serait de savoir surtout le motif de sa présence !

Entre sa confrontation avec BB et sa relation avec Ivankov,l'homme sable possède encore quelques secrets peut-être bien sympathiques.


Le passé des Supernovas sera forcément exploité pour moi,ils sont des personnages clés de l'avenir du manga,même ceux que l'on peut trouver plus fades.

Ils auront tous droit à des FB sympas,d'autant plus que des persos moins importants y ont droit...

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Q: In volume 76, chapter 762 "In the white town", when Law is sticking Cora-san, you can see Crocodile in an article of the newspaper hold by Cora-san. What kind of article is this?

A: It's an article from the time where Crocodile was 30 years old. He was young, and after he became one of the Shichibukai, and even when he got a severe drubbing from Whitebeard, he put his eyes on the Alabasta Kingdom, where he hunted pirates as a Shichibukai. This article informs about his heroic activities as such.


Q: Can Buggy get through the birdcage?

A: Yes, he can.

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Premiers SBS :


Q: Among the ONE PIECE characters, why is the mortality of the mother characters so high?


A: Because the antonym of 'adventure' is 'mother'



Ouh... Carrément  :o

C'est radical comme vision des choses  :o.

Mais bon, c'est son point de vue.

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Ouh... Carrément  :o

C'est radical comme vision des choses  :o.

Mais bon, c'est son point de vue.


En fait c'est pas vraiment radical a ce point ^^ C'est juste qu'apparement les kanjis pour les deux mots sont les opposés...


Sinon voici l'integralité regroupée des SBS


Page (1)


Reader: Oddachi... Today, when I tidied up my room, I found a note that was left by Cora-san earlier. In the moment I saw it, I had to remember Cora-san...Damn...(tears). I'd like Oddachi to take a look on it, so I sent it to you.

By Miracle


Oda: Uwaaaaah...(cries). Cora-saaaaaan!! Don't we start...the SBS now!!


Reader: Every time when I drink something carbonated at one go, I'm damaging my stomach. What shall I do?

By dog lover


Oda: I think you shouldn't drink at one go, that shall do.


Reader: I'd like to create a parent for Pandaman ~ what i wanted to say, I did create one for him. Please comment!!!

By Kanahasa–


Oda: I'm really curious that the body of Pandaman's father is obviously muscular. Thank you for the postcard (^^). I'm rejecting.



Page (2)


Reader: It may come suddenly, but I have a question. Among the characters in One Piece, there are, oddly enough, many mothers that are unknown, or that have already died. Why?

By Kon'iro (dark blue)


Oda: Indeed. Well, the answer is simple. The antonym of 'adventure' is 'mother'.

*Please don't write this answer in a test.


Reader: I have a question. In chapter 755, there appeared a boy called Gimlet, it's the name of the Gimlet cocktail, right!! Oda-sensei, are you maybe a fan of Raymond Chandler, too? Or maybe, are you just loving alcohol? (laughs).

By Law's second assistant


Oda: Yes. It's this Gimlet. But it's too hard to explain, so what shall I do? It might just fun, with some wise words in it, but knowing people know the hardboiled novel called “A long farewell“. In this novel, there is this famous line “It's too soon for Gimlet“. Yes, to put it in other words, fitting with the hardboiled I'm drawing, I thought I should choose a name that you can associate with it. Only people with interest should look for it. Further, I'm a boy from Kyūshū, and as an author I love the hardboiled, yet I'm used to drink alcohol.


Reader: I noticed that Robin has big breasts. If you look closer, you know Nami's are big as well. Why do both of them have big breasts? And does Oda-san like it? This is a question of two 10 years old.

By Sakucchan & Yuzuchan


Oda: I say it often, I'm drawing the dreams of boys. People all over the world, get large breasts!



Page (3)


Reader: Hello, how are you doing? I'm fine. I have a question about the One Piece I love so much. I'm confused because of the floral and plain designs. I love floral designs, but grown-up women can wear plain designs as well, I'm fine with both, I guess. What do you think, Oda-san, which one is fine?

