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FanBook: Gray Ark

Feu Aizen

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Yo tout le monde.

Scan Gray Ark (78 pages dont fiches persos, croquis,...) :



La couverture du Fanbook (+ couv intérieure) :




Quelques info sur le contenu du FanBook:



*according to Jim Breen's WWJDIC, 聖櫃 can also be "Ark of the Covenant" if referred to in the context of Judaism. "Tabernacle" is used in the context of Catholicism, so since D-Gray's symbolism leans more towards Catholicism than Judaism I went with that...YMMV. (Clever, that Hoshino.)

- More than 55 characters will be featured with their latest data available so far.

- A huge quantity of prized (I assume this means rarely seen) character rough sketches

- Bonus ZONE in its entirety

- Next issue will feature the gorgeous file of the publication (preview of the book design, I'm thinking)


An Ebay seller says that the contents are:


[special appendix]


1, Special Card: Allen Walker


2, Special 4 Poster set

(Allen, Renally, Kanda, Ravi)





1, D.Gray-man Character Profile


2,Enemy Character Profile


3, D.Gray-man Design Works

(Rare!! Character Skech)


4, D.Gray-man New Costume Guide


5, Seacret of How to make D.Gray-man


6, D.Gray-man Plot-type Comic

[ZONE / 55p]



Size: tall/185mm side/117mm

Page: 290p

Publisher: Shuei-sha

Color: Color & White/Black

Total weight: 350g


Des images:


Les stats de Lavi




Une représentation des relation entre personnages (pas sûr) 










Et les stats des Noah's:


Road Kamelot:

Age: inconnu

Nationalité: inconnue

148 cm, 37 Kg (pas sûr pour l'unité :D)

Anniversaire: Juin 20, 2007, constellation Gemini.

Groupe sanguin: B.

Passe-temps: je comprends pas grand chose, y a quelque chose en rapport avec Allen...

le souvenir de Noah: le "rêve".

Les données: (apparemment c'est noté sur 5)

Culture: 3, Sentiments humains: 1, combat: 5, persévérance: 4, flexibilité: 4, les contacts physiques (c'est le skinship, ça veut dire les gestes d'intimité:se tenir la main, serrer, bisou...): 5

Y a d'autres info mais je pige plus rien désolé ;D.


Tyki Mikk:

Age: 26 ans (vraiment ???)

Nationalité: Portugaise.

188 cm, 70 Kg.

Anniversaire et constellation: inconnus.

Groupe sanguin: O.

Passe-temps: Double-vie.

le souvenir de Noah: Le Plaisir. 


Culture: 1, Sentiments humains: 3, combat: 5, persévérance: 4, flexibilité: 3, Caractères positifs:2.




Age: 17 ans

Nationalité: Américaine.

163 cm, 47 Kg.

Anniversaire: 21 Décembre, constellation: Sagittaire

Groupe sanguin: B.

Passe-temps: j'ai rien pigé ;D.

le souvenir de Noah: Lien


Culture: 2, Sentiments humains: 1, combat: 4, persévérance: 3, flexibilité: 2, fierté: 5 (pas sûr).



Age: 17 ans

Nationalité: Américaine (probablement)

Anniversaire: 21 Décembre, constellation: Sagittaire

Groupe sanguin: B.

Passe-temps: encore rien pigé ;D.

le souvenir de Noah: Lien


Culture: 2, Sentiments humains: 1, combat: 4, persévérance: 3, flexibilité: 3, chat (pas le mammifère, la communication :D):5.


Lulu Bell:

Age: 23 ans, 55 Kg

Nationalité: Française.

Anniversaire: 22 Février, constellation: Poisson.

Groupe sanguin: ?

Passe-temps: J'en sais rien...

le souvenir de Noah: Couleur ???


Culture: 2, Sentiments humains: 1, combat: 4, persévérance: 4, flexibilité: 1, loyauté: 5.


PS 1: pour "la mémoire héritée", on a déjà vu quelque chose comme ça dans le manga pas le nom mais le contenu.


PS 2: Les stats des noah's sont faites par moi à partir d'un spoil japonnais (à l'aide d'un traducteur en ligne), donc il ne sont pas fiables à 100%. Merci de ne pas les copier ou les reproduire sur un autre forum sans permission :).   








