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Gunnm Last Order + Kasei Senki [Yukito KISHIRO]

Andrew Waltfeld

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J'vois pas en quoi c'est plus shonen que seinen.

C'est parce qu'il n'y a pas de sang ou de cerveau qui giclent comme dans les phases de motorball ou dans les salles de test de Nova ?

Un seinen c'est pas forcément du sang, du gore et de la violence.

J'ai toujours l'exemple de Real en tête pour prouver le contraire.


Ce qui fait que GLO reste seinen, c'est évidemment son mensuel de publication, mais surtout la richesse de son background (voir l'évolution de la géopolitique à l'échelle de du système solaire) et la phyché de ses personnages.

Les introspections qu'engendre tout ces événements sur les personnages sont vraiment complexes et surtout crédibles. C'est l'essence même du seinen.

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Shonen/Seinen correspond évidemment à la ligne éditoriale/directrice du magazine mais également à la tranche d'age ciblé. Les derniers chapitres sont plus "légers" dans leur contenu (je ne parle pas de violence ou de sang ici mais des propos de l'histoire) et donc pourraient être aussi bien adaptés à un public plus "jeune" qu'à l'accoutumé (dans un mag. Shonen par ex.).

C’était pas une critique à la base, seulement une remarque.


Et la seule chose qui fait de GLA un seinen c'est le magazine où il est publié, seinen est juste un terme éditorial.

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  • 2 weeks later...

En effet la traduction est étrange mais elle n'est pas mauvaise.

J'ai remarqué ce phénomène dans plusieurs mangas ces derniers mois d'ailleurs.


En fait la traduction est "trop" juste et stricte, c'est une traduction brute, académique. On voit là le travail d'un bon traducteur, mais d'un mauvais adaptateur ou en tout cas quelqu'un qui ne connait pas le manga qu'il traduit (le caractère des personnages, leurs relations, leurs histoires) .


En tout cas c'est l'impression que cela donne; notamment avec des expressions un peu dépassées, des tournures de phrases trop soutenues ou trop bien construites.


Après peut être est-on trop habitué au fansub/scantrad qui sont faits par des fans qui connaissent très bien le manga qu'ils traduisent mais avec quelques erreurs de traduction de temps à autre. Il faudrait un juste milieu.


En tout cas la page couleur est magnifique et puis il vaut le coup pour cette page  8)  :o :





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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Après une longue absence voici les VUs des chapitres 123 & 124


La fin de l'arc semble vraiment arrivée. Désormais, le groupe de Fogia a des chances de rencontrer celui de Gally dans peu de temps (enfin tout est relatif vu la rythme des sorties^^).


Merci à la team pour son taf.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Voilà la Vch du 125 avec son script :



Page 01


[fx] gachunk

[fx] gneek

[fx] gneek

[fx] gachunk


[Ko]'s huuuge!!

[fx] flash flash

[Fi] To think that people of those days constructed amazing.


[Ka] Our separate histories that continued for a long time will finally end!!


Page 02


[Ka] It's the day of the reconciliation between the surface and Tiphares.


Page 03


[T] Someone chases the shadow of a lover,

[T] someone wishes for world change,

[T] someone must hold his own against a ghost of the past,

[T] they go toward the tower that rises to the skies...


Page 04


[Ka] The man you're looking for...Nova, is in Tiphares.

[Ka] You should be prepared.


Nova is over there...!!


[x] The foundations are crumbling!!

[x] Uwaah!

[x] Don't stay near one of the sides or we'll derail!!

[fx] gneek gneek


Page 05


[fx] Wooooo

[x] Iiiih


Page 06


[Fi] We arrived somehow...

[Fi] I thought I was gonna die...


[Ka] …? That's strange, no one came to welcome us.

[Ka] Even Marge-san should know that we're coming...has something happened?

[Ka] Anyway, let's go up!


Page 08


[Ko] Uhhyaah! Cool!

[fx] flash flash flash

[Ka] It really gives a “future” vibe!!


[Ko] But it's a bit sad with no people...

[Ko] Someone, pose over there!


[Ko] What?

[Ko] Where did everyone go?


Page 09


[Fi] If it was for me, I'd want to go immediately to space...

[Fi] but it's not possible, eh...?


[Fi] ouch

[fx] thud


[Fi] W-what the!?

[Fi] Doctor Ido!?


[fx] wooo wooo



someone, answer meee!!