By the unsurpassable Haruharu-sama


Oda: Yes, in my case I'm wearing a one-piece with floral design and frill when going out. It's always someone from the police box that notices me, and I'm somehow suspected by Amawari-san, but I'm fine with it! A one-piece is great, right!


Reader: I have a question for you, Odacchi. In volume 76 chapter 762 “In the white town“, when Law is sticking Cora-san, I found Crocodile in an article of the newspaper hold by Cora-san. What was this article about?

By Yamamoto # Sugiyama # Hori


Oda: Yes, good eyes you have there~~. Indeed, if you look closer, it's Crocodile. It's the time 16 years ago, when Law was 10, and Doflamingo 25 years old. Crocodile was 30 at that time. When he was young, he made a name of himself with irresistable violence, just like Luffy and the others are doing now, but he became a Shichibukai fairly soon, when he was in the first half of his twenties. Afterwards, he put up a fight against Whitebeard, but suffered a defeat. For the time being, he became strange in his behaviour, and his ambition was to go to the Alabasta Kingdom, where he was seen to be the hero, a Shichibukai who hunted pirates. This

made him to be printed in several newspapers. So the answer: it was an article about a hero.



Page (4)


Reader: What are those sting-like things on Pica's shoulders?

By number 73


Oda: While maturing, if you put a water melon in a rectangular box, you can make a rectangular water melon. With Pica...because he used so formed shoulder pads throughout his maturing period, his shoulders became like this!!


Reader: Oda-sensee!! When it comes to the “bird cage“, Buggy can get through it, right!!!

By an assuming man


Oda: Ye~s, He can get through easily. Even when his nakama are inside the bird cage, Buggy will escape alone. It's a good picture, isn't it? →


Reader: When Luffy and Doflamingo are fighting, I want Luffy to win this fight.

By Taichi-kun, Iwate prefecture


Oda: I think so, too!! Let's cheer on him!


Reader: Please tell me an easy way to draw Zoro!

By Kanahasa–


Oda: - Jagged grass grew on him.

- Two “ヘ“ into the big sea (his head).

- Put one drop of soy sauce cross-shaped onto the Gyōza, itadakimasu!

- He has three swords, use these three swords as lines

- Right and left all around more jagged, it's our lost child Zoro! Later, his hair grew more.

(Zoro says “Who's a lost child here?“)



Page (5)


Reader: Is Buffalo doing his extraordinary hairstyle everyday all by himself?

By number 73



Oda: It's frizzy hair.


Reader: The boy called Dorry who was with the pirate Barrels, is actually the captain of the Drake pirates, X Drake, right!? The name Diez, and the maxilla wound , they come from the North Blue, as I noticed. So Barrels is Drake's father?


Oda: Yes, that's right!! As you noticed correctly, Drake put new life into the world, as one of the young pirates of the “worst generation“ along with Luffy and the others. His father Barrels is a former marine officer, and Drake, who was admitting and respecting his father, had the dream to become a marine himself. But something happened, and his father became a cruel pirate who even used violence against his own son. Drake believed in the father he was before, and followed him. At that time, 13 ½ years before today, he was 19 years old. He was tall for a boy, but he looked very young as he was weak and feared his father. Then, he had a fateful meeting with Law, and was protected by the marine, and finally become one himself. Yet he dropped his career when he already was a rear-admiral, and became a pirate!! What happened!? What do you think!? Hey, you!! ––Nah~~. I'm curious which steps X Drake will take from now on!!




Page (6)


Oda: Now, everybody. Back in the previous volumes, I presented Horikoshi-kun, who created “Boku no hero academia“, in the Usopp Gallery Pirates' section. Later he became a professional.