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Le "mémoire héritée" c'est en fait ce qu'on appelle "le souvenir de Noah" qui est différent pour chaque Noah. Reste à espérer que ce FanBook débarque en France, même si je suis sérieusement tenté par l'import  ;D


N'empêche que Yuu il est trop classe sur la couverture /றyrrax  ;D :running gag:

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En fait, Yu n'est pas si bien que ça sur la couverture...


Tu y as cru?

Non? Tsss... ^^

Le perso le plus classe sur la couv', c'est Timcanpy!

J'ai hâte de le voir lorsqu'il sera gros comme un rocher ^^


Il m'a l'air vraiment bien ce FanBook! Enfin, d'après les images et les stats que tu nous as donné ^^

Ce qui me chagrine, c'est qu'on voit seulement celles de Lavi... Et pas celles de Yu! xD

Merci à toi ^^

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Ca a l'air pas mal tout ça ^^S'il sort en france je l'achête cache  ;D


Pour Lulubelle d'après l'anime sont souvenir serait le "vice", après ...


Questions stats ça m'intrigue ... Surement force, vitesse, taux de syncro etc ... mais comment seront marqué les Rinkeisha ?  lol des stats supérieurs à 100% c'est pas facile xD

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Moi aussi je le trouve pas mal ce fanbook.


Sur la couv', Allen, Kanda et Lavi sont bien dessinés. Mais la dernière personne je vois pas trop qui c'est, si c'est Lenalee je la trouve pas super au niveau des cheveux (niveau couleurs et coupe).


Et ca foisonne d'infos complémentaires comme les stats, des dossiers, c'est toujours bon à prendre pour le bon fan de ce manga que je suis. J'espère qu'il sortira un jour en France ^^.

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Plus d'info ;)


An Ebay seller says that the contents are:


[special appendix]


1, Special Card: Allen Walker


2, Special 4 Poster set

(Allen, Renally, Kanda, Ravi)





1, D.Gray-man Character Profile


2,Enemy Character Profile


3, D.Gray-man Design Works

(Rare!! Character Skech)


4, D.Gray-man New Costume Guide


5, Seacret of How to make D.Gray-man


6, D.Gray-man Plot-type Comic

[ZONE / 55p]



Size: tall/185mm side/117mm

Page: 290p

Publisher: Shuei-sha

Color: Color & White/Black

Total weight: 350g


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Zone est en entier dedans :o ?

Oui il sera surement dispo' à la JE, mais en Japonais je pense !

Pour ma part s'il l'est, je l'achète =P

Edit monkey : yep, le Zone en intégralité, le fanbook fait quand même 290 pages, fallait bien faire du remplissage  :P

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Un mec s'est procuré le fanbook, donc des informations détaillées sont dispo


Les profils des exorcistes ;)

Note: Anything with ** means that I'm unable to translate it. When I find out the actual meaning, I'll update it again.


Black Order Registrar File




Personal Data

Age: 15 (approximately)

Nationality: British

Height: 169cm (ok, that's an increase of 1cm compared to the older data xD Oh, beansproat, how you've grown!)

Weight: 55kg (eh? He's gotten thinner by 3kg, have the Black Order been feeding him well?)

Birthday: Unknown (Mana adopted him on the 25th December)

Horoscope: Unknown

Bloodtype: O

Interest: Eating, Ways to make money

Likes: Mitarashi Dango

Dislikes: Alcoholic drink, Cross' debts


Personality Bar [i don't know how to explain this, but it's a hexagon bar that shows their personality. 0 (min) - 5 (max)]

Education - 3

Affinity - 3

Battle Ability - 5

Mental - 5

Flexibility - 3

Rescue - 5



Name: Crown Clown

Type: Parasitic/Left hand




Personal Data

Age: 18

Nationality: Japanese? (... What does the ? mean, huh? If he's not a Japanese, I don't know what is)

Height: 177cm (increase by 2cm xD The gulf between him and Allen is getting wider)

Weight: 59kg (decrease by 2kg... You are suffering malnutrition, my boy. Soba is not a staple food!!)