Page 10


Going astray without noticing it...was I affected by highway hypnosis?*

Somehow, I have a bad presentiment...


[fx] clang


[fx] thump thump


Is anyone



A gnawed piece of bread...


[T] Highway Hypnosis: a phenomenon in which a person's consciousness degrades into a half asleep state when surrounded by a monotone scenery like a highway. The difference with the common nodding off is the fact that after the subject wakes up he hardly has any recollection of what happened.


Page 11


Human teeth marks...


[fx] wooo


[fx] woooooooo


Page 12


[Ka] A half-eaten dinner...

[Ka] Just like the Mary Celeste...*


[fx] tick


[Ka] Strange...

[Ka] I can't read anything with my psychometry...*


[Ka] After we rest for a bit, we go searching for Marge and the oth...


[Ka] !?

[Ka] E-everyone...where're you!?


[T] Mary Celeste: a 1872 sailing ship that was drifting unmanned. It is said to be one of the greatest sail mystery of all times. Conan Doyle contributed to transform it into an urban legend after using it as subject to write a story.

[T] Psychometry: Kaos's special ability that reads past events from objects.


Page 13


[No] Kyah ha ha ha ha ha!!


[No] Kyah ha ha ha ha ha!!

[Ka] N-Nova!!


[Ka] I...I was careless.

[Ka] I should've been warned of an attack when no one welcomed us...

[Ka] To think I walked nonchalantly into his trap...!!


Page 14


[No] Welcome to Tiphares!!

[No] I prepared a wonderful game for you!


[fx] turns on


[Ka] Koyomi-chan!

[Ka] Doctor Ido!

[Ka] Everyone!!


[Ka] I want you to play a game of chances

[Ka] risking the lives of the people showed on these monitors.


Page 15


[No] The game name is “Death Checker”.

[No] The rules are simple! You only have to press the “lifesaving button” during the time limit.


[Ka] Wh-who would ever play...

[Ka] such a foolish game...


[No] You also have the choice to “press no button”.

[No] What happens in that case?...Let's see it live.


[Ge] Yaaay!! Tiphares is miiine!

[x] That's no fair, Geppa!!


Page 16


[fx] boom


[x] Geppaaa!!

[No] Kyah ha ha ha ha.


[Ka] W-what have you done!!


[No] When you press the “landmine button” ...

[No] or like in this case, you don't press anything and the time limit person among them is going to die at random.


[No] Oh, and don't forget that you too are included among “them”.

[No] If you, the player, die, everyone dies.

[Ka] !!


Page 17


[No] Since eight persons remain, it'll be a game with eigth rounds in total.

[fx] tlak

[No] At the beginning the rate between “lifesaving buttons” and “landmine buttons” is 8/8, meaning you have a 50% chance.


[No] The buttons rate will decrease after you press either the “lifesaving” or the “landmine” ones.

[fx] beep

[No] Then... “Death Checker”, start!!


[Ka] Calm down...calm down...

[Ka] I've got psychometry...!!


[fx] lightly...


Page 18


[Ka] I can't...

[Ka] read anything!!

[fx] daaan


Page 19


[No] Kyah ha ha! You can't cheat!!

[No] Psychometry is an ability that reads the biomagnetism that is recorded in the scalar resonance field of materials!

[No] In order to proceed with the game in fairiness, the board is demagnetized!!


[Ka] Wait...

[Ka] Wait...!

[fx] pant

[Ka] There must be some other way...

[fx] pant

[fx] pant


[Ka] The...

[Ka] the time is...


[Ka] Wh-which button...


[Ka] must I press...!?

[fx] tremble tremble


Page 20


[fx] click


[Ka] …....


[fx] clap clap clap


Page 21


[No] The lifesaving succeeded.

[No] It ended with no one dying.


[fx] pant

[fx] pant

[fx] pant

[fx] pant

[fx] hanf

[fx] hanf

[No] Though it was only the first round, you're so agitated.

[No] I can tell it's going to be hard going.


[No] Seven rounds remaining.

[No] Should we continue the game!?


[T] Next chapter on tuesday 22/10.



Nova est de retour et Ido semble avoir de nouveaux ennuis ; du Gunnm quoi^^

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  • 3 weeks later...


voilà le raw du chapitre 126


Un peu d'action avec Ido qui a l'air d'avoir une dent contre Nova. En même temps avec la mort de la fille robot dans les derniers chapitres, et la haine que vouent le peuple/Barjack à Nova, ça peut se comprendre qu'Ido l'ait mauvaise^^


Je pense qu'on en apprendra plus avec les dialogues.