This time we've got the information that Mori Nozomu-san, who got a big prize at the time of volume 74, made his debut! But the information is not from Shueisha or Jump. According to a magazine called “Gekkan afternoon“ (*gekkan means monthly publication), he debuted this year under the name Himuro Keidai! Congratulations! From now on, I hope he will be successful in releasing a series, and raise to be a great name, in this sea of the manga world. Give your best (^^)!! This time it's printed in the current U-G Pirates' section as well.


Reader: Hello!! Before I learnt from a TV program that the real marine's meal every Friday has to be curry, therefore they cannot forget their impression for the days. Is it the same with the marine in the One Piece world? In that case, how about Rika's curry?

By Kagamin


Oda: It's marine curry. It's a famous story, so it's the same with the One Piece marine. Periodically, there's also the duty to bring order into the soldiers' diet, so marine organisms are part of the food. You can hear about seafood curry, too. In the branch where Rika is, you can order “Rika's sweet curry“, I heard it's very popular.


Good, the SBS ends here! See you in the next volume~~~~!!




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Aaaah ça fait du bien ces petites histoires dur X Drake et Sir Crocodile...ce dernier a été nommé Corsaire très tôt !! Près de dix ans avant Dofla...D'ailleurs pourquoi a-til affronté BB une fois qu'il est devenu Schichibukaï ?

Il nous reste à connaître son passé avec Ivankov...en tout cas l'ancienne génération a apparemment bien foutu le bordel aussi !

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  • 2 months later...

Quelle couverture énorme. 8)


Doflamingo ultra classe qui surplombe toute la couverture, Luffy en mode Gear 4, et Issho face à Sakazuki, que demander des plus ?


Ces quatre personnages sont quand même très bien agencés et ont tous un charisme monstre sur l'image.


On se fout un peu des autres personnages mais ils jouent bien leur rôle de remplisseur de l'image.

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Ahlala, Oda et sa manie de vouloir absolument remplir toutes ses couvertures au maximum...


Cette couverture est superbe mais aurait été encore plus parfaite sans les intrus tels que les nains ou Gatz en bas.

Surtout pour ce qui sera surement la dernière couverture où Doflamingo apparaîtra...

Sans oublier le mini spoil sur le Gear 4.


Bref, très belle couverture, qui ne sera quand même peut-être pas parmi les nominées au Awards...

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Y a pas de spoil. Le tome précédent se termine sur un Doflamingo défoncé sur le mur face à un Luffy en G4.


Belle couverture pour ma part. Dofla, rentre ton bifteck!


N'as tu aucune pitié pour le petit écolier japonais qui n'en est qu'au tome 77 ?! Et qui, lorsqu'il ira acheter le 78, tombera sur le 79 et se fera spoiler le Gear 4 ?! A ce moment là, il va s'écrouler de tristesse et pleurer jusqu'à la fin de ses jours !! Sale monstre !!  :'( :-X

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J'adore !


Sans doute ma couverture préférée couvrant l'arc Dressrosa. Doflamingo, d'une classe sans égale, entre Sakazuki et Fujitora c'est la guerre froide, Luffy en Gear 4 prêt à faire décoller Doflamingo !  8)


Je ne oublie pas Gatz, le commentateur d'exception du Colisée, il faut avoir du courage pour narguer Doflamingo.


Très bon choix de titre :Lucy!!

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Premiers SBS du tome 79 je les traduits en VF direct vu le peu qu'il y'a ça prendra pas de temps.



Les plats que les mugiwaras préfèrent cuisiner :


Luffy: De la viande crue dans une assiette

Zoro: Sashimi

Nami: Viande de canard grillée avec une sauce à l'orange

Usopp: Fish and chips (plat de fast food britannique composé de frites et d'un poisson frit pour ceux ne connaissant pas)

Chopper: Jus de fruit

Robin: Plats bouillis / paella

Franky: Barbecue

Brook: Churrasco (viande de boeuf grillée, spécialité des pays hispaniques et portugais)


La meilleur cuisine de Sanji c'est celle qui concerne les produits de la mer mais il est capable de cuisiner n'importe quoi. A part lui seul Nami, Ussop et Robin sont capables de cuisiner correctement.


Si Sanji effectue un "parage shoot" sur les AS de Doflamingo



Hiérarchie des fruits des démons, certains sont des versions supérieurs d'autres fruits.


tonton (Machvise) > kirokiro (Miss Valentine)

hiehie (Kuzan) > yukiyuki (Monet)

magumagu (Akainu) > meramera (Ace)

bukibuki (Baby 5) > supasupa (Mr 1)


note: Oda dit qu'une personne possédant un fruit plus faible n'est pas nécessairement plus faible que la personne ayant le fruit supérieur.


Oda: Je n'en ai rien à faire des dates d'anniversaire de mes personnages.


Le Gear 4 est basé sur la statue de Nio.


Sur Rocinante


Taille: 293cm

Nourriture favorite :  Salade, Chou, umeboshi (sorte de prune)

Nourriture qu'il n'aime pas : pain, pizza



Toutes les images des SBS

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Aaaah enfin les SBS !

Comme d'hab il y a de précieuses infos dedans,notamment la confirmation qu'il y a une hiérarchie entre certains fruits du démon !


Ainsi celui du magma supérieur au feu comme Akainu l'avait dit !

Celui de la neige inférieur à la glace,comme on l'avait deviné ...

Mais le fruit de Machvise n'avait pas été dévoilé officiellement,et je suis étonné qu'il soit meilleur que celui de Miss Valentine,car on a vu plus d'utlisations différentes de la part de la jeune femme...surtout que Machvise n'a rien fait d'original.

Avec celui de Baby 5 meilleur que celui de Daz Boness...elle n'a pas l'air d'avoir la même résistance pourtant.

Avec ces deux derniers exemples,si on dit pas que Dofla et ses mecs sont ceus de Alabasta évolué manquerait plus que le FDD de Gladius soit une meilleure version de celui de Mr 5...


La chose qui est bien,c'est que malgré cela,on voit bien que les capacités de combattant font la différence malgré tout. De plus,les FDD sont puet-être meilleurs ou moins bons,mais leurs attaques restent différentes donc on n'a pas l'impression de voir la même chose !


Pas besoin de hiérarchie pour moi,le FDD du tremblement reste meilleur que le travesti-fruit,même s'il n'y a pas de lien entre eux...chaque FDD a son utilité !

Le travesti-fruit,chez un agent du Cypher Pol,ça peut être excellent pour l'assassinat !

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Integralité des SBS


--Page 1--

reader: Hey...Odacchi...!! It's a story that hasn't anything to do with you...

A moment ago in a side street of the direction of my right hand, did I just get to see papa in need, with him being weak!?

Tatata--- (Running Odacchi!) ---Yay!!! \(^o^)/ A big wish~~~!

The SBS begins * I did it!!! I could say it!

by Ayataro

Oda: -----? Strange~~~I don't see a papa in need anywhere...

Aah!! The SBS already begins!!

Damn,was I deceived? But it's okay!!

A papa in need being weak and all, doesn't exist...!


reader: The "Nico" in Nico Robin...could it come from the fact that she has two big busts?

by Hiromu

Oda: No, that's not it.


reader: Hello, nice to meet you. It may comeout of sudden, but please teach me how to draw the shapely body

of the female characters! Please, how you draw the busts, too. <3

P.N. If there's no bread, isn't it good to eat roses

Oda: Yes, hello. Time for the SBS drawing lesson. The proportions of a woman consist of three ○ and one x.->

Please draw while thinking it through that way. Well, that's it. Bye.

(If I draw this body permanently, I'll get letters of criticism by female readers, but it's good to live with

a strong heart forward.)



--Page 2--

reader: In volume 74, on page 39,there were some of Doflamingo's underlings standing and being very calm in an elevator.

When I was a child, I was told be calm in an elevator, but are these underlings follow this rule, too?

by Hiromu

Oda: Hm, becoming calm. Why is it so? It's the interesting room (of air). If you poop, it's quite the biggest accident.


reader: Within the Strawhat crew, it's of course Sanji's food that's the best, but whose else is delicious as well?

Firstly that, and what's each Strawhat's strong point in terms of cooking?

P.N. It was me who made Kamakiri-ondori [kamakiri - mantis; ondori - cock]

Oda: Good, I'll show you each's strong point in cooking.

Luffy: raw meat on a plate; Zoro: Sashimi; Nami: chicken roast, orange sauce; Usopp: Fish&Chips

Chopper: mixed juice; Robin: cooked things, paella; Franky: barbecue; Brook: churrasco, food

Sanji is especially strong in cooking seafood, but well, he's generally good.

He's also doing the upbringing, but if he has to let cook someone else, it's seriously Nami, Usopp and Robin who are doing th job.

The other members are only cutting, frying, and mixing, to that degree.

And, Nami's food is also for her nakamas liable to costs.



--Page 3--

Oda: Play corner!! P.N. by Yucchan's papa, search the mistakes! Thank you very much! So, try to find 7 mistakes!

The answer is on the bottom, but do puzzle while covering it.



--Page 4--

reader: Odacchi!! It's so out of sudden, but give the top executives of the Donquixote Family, Trebol, Diamante and Pica,

a cosmetic surgery shot by Sanji. I want to see all three being good-looking!!

P.N. soft baka

Oda: Yes ...


reader: The powers of the Donquixote executives in the Dressrosa arc..."ton ton -> kilo kilo" "beta beta -> doru doru"

"buki buki -> supa supa" "pamu pamu -> bomu bomu", are they of a higher tier than those of the Baroque Works members?

from Taoka S43

Oda: Powers of a higher tier exist indeed, for now it's the following 4.

ton ton > kilo kilo ; hie hie > yuki yuki ; magu magu > mera mera ; buki buki > supa supa

And there're some more of the same sort, and such that are rather doubtful, but it's also a question of

who is using the fruit and how. And the strength of a fruit doesn't equal the strength of the character.

You can never know which fight will occur, and how it ends.



--Page 5--

reader: Odacchi!! Hello. w The birthday of Hiluluk (the doctor), could it be made this way:

January [1 be read 'hi', like in Hiluluk], 4+8 = 12, so January's that?

P.N. ha-P haru ka

Oda: Now Hiluluk!? But you ne, if you decide it that's good!! ^^b Yes, it's decided.


Now mina-san, please listen for a moment! The SKCMK corner~~!!

When it comes to birthdays, everyone of you decides about it quite freely, huh? That's not bad, but I'm honest,

it really doesn't matter with the birthdays (upps, I did say it...).

But, let's come down for a moment, I have responsibly searched for all the decided birthdays until now,

so you can find the "birthday calender" at the end of this volume. Please take a look (p. 190).

I really did it...Before I got this letter. "There's no character with the same birthday as mine". And so on.

That's why I say, let's complete the calender!!

You tell me the character who should have your own birthday. Let's do it so that everyone gets a chance.

I don't check it!! Everyone fills in the blank spaces how he/she pleases, and propose a birthday for each character.

I guess the decision about birthdays was easy until now. That's why I'm fine with everything!!

The calender now entered October 2015, so it will be pretty full. Of course, you're allowed to fill them in yourself.

The calender will be updated on, so at those who want to decide, I would be glad if you can check the blank

spaces and send your suggestions to me.



--Page 6--

reader: Hello Oda-sensei. Yesterday, I thought about which flowers would be fine to show my full gratefulness at Father's Day,

I heard sunflowers are fine. I heard of it for the first time. Kyros is fighting Diamante in front Rebecca in a sunflower field.

It couldn't have been in a cosmos [a flower that blooms in fall] or tulip field, right? Right, right?