Birthday: 6th June

Horoscope: Gemini (I have this insane theory that the person he's looking for might be his twin brother or sister o.O)

Bloodtype: AB

Interest: Gardening (WTH!!), Make Soba (affirms my theory that he'll be a Soba master instead of Dojo master after the war ends)

Likes: Soba, Tempura

Dislikes: Anything group-related, and a lot more


Personality Bar

Education - 2 (Back to school, young Samurai!!)

Affinity - 1

Battle Ability - 4

Mental - 5

Flexibility - 2

Supportive Role - 1 (I'd give him 0 actually)



Name: Mugen

Type: Equipment/Sword




Personal Data

Age: 16

Nationality: Chinese

Height: 166cm

Weight: 48kg (another one that needs to be force fed!)

Birthday: 20th February

Horoscope: Pisces

Bloodtype: B

Interest: Cooking (I think this is Jeryy's influence, read on and I'll explain)

Likes: Chocolate Cake

Dislikes: Self Sacrifice


Personality Bar

Education - 4

Affinity - 5

Battle Ability - 4

Mental - 4

Flexibility - 3

Six Sense - 5



Name: Dark Boots

Type: Equipment/Boots (Crystal/Boots)


04. LAVI


Personal Data

Age: 18

Nationality: Unknown (But I remember previous information saying he was mixed race and the translation by Viz Media said he's a mongrel)

Height: 179cm (increase 2cm xD)

Weight: 62kg (Oh hell, he was 68kg before that!! What happened to you!!)

Birthday: 10th August

Horoscope: Leo (well, Lavi is Hebrew for Lion... so, that's self-explanatory )

Bloodtype: O

Interest: Reading (my kind of guy xD)

Likes: Yakiniku, Sleeping

Dislikes: Wasabi (Aha xD)


Personality Bar

Education - 5 (Impressive O_O)

Affinity - 3

Battle Ability - 4

Mental - 3

Flexibility - 5

Acting skills - 4



Name: Tettsui (Metal hammer)

Type: Equipment/Hammer


À Suivre :D.




Des images:





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Donc à l'origine, les persos de DGM été supposés ressembler à ça ? lol, heureusement que Hoshino sensei à changé le dessin de ses persos parce que quand je vois Komui on dirait un gosse à la maternelle  ;D 

Sinon pas mal les infos des fiches persos, Yu aime bien jardiner lol



Name: Dark Boots

Type: Equipment/Boots (Crystal/Boots)


Donc Cristal est bien un nouveau type d'innocence, je me demande qui sera le prochain à voir son innocence évoluer de la sorte (je parie sur Lavi  :P)   

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Yu qui aime le jardinage...



Pour le type crystal, je vois bien Krory!

Juste avant qu'il ne tombe évanoui, il était déjà sorti de son corps grâce à son innocence. Son esprit était recouvert de son sang. Or, on sait que c'est le sang de Lenalee qui c'est transformé en arme, tout comme Krory ^^

Enfin, on verra par la suite!


En tout cas, merci pour toutes ces info et ces belles images... ^^


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La suite ;)


# Additional Information of the four main characters: (Mostly about their history and the best bits of the book IMO!!)



Have no memory of his real parents. Only knew that he was an abandon child. Before activiating his Innocence at the age of 10, he couldn't move his left arm.

Age 7: Met Mana and travelled together with him

Age 9: Played the Pierrot and visited all sorts of places with Mana

Age 10: Mana died. On Christmas eve, he made a contract with the Earl of Millenium and turned Mana into an Akuma. His Innocence activated for the first time and destroyed Mana. Met Cross.

Age 11: Travelled with Cross, learns how to control his Innocence

Age 15: Cross disappeared in India. Found the right markings to the Black Order and became an Exorcist.



Age 10: Became Tiedoll's pupil. Travelled with Tiedoll around the world for a year before going to the Black Order. Met Lenalee (8 years old) and fellow pupil, Marie.

Age 12: Komui joins the Headquarters as the Science Division chief. Daisya Barry joins the Order. Jeryy becomes the Head Chef. Ate Soba for the first time and was touched by the delicious taste, and ever since, he had Soba for his daily three meals (No wonder he's so skinny!!)

Age 16: Lavi joins the Order. Nearly decapitated Lavi for calling him [Yu-kun] after Tiedoll (*Cackles* I knew their first meeting is definitely memorable xD)

Age 18: After his mission at the forest [novel only], he returned to the Headquarters. Thought Allen was an Akuma and drew his sword against him.



Have no memory of anything before her parent's death.

Age 6: Found to be a conformer of the Innocence and was brought to the Black Order. First person that she talked to was the Matron.

Age 8: Kanda joins the Order. Mistaken Kanda for a girl (AHAHAHA, I laugh so hard at the bookstore that everyone thought I was mad!! xD). Learned the Zen Meditation. (why Kanda, how sweet of you to share xD)

Age 9: Had mental illness and was confined (I think this happened after she accidentally saw the experiment)

Age 10: Reunited with Komui who joined the Order. Learned how to be a lady from Jeryy (seriously... X3). Reever and Bak met Lenalee (Oh lord, if Bak was interested in her then... canon!Pedo!!)

Age 12: Started helping out the Science Division due to her missions, and soon, became the Chief's assistant

Age 14: Lavi and Bookman joins the Order. Stopped Kanda from killing Lavi. (*cough* xD)

Age 16: Allen joins the Order. Stopped Kanda from killing Allen.


04. LAVI

His Alias/49th name

Age 6: Became the Bookman successor and renounce his true name. Traveled with the Bookman. While traveling, he learned martial arts and medication skills; skills needed as a Bookman.

Age 7: Was shot by a stray bullet and was on the brink of death. While he was unconscious, he kept clinged onto Bookman's hair. After he recovered, he heard a few random words from Bookman which included "pulled off", "lessened" (*dies laughing*)

Age 9: Lavi finally exceeded Bookman's height. But Bookman told him "You didn't include my hair length, therefore I still win" (*LOL*)

Age 16: Joins the Black Order as "Lavi", Kanda nearly sliced him apart until Lenalee rescued him. Met Finder Doug [novel only].

Age18: Reunited with Doug during his mission [novel only]. Went to RewindingTown and met Allen and Miranda.




Personal Data

Age: 88

Nationality: Unknown (from how I see it, it's gotta be Chinese)

Height: 140cm (hair excluded)

Weight: 38kg

Birthday: 5th August (hmm, five days before Lavi, coincidence, no?)

Horoscope: Leo

Bloodtype: A

Interest: Running his fingers through his hair (*snorts* No, I'm not kidding)

Likes: Pudding

Dislikes: Banana


Personality Bar

Education - 5

Affinity - 1

Battle Ability - 3

Mental - 5

Flexibility - 4




Name: Heaven Compass

Type: Equipment/Needles




Personal Data

Age: 25

Nationality: German

Height: 168cm

Weight: 45kg

Birthday: 1st January

Horoscope: Aries

Bloodtype: O

Interest: Self Analyzation

Likes: Pear* (Or that type of fruit)

Dislikes: Her past self


Personality Bar

Education - 4

Affinity - 4

Battle Ability - 3

Mental - 2

Flexibility - 3

Panic Level - 5



Name: Time Record

Type: Equipment/Record Disc




Personal Data

Age: 28

Nationality: Romania

Height: 190cm

Weight: 77kg

Birthday: 1st December

Horoscope: Sagittarius

Bloodtype: AB

Interest: Window Shopping

Likes: Eliade's blood (o.O), **

Dislikes: Parasitic-type Exorcist blood


Personality Bar

Education - 1

Affinity - 4

Battle Ability - 4

Mental - 4

Flexibility - 2

Romance Bar - 5



Name: Nameless

Type: Parasitic/Teeth



Version originale de Cross (il n'était pas censé avoir un bras gauche notre cher capitaine)




Le nouveaux uniformes:




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Ah enfin les uniformes, merci Aizen  :)


Donc c'est deux tenues en fait, une tenue de "parade" qu'on a déjà vu sur la couv du Databook et quand on tombe la veste (manteau pour Kanda) c'est un tenue plus moulante, idéal pour le combat.