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  • 1 month later...

Le manga se fini le 28 janvier


Gunnm Last Order se termine

Jeudi, 19 Décembre 2013 - Source :Evening


Gunnm Last Order, le manga de Yukito Kishiro, se terminera le 28 janvier prochain, dans le 4e numéro de l'Evening. La série fera 19-20 volumes au final.

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En espérant qu'il y ait un jour un 3ème arc sur Mars, avec ce que tous les fans attendent : une confrontation entre Gally et Erika  8) Il y a encore trop de questions sans réponse : je doute que ça puisse être fait d'ici le volume 20 , car depuis le volume 18, LO est en baisse de qualité et l'histoire principale mise de côté.


Ca serait vraiment dommage que la saga Gunnm se finisse de cette manière.

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Alors là je suis vraiment surpris.


Le scénar actuel ne laissait rien présagé d'une fin si rapide.


Quid de Mars, des survivants de l'école du Panzer, etc...


Il doit rester 2 chapitres donc va falloir que Gally retrouve Ido & Fogia en 2 chapitres??


Bref déçu de cette annonce. Si le manga avait clairement perdu en qualité depuis un moment, il restait tout de même bien sympathique.


Espérons comme tu le dis Choi qu'il y ait une nouvelle série sur l'arc de Mars. Histoire que Fogia ne se soit pas entrainé pour rien^^

Une fin pour Last Order ok, mais pour Gunnm ça craint :'(

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Plus que probable qu'on ai le droit à un troisième cycle.

Après tout, si Kishiro avait voulu qu'on ne distingue pas Gunnm de Last Order, il aurait tout simplement garder le nom.


Rappelons d'ailleurs que le "Last Order", correspond à l'ordre d'Arthur donné à Vilma de protéger l'humanité. Chose faite, lorsqu'elle confie la fata morgana à Gally, à laquelle elle transmet par ailleurs la tâche de poursuivre cette mission.

Ce que Gally réussit avec brio en empêchant Trinidad de détruire Jeru, et en pactisant avec Jupiter pour éviter une guerre stellaire.


Maintenant que le "Last Order" est expliqué, appliqué et une réussite, l'auteur veut surement changer le titre du prochain cycle.


Enfin j'espère...

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J'avais entendu une autre version moi...

Comme quoi une grosse tuile du coté de sa vie privée l'aurait poussé à précipiter la fin de Gunnm, et qu'il aurait repris avec Last Order l'idée qu'il avait à la base.


C'est un peu le soucis avec les mangakas. Ils sont tellement avare en infos claires qu'on finit invariablement par avoir tout un tas de rumeur dont il est difficile de démêler le vrai du faux.

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J'ai lu que suite à un évènement personnel, il était devenu agoraphobe, d’où la pause des 5 ans. Mais oui en effet, la fin de Gunnm a été précipité et Gunnm Last Order est la suite et la fin qu'il a toujours souhaité.


C'est pour cela que même s'il y a encore certainement beaucoup à faire avec l'univers de Gunnm, j'ai dans l'idée qu'il n'y aura pas de suite; mais évidemment j'espère me tromper.


De toute façon, le mangaka est encore jeune (46 ans) donc je lirais avec plaisir ses prochains travaux ; Gunnm ou pas.


Je le place au même rang que Katsuhiro Ōtomo donc je serais à l'affut de la moindre info  ;)

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J'pense surtout que Kishiro cherche à s'affranchir des grosses maisons d'éditions (du moins en partie). Sa prise de bec avec la Shueisha était déja un bon indicateur, et puis là j'ai pas l'impression qu'il travaille mieux avec la Kodansha. J'extrapole, mais je serais pas étonné qu'il finisse par s'auto-produire, comme Miura ou Inoue.


Quoiqu'il en soit, je reste dubitatif devant cette news...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Pour répondre aux questions plus haut c'est confirmé on aura une 3eme série :


Yukito Kishiro va lancer cet été une 3e série de Gunnm, intitulée pour le moment Gunnm - Kasei Senki (Gunnm - Les Chroniques de la Guerre de Mars). Celle-ci devrait être publiée dans l'Evening. Par ailleurs, un artbook de Gunnm devrait sortir cette année.





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MARS !!!


trop content  ;D


J'espère qu'on en saura plus sur le passé de Mars en parