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Chapitre 83


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[glow=red,2,300]Chapitre 83 [Raw][/glow] :



[glow=red,2,300]Chapitre 83 [VF][/glow] :




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Chapter 83, "Day of Promise" (This is an tentative chapter title till I read the real chapter. ^^)

Caption on the side: Reunited with Ed, and he is not Greed, but Ling...


It's Ling who showed up in front of Ed. Ling took control of his body back when Greed was in mental turmoil.

Ling tells Ed that Father will open the Door on the Day that's coming sometime in the near future.

He suggests that if Ed and Al would jump into the gate then they may both get their bodies back.

He wants to continue talking, but Greed is coming back and starting to take over the body.

But, before Greed takes over, Ed learns of "Day of Promise".

Ling is happy to know that his message to RanFan was safely passed on to her.

Then, Greed takes back the control of the body again.


Greed is not fighting Ed. He is simply leaving the scene.

After that attack of Bradley during his mental turmoil, he does not know what happens if he goes back to the Central underground. So, he decides to just go away.


Seeing that, Ed offers Greed to join Ed and the gang.

Although being surprised of Ed's suggestion, Greed is tempted. But, he declines and leaves.


Now being alone, Greed mutters that even with many souls within him, he feels empty.

Ling entices Greed that if Greed gives back the control of the body to Ling, he will become the Emperor of Xing, and fill that emptiness.

Greed tells that it's small being a leader of one country, why not becoming a leader of the whole world....


While they are talking to each other, Ed catches up.

Ed tells that he can't let his emotion run and miss this chance and the vast information. Hence, he would let Greed be the boss if Greed would agree to join them.

Greed agrees.



Central. At the Armstrong residence.

Olivier is talking with her father. She requests her father to yield the position as the head of the family to her, and retire to the foreign country.

The father tells Olivier that he is intending to pass on the position to Alex.


Alex happens to be there. Olivier and Alex fight over the position.

While they are fighting, the father is busy getting ready for his vacation abroad.

Olivier comes out as an winner of the fight.


Alex questions Olivier why she has joined the group of upper Army officers.

Olivier answers that so that she can see and judge about them herself.

"And, seeing them by yourself is resulting in your suggesting our father to escape to other country for safety?" asks Alex.

Olivier smiles back.



Dublith. At Sig's meat shop.

The military soldiers keep visiting the meat shop in search of Izumi. Mason deals with them and send them back empty handed, then communicates with Sig. He passes on the message from Al and Hohenheim about the "Day of Promise."



Briggs fort. There is Izumi.

Someone attacks the sentry soldier.

Asked who's there, the voice answers, "A wife."


With the report of the attack, Miles and Buccaneer head to the brig where the attacker is being held. Izumi awaits them there, as meeting them was the reason for her attack of the soldier.

She passes on the message from Al about the "Day of Promise," and other information.



Farther on, the information is passed on from Buccanear to Falman, then Falman to General Grumman in the East Headquarters.


General Grumman passes on the information to a Second Lieutenant, Hawkeye's friend, Rebecca.


Second Lieutenant Rebecca goes shopping with her friend, First Lieutenant Hawkeye, and they have a nice friendly chat while shopping.


After shopping with her friend Rebecca, Hawkeye pays a visit to Havoc in the hospital.



Havoc tells Hawkeye that once his body condition becomes stable he intends to move to the military hospital in the East army. Hawkeye gives him cigarettes as a care package.


Hawkeye leaves.

From behind the curtain in the Havoc's hospital room, Mustang appears.

Havoc tells Mustang that he didn't have to hide behind the curtain. Mustang answers that with eyes on both of them it's better to be cautious and avoid having personal contacts in private setting.


Havoc offers Mustang the cigarettes just given by Hawkeye.

Havoc pulls a cigarette from the package half way so that Mustang can pull out one easily from the package.... the one with the message on the rolling paper.

Thus, Mustang learns about the "Day of Promise."



Thus, after the year turns to the next one and comes next Spring, on that promised Day, the Eastern army will make the move, the Northern army will make the move.....


The day of showdown is approaching.....!!!!



(End of chapter 83)



Réactions :


Lin, méfie-toi, tu commences à sérieusement te laisser influencer j'ai l'impression :cry: Si jamais tu écoutes cet Homonculus, tu risques de perdre le respect de tes amis, tes serviteurs et tes fans!

C'est avec ce genre de passage que je me dis que c'est May qui réussira à obtenir la place que Lin convoite en fin de compte...



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Une jolie image, une !





Bon bah, Lin semble profiter du fait que Greed soit mal pour reprendre le contrôle de son corps !

Sinon, on fait un ptit détour chez la famille Armstrong.

Bref, un chapitre qui a l'air de bien annoncés quand même.

Je l'attends avec impatience, du moins le raw ^^

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Moi c'est surtout les propos que "Lin" tient à Ed qui me posent porblème.

Il faut déjà se mefier un peu de qui est qui. Lin est peut etre fortement influencé par Greed. Meme si Greed est un éléctron libre il peut mener Ed vers un piège car il dit que lors du jour J, où ( selon moi) le cercle sera activé, il y aura une porte et si les deux frères la traverse, ils auront leur corps respectifs.

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Le script ;)

Caption on the side: Reunited with Ed, and he is not Greed, but Ling...


It's Ling who showed up in front of Ed. Ling took control of his body back when Greed was in mental turmoil.

Ling tells Ed that Father will open the Door on the Day that's coming sometime in the near future.

He suggests that if Ed and Al would jump into the gate then they may both get their bodies back.

He wants to continue talking, but Greed is coming back and starting to take over the body.

But, before Greed takes over, Ed learns of "Day of Promise".

Ling is happy to know that his message to RanFan was safely passed on to her.

Then, Greed takes back the control of the body again.


Greed is not fighting Ed. He is simply leaving the scene.

After that attack of Bradley during his mental turmoil, he does not know what happens if he goes back to the Central underground. So, he decides to just go away.


Seeing that, Ed offers Greed to join Ed and the gang.

Although being surprised of Ed's suggestion, Greed is tempted. But, he declines and leaves.


Now being alone, Greed mutters that even with many souls within him, he feels empty.

Ling entices Greed that if Greed gives back the control of the body to Ling, he will become the Emperor of Xing, and fill that emptiness.

Greed tells that it's small being a leader of one country, why not becoming a leader of the whole world....


While they are talking to each other, Ed catches up.

Ed tells that he can't let his emotion run and miss this chance and the vast information. Hence, he would let Greed be the boss if Greed would agree to join them.

Greed agrees.



Central. At the Armstrong residence.

Olivier is talking with her father. She requests her father to yield the position as the head of the family to her, and retire to the foreign country.

The father tells Olivier that he is intending to pass on the position to Alex.


Alex happens to be there. Olivier and Alex fight over the position.

While they are fighting, the father is busy getting ready for his vacation abroad.

Olivier comes out as an winner of the fight.


Alex questions Olivier why she has joined the group of upper Army officers.

Olivier answers that so that she can see and judge about them herself.

"And, seeing them by yourself is resulting in your suggesting our father to escape to other country for safety?" asks Alex.

Olivier smiles back.



Dublith. At Sig's meat shop.

The military soldiers keep visiting the meat shop in search of Izumi. Mason deals with them and send them back empty handed, then communicates with Sig. He passes on the message from Al and Hohenheim about the "Day of Promise."



Briggs fort. There is Izumi.

Someone attacks the sentry soldier.

Asked who's there, the voice answers, "A wife."


With the report of the attack, Miles and Buccaneer head to the brig where the attacker is being held. Izumi awaits them there, as meeting them was the reason for her attack of the soldier.

She passes on the message from Al about the "Day of Promise," and other information.



Farther on, the information is passed on from Buccanear to Falman, then Falman to General Grumman in the East Headquarters.


General Grumman passes on the information to a Second Lieutenant, Hawkeye's friend, Rebecca.


Second Lieutenant Rebecca goes shopping with her friend, First Lieutenant Hawkeye, and they have a nice friendly chat while shopping.


After shopping with her friend Rebecca, Hawkeye pays a visit to Havoc in the hospital.



Havoc tells Hawkeye that once his body condition becomes stable he intends to move to the military hospital in the East army. Hawkeye gives him cigarettes as a care package.