P.N. Three chestnuts

Oda: Hee, I didn't even know about it myself (haha). In opposite of the typical carnations on Mother's Day, sunflowers!!

Aren't they too big!? (Hahaha...) I heard an opinion about another flower, so it seems there're different opinions about flowers

and their meaning. If you can connect "sunflower" with "father", I'm somehow happy.


reader: Oda-sa---n! I found a funny scene! It's in chapter 743 on page 18. When Sabo destroyed the ring in the colosseum,

there's the scene about the the panel with the "go-go-go" sound, if you look closer on the shielding of

the gorilla, you can see "ri-ra", so go-go-go-ri-ra. A gorilla pun!!

P.N. Kamiki-kun

Oda: Well, so you really found it. I did forget about it completely, hahaha...


reader: I'm happy that Kyros defeated Diamante.

Oda: I know right! It's a good feeling. That guy (Diamante) should have hit his head on Scarlett's tomb 10 more times.

Nakajima Taichi-kun, thank you for the letter!!



--Page 7--

reader: Oda-sensei! Hello. I think that Luffy's pose in his G4 form resembles that of the two devas. Is there a special

meaning behind it? Next time, when I have a dispute with my dear, I want to use this pose, I think.

P.N. Sanadacchi

Oda: You're married, right? Instead of Luffy's G4, you should do a dogeza (bowing) like Fujitora, isn't it better for your body?

Hahaha...Yes, it's the pose of the two devas! Well, I thought about ideas for power-ups from around the world, so the strong impression

of the earlier Japan is what caught my attention. I want to see G4 in the anime and as a figure as soon as possible.



reader: Oda-sensei, I found something. In chapter 785, I found words like "Rikuousamada (It's King Riku-sama)"

"janaino!? (It's not!?)" "ryoukai! (Understood!)" "ikinobiru!!(Survive!)" written on clothes of random citizens, so is it a

fashion that Doflamingo took over from Fishman Island?

P.N. A swordsman that can't change the stomach into a back

Oda: You really found it, huh. It's a "Shirt to explain the circumstances". A brand created by talents, called "JKS" expanded from

Fishman Island to Dressrosa. But I think there's more. Please, search for it. I recommend the "ATAMANOTOGATTAKO (child with a sharp mind)" series.



--Page 8--

reader: Oda-sensei...He, hello~! Bang! I, to be honest...I got the "I love Cora-san" sickness. Yes. Please tell me about

his size, the food he likes and hates. I'm so worried about it, that I can't love.

P.N. a loving virgin

Oda: Oh, that's hard. I'll give you this recipe. Please, take your medicine. "size 293 cm" ; likes lettuce, cabbage, umeboshi ;

hates bread, pizza. Well, that's the most important.


reader: Hello Odacchi!! In chapter 785 (volume 78), the child that wears the bear shirt, it's that "Kuma"!!!

P.N. Bartholomew Kuma, 12 years

Oda: Yes, yeah. Let me explain you, haha..In the recent volume, in chapter 785, there was a woman who was looking for her child

in all the chaos. What's special is that that child wears a bear shirt. Then in the second half, it was Fujitora who reunited mother

and child. So if you look closer, it's not a bear, but a Kuma.


Well, everybody, now that we have cleared this, it's time to end the SBS for now while we ask mother and child:

1, 2 --- It's that "Kuma"!!!

Yes, see you in the next volume~!! Please watch out for the movie information at the end of the chapter.


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Sympa ces SBS du tome.


On a une bonne info sur les possesseurs de fruit.


On sait maintenant qu'une personne possédant un fruit peut puissant peut être meilleur combattant que celui qui possède un fruit puissant.

Mais en toute logique comme le rappelle le dernier databook, pour les fruits de même famille il y a bel et bien une hiérarchie.


Vraiment intéressant l'histoire de ces fruits. :)

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  • Mµû changed the title to Couvertures tomes One Piece (tome 104)

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