J'aime bien celles d'Allen et de Kanda par contre celle de Lavi c'est pas super super, les cuissardes (ça y ressemble en tout cas^^) sont nazes. Bon, maintenant qu'on a parlé des persos secondaires passons aux choses sérieuses : Lenaleeeeeeeee <3 Pas besoin que je vous dise qu'elle est trop kawaiiiiii (comme d'hab quoi) mais la tenue moulante :



me rappelle beaucoup celle de Clare dans Claymore, et c'est pas pour me déplaire  ;D vivement un combat Lenalee vs. n'importe qui  :P

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La suite des profils :)




Personal Data

Age: 28

Nationality: Australian (Eh~~ Reever's fellow countrymen)

Height: 200cm

Weight: 110kg

Birthday: 15th July

Horoscope: Cancer

Bloodtype: O

Interest: Appreciate Classics (Well, he's Tiedoll's pupil xD)

Likes: Bronze Casting*

Dislikes: **


Personality Bar

Education - 4

Affinity - 3

Battle Ability - 3

Mental - 4

Flexibility - 3

Hearing - 5



Name: Noel Organon

Type: Equipment/Strings




Personal Data

Age: 20

Nationality: Chinese

Height: 170cm

Weight: 63kg

Birthday: 4th May

Horoscope: Taurus

Bloodtype: O

Interest: Fishing

Likes: Anita

Dislikes: Liars


Personality Bar

Education - 3

Affinity - 3

Battle Ability - 3

Mental - 4

Flexibility - 3

Acting Skills - 1



Name: Nameless

Type: Equipment/Bracelet




Personal Data

Age: 33

Nationality: German

Height: 177cm

Weight: 68kg

Birthday: 16th May

Horoscope: Taurus

Bloodtype: A

Interest: Chess

Likes: Daughter, Wife's Cooking

Dislikes: Power


Personality Bar

Education - 4

Affinity - 2

Battle Ability - 3

Mental - 2

Flexibility - 3

Survival - 5



Name: Nameless

Type: Parasitic/Right arm




Personal Data

Age: 19

Nationality: Turkey

Height: 169cm

Weight: 58kg

Birthday: 5th April

Horoscope: Taurus

Bloodtype: A

Interest: Soccer

Likes: Shark

Dislikes: Retreat


Personality Bar

Education - 2

Affinity - 3

Battle Ability - 3

Mental - 4

Flexibility - 4

Mischieviousness - 5



Name: Charity Bell

Type: Equipment/Ball




Personal Data

Age: Unknown (About 100 years ago when the Order was just formed, she has already been registered)

Nationality: Originally British

Height: 1555cm

Weight: Unknown

Birthday: Unknown

Horoscope: Unknown

Bloodtype: Unknown

Interest: Chatting with Komui

Likes: The Order

Dislikes: The Central


Personality Bar

Education - 5 (wow O_O)

Affinity - 3

Battle Ability - 1

Mental - 5

Flexibility - 3

Clairvoyance - 5



Name: Cube

type: Parasitic/Cube




Personal Data

Age: Unknown

Nationality: Unknown

Height: 195cm

Weight: 82kg

Birthday: 31st July

Horoscope: Leo

Bloodtype: AB

Interest: Wandering around

Likes: Good woman, Expensive wine - Romanee Conti (I've checked, it cost $1540 per bottle and considered one of the most expensive wine in the world, sheesh... he's got class xD)

Dislikes: Dirty bastards


Personality Bar

Education - 5

Affinity - 2

Battle Ability - 5

Mental - 5

Flexibility - 3

Vagrant - 5



Name: Judgment

Type: Equipment/Gun


Name: Grave of Maria

Type: Parasitic/Women's corpse



Size: About 8cm

Interest: Eating, Smoking

Likes: Cross, Allen, Girls (Aha! Chip off the old block!)

Dislikes: Cats




Personal Data

Age: 40

Nationality: France

Height: 180cm

Weight: 70kg

Birthday: 19th April

Horoscope: Taurus

Bloodtype: O

Interest: Sketching

Likes: Art, His pupils

Dislikes: Numbers


Personality Bar

Education - 5

Affinity - 5

Battle Ability - 5

Mental - 5

Flexibility - 4

Shed Tears - 5



Name: Maker of Eden

Type: Equipment/Chisel




Personal Data

Age: 32

Nationality: American

Height: 165cm

Weight: 48kg

Birthday: 1st November

Horoscope: Scorpio

Bloodtype: B

Interest: Caring for Lau Jimin

Likes: Blue Cheese

Dislikes: Useless men


Personality Bar

Education - 4

Affinity - 4

Battle Ability - 5

Mental - 4

Flexibility - 3




Name: Lau Jimin

Type: Parasitic/Anti-Akuma Beast




Personal Data

Age: 39

Nationality: Mexican

Height: 205cm

Weight: 126kg

Birthday: 18th March

Horoscope: Pisces

Bloodtype: B

Interest: Killing

Likes: Things that are good for killing

Dislikes: Rules


Personality Bar

Education - 3 (C'mon, he can't be higher than Kanda, can he? O__O)

Affinity - 1

Battle Ability - 5

Mental - 4

Flexibility - 3

Speed - 5



Name: Madness

Type: Equipment/Double Sword




Personal Data

Age: 89

Nationality: British

Height: 166cm

Weight: 55kg

Birthday: 23rd June

Horoscope: Cancer

Bloodtype: A

Interest: Creating new dishes (food)

Likes: Children

Dislikes: Rain


Personality Bar

Education - 5

Affinity - 4

Battle Ability - 5

Mental - 4

Flexibility - 3


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Ouah Kevin Yeegar est né le même jour que moi !  ;D dommage qu'il soit mort ><


Je trouvait qu'il y avait pas mal d'exorciste avec des facultés de combats basses, mais apparement seuls les rinkeisha sont à 5, puis les forts à 4 (Kanda/Lavi/Lenalee) et après la moyenne c'est 3 ... Mouais, que Chaoji est le même niveau que la plupart des autres s'est moyen, et que Miranda est 3 aussi c'est du n'importe quoi >< enfin bon ... Road est à 5 c'est le principal  ;D

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Au contraire je trouve que c'est une bonne répartition des compétences qui est faite dans le fan book. Battle ability, ca veut plutôt dire techniques de combat, au lieu de puissance au combat. Donc ca n'établit pas vraiment un rapport de puissance entre les personnages, mais plutôt pour moi des affinités à aller combattre des adversaires ^^. C'est plus des notations sur des catégories générales au final, ce qui je trouve est bien plus intéressant.


On y apprend même des choses surprenantes, comme Kanda qui aime jardiner, Lenalee  qui adore le chocolat, ou Timcanpy qui a plutôt des goûts bizarres (un peu à l'image de son maître :D).

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Enfin, le scan est dispo, enjoy ;)




PS : Certaines pages y manquent, mais il y aura surement d'autres scans prochainement. 



Attention une vague de profils arrive :D





Personal Data

Age: 29

Nationality: Chinese

Height: 193cm

Weight: 79kg

Birthday: 13th June

Horoscope: Gemini (Duo-personality, no?)

Bloodtype: AB

Interest: Sewing, Inventing

Likes: Coffee (Blue Mountain), Lenalee

Dislikes: Tidying up, Lenalee’s future husband (what’s that, I think I hear the cries of fanfics xD)


Personality Bar

Education - 5

Affinity - 3

Working Ability - 5

Mental - 5

Flexibility - 3

Troublemaking – 5




Personal Data

Age: 26

Nationality: Australian

Height: 185cm

Weight: 75kg

Birthday: 8th September

Horoscope: Virgo

Bloodtype: A

Interest: Marksmanship (Well, explains the good aim at the skull. Wonder what gun does he prefer to practice with :3)

Likes: Sour drinks (Lemon Soda, Cola)

Dislikes: Alcoholic drinks, Superiors that doesn’t work (Obvious reference to a certain curly-haired superior xD)


Personality Bar

Education - 5

Affinity - 4

Working Ability - 4

Mental - 3

Flexibility – 3

Overworked – 5




Personal Data

Age: 25

Nationality: American

Height: 165cm

Weight: 55kg

Birthday: 2nd July

Horoscope: Cancer

Bloodtype: A

Interest: Collecting T-shirts, making Western costumes

Likes: Hamburger

Dislikes: Garlic* (or something related to garlic)


Personality Bar

Education - 4

Affinity - 5

Working Ability - 4

Mental - 3

Flexibility - 3





Personal Data

Age: 27

Nationality: American

Height: 179cm

Weight: 128kg

Birthday: 13th October

Horoscope: Libra

Bloodtype: O

Interest: **

Likes: Cakes

Dislikes: Exercising (or sports)


Personality Bar

Education - 4

Affinity - 3

Working Ability - 3

Mental - 3

Flexibility - 3

Gentleness - 4


23. ROKUJUGO (65)


Personal Data

Age: -

Created: Science Division

Height: 194cm (hair excluded)

Weight: 650kg

Birthday: 5th June

Horoscope: -

Bloodtype: -

Interest: Wandering around the Order

Likes: Children (Awww…)

Dislikes: Komurin II (*cough*)


Personality Bar

Education - 4

Affinity - 3

Working Ability - 3

Mental - 3

Flexibility - 3

Caring - 4




Personal Data

Age: 32

Nationality: Indian

Height: 192cm

Weight: Secret <3 (Mind you, there was a heart in the original text xD)

Birthday: 7th November

Horoscope: Scorpio

Bloodtype: O

Interest: Researching for food recipes

Likes: People with huge appetite, cute boys (Yoo-hoo, Allen xD)

Dislikes: People who waste food


Personality Bar

Education - 3

Affinity - 3

Working Ability - 5

Mental - 5

Flexibility - 4

Sisterly Level – 5




Personal Data

Age: 65 (His years as the doorman)

Created: -

Height: 2900cm

Weight: 6 ton

Birthday: -

Horoscope: -

Bloodtype: -

Interest: Observing humans

Likes: Cute girls (reference to Lenalee, maybe )

Dislikes: Cursed human (Allen)




Personal Data

Age: 29

Nationality: Chinese

Height: 168cm

Weight: 53kg

Birthday: 11th November

Horoscope: Scorpio

Bloodtype: A

Interest: Covert photography (Only Lenalee)

Likes: Lenalee

Dislikes: Snakes, Unreasonable violence


Personality Bar (His levels are the same as Komui’s)

Education - 5

Affinity - 3

Working Ability - 5

Mental - 5

Flexibility - 3

Meticulous – 5


Additional Info:


Secrets: **

Born to an illustrious family and with natural good brains; since a young age, he has been looking forward to becoming a candidate for the Supervisor position. But the position was usurped by Komui and ever since, he held a grudge against him. At the same time, he’s a secret fan of Lenalee and tries to think of ways in expressing it to her


Skills: Support by useful inventions

He’s an outstanding scientist who boosted and upgraded the wireless golem and invented the wireless device (the earrings). It could be that he’s actually smarter than Komui?!


29. FOR (the correct spelling apparently)


Personal Data

Age: -

Nationality: -

Height: 145cm (Human form)

Weight: 35kg (Human form)

Birthday: -

Horoscope: -

Bloodtype: -

Interest: Making fun of Bak

Likes: Being a busybody

Dislikes: People that lacks manners


Personality Bar

Education - 2

Affinity - 4

Working Ability - 5

Mental - 3

Flexibility - 3

Concentration – 2




Personal Data

Age: 75

Nationality: Chinese

Height: 195cm

Weight: 96kg

Birthday: 21st September

Horoscope: Virgo

Bloodtype: O

Interest: Housework

Likes: **

Dislikes: Master Bak’s enemies


Personality Bar

Education - 4

Affinity - 4

Working Ability - 3

Mental - 3

Flexibility - 4

Worrywart – 5




Personal Data

Age: 18

Nationality: Chinese

Height: 155cm

Weight: 40Kg

Birthday: 20th March

Horoscope: Aries

Bloodtype: O

Interest: Reading

Likes: Allen

Dislikes: Bugs




Personal Data

Age: 19

Nationality: Chinese

Height: 180cm

Weight: 64kg

Birthday: 17TH February

Horoscope: Aquarius

Bloodtype: A

Interest: Gaming

Likes: Lenalee

Dislikes: Milk




Personal Data

Age: 19

Nationality: Korean

Height: 167cm

Weight: 49kg

Birthday: 25th November

Horoscope: Sagittarius

Bloodtype: A

Interest: Igo (board game)