Hawkeye leaves.

From behind the curtain in the Havoc's hospital room, Mustang appears.

Havoc tells Mustang that he didn't have to hide behind the curtain. Mustang answers that with eyes on both of them it's better to be cautious and avoid having personal contacts in private setting.


Havoc offers Mustang the cigarettes just given by Hawkeye.

Havoc pulls a cigarette from the package half way so that Mustang can pull out one easily from the package.... the one with the message on the rolling paper.

Thus, Mustang learns about the "Day of Promise."



Thus, after the year turns to the next one and comes next Spring, on that promised Day, the Eastern army will make the move, the Northern army will make the move.....


The day of showdown is approaching.....!!!!



(End of chapter 83)


J'ai pas voulu supprimer la première partie même si elle figure dans le premier spoil pour que le script reste complet :)

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J'attends la VF avec impatience. Surtout que c'est bien Lin qui est revenu (le morfal ;D), alors peut-être qu'il va faire des révélations sur le véritable but de "Père" (j'ai pas lu le spoil pour le suspense :P), les révélations fusent, les évènements se précipitent... Bientôt le dénouement ??? Enfin j'espère que après qu'il est rétrouvé leurs corps (ou pas :D), on aura un next-gen, pour voir l'avenir des frères Elric.

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Moi je pense que c'est un bon chapitre. Mais il annonce pas la fin tant que ça. Car entre le jour promis et ce moment, il peut se passer des tas de choses. Ce chapitre remet juste les pendules à l'heure et nous fait revisiter l'ensemble des personnages impliqués.


Une question que je me pose, j'ai vu les scans du tome 19 et il est constitué de 5 chapitres (74 au 78)

Donc le tome 20 au minimum va du chapitre 79 au 82. Mais le chapitre 83 irait bien aussi en fin du tome 20. ça ferait à nouveau 5 chapitres...


Pour revenir sur ce chapitre, on a pas encore vu ranfan et who. Et Lin est loin de revenir et reprendre possession de son corps par lui même. Il manque donc plus qu'a ce que ranfan revienne.

Je trouve d'ailleurs cette situation amusante. Ed est devenu un paria sous les ordres de Greed. C'est ce qui me fait penser qu'on est loin de la fin. Il y a encore trop d'évènements qui ne sont pas pris en compte. Je dirais qu'il faudrait encore 3 à 4 (voir 5) tomes pour tout boucler.


D'ailleurs, j'aimerais faire remarquer un point à propos de pride. Est ce vraiment selim? Ne le possederais t-il pas? Car sur la tranche du tome 18, on a selim tout souriant. Et sur le tome 19, on a la boule noire. Mais si c'est father, il est déjà apparu au tome 14. Je m'interroge encore.


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Pour moi ce chapitre 83 annonce pas une fin imminente mais c'est sur que c'est dans pas très longtemps, en gros on a encore le temps de voir venir. ;D


Ce qui me plait bien dans ce chapitre ce sont les échanges entre les "subalternes" et Ed: il a pas vraiment le dessus. PAr contre le fait que GReed veuille conquérir le monde ça fait de lui un sérieux concurrent pour le colonel Mustang qui si je me souviens bien voulais la place du Fuhrer....


J'adore aussi le système de transmission de messages: trop classe!


et la dernière touche finale l'échange entre Hawkeye et sa copine qui lui dit trouve moi un mec et Hawkeye lui tend son chien! ptdrrrrrrrrr ;D ;D ;D

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Ed n'a JAMAIS le dessus sur ses subordonnés : il se prend pour le chef et leur donne des ordres, mais comme c'est un nabot arrogant, il n'a strictement aucune autorité (c'est pas un Napoléon, ça c'est sûr) ;D Et là, il essaye de donner des ordres à des types qui font deux fois sa taille et qui pourraient le cogner très fort...

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  • 3 weeks later...

On est le 10...un spoil, voir un raw devrait bientôt pointer le bout de son nez, non ?

J'espère que le chapitre de ce mois-ci ne sera pas trop raccourci, c'est dommage que l'auteur ne puisse pas se donner à fond sur une seule série...

Edit Ewi' : les spoils sont là donc lock du topic.

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