Likes: Researching on science

Dislikes: Cucumber




Personal Data

Age: 30

Nationality: American

Height: 180cm

Weight: 68kg

Birthday: 29th March

Horoscope: Taurus

Bloodtype: B

Interest: Body-building

Likes: Snakes (Ok, Bak hates snakes o.O)

Dislikes: Shiitake (East Asian mushroom with blackish, dark brown cap)




Personal Data

Age: 33

Nationality: Australian

Height: 171cm

Weight: 64kg

Birthday: 3rd March

Horoscope: Pisces

Bloodtype: B

Interest: Equestrianism

Likes: Roses

Dislikes: Unattractive things




Personal Data

Age: 58

Nationality: Turkey

Height: 155cm

Weight: 52kg

Birthday: 19th May

Horoscope: Taurus

Bloodtype: A

Interest: Radio

Likes: Mystery novels

Dislikes: Trouble




Personal Data

Age: 50

Nationality: British

Height: 195cm

Weight: 98kg

Birthday: 22nd January

Horoscope: Aquarius

Bloodtype: B

Interest: Baking cakes

Likes: Authority

Dislikes: Sentiments


Personality Bar

Education - 5

Affinity - 1

Working Ability - 5

Mental - 3

Flexibility - 1

Authority – 5




Personal Data

Age: 19

Nationality: German

Height: 172cm

Weight: 62kg

Birthday: 29th December

Horoscope: Capricorn

Bloodtype: AB

Interest: Covert recording

Likes: Rules, Lvellie (Eww X3)

Dislikes: **


Personality Bar

Education - 5

Affinity - 3

Working Ability - 5

Mental - 3

Flexibility - 2

Work – 5




Personal Data

Age: 27

Nationality: Chinese

Height: 165cm

Weight: 46kg

Birthday: 23rd October

Horoscope: Libra

Bloodtype: AB

Interest: Romance

Likes: Cross

Dislikes: **


Personality Bar

Education - 3

Affinity - 3

Working Ability - 4

Mental - 3

Flexibility - 2

Charisma – 5




Personal Data

Age: 29

Nationality: Chinese

Height: 190cm

Weight: 77kg

Birthday: 24th August

Horoscope: Virgo

Bloodtype: O

Interest: Martial arts

Likes: Anita

Dislikes: Cooking


Personality Bar

Education - 3

Affinity - 3

Working Ability - 3

Mental - 4

Flexibility - 3

Body strength – 5




Personal Data

Age: 28

Nationality: Chinese

Height: 180cm

Weight: 60kg

Birthday: 1st July

Horoscope: Cancer

Bloodtype: A

Interest: Wood carving

Likes: Beer

Dislikes: Tomato


42. KIE


Personal Data

Age: 25

Nationality: Chinese

Height: 188cm

Weight: 75kg

Birthday: 11th January

Horoscope: Capricorn

Bloodtype: A

Interest: Mail corresponding

Likes: Meatballs* (or Meat buns)

Dislikes: Dogs


À suivre ;).

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  • 4 months later...

Les japs sont dingues...je sais qu'ils ont une structure corporelle plus fine qu'un eurasien, d'ou des poids plus faibles pour une même taille, mais quand même...

1m80pour moins de 60 kilos, surtout pour un mec...ça fait un IMC de 17, soit un stade de dénutrition de grade I...

Bref..mais que font les cuisiniers du centre, bon sang ?


A moins que ces jeunes exorsistes soient des victimes de la mode et mettent un point d'honneur à pouvoir rentrer dans les jolis uniformes concoctés par le service technique du centre...peu-être même que les-dits membres du service confection sont des purs otakus accros au japanimé, et qu'ils exercent des pressions sur ces pauvres enfants...hmmm...faut-il prévenir la Dass ?

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Je viens de télécharger le FanBook et je dois avouer qu'il est génial ! ( même si je comprend pas grand chose :( lol ) .

On a tous les détails des personnages : ages, taille...

Franchement très complet !


Je me demande si on aura le droit a des fansbook de D.Gray Man en France ?  ;D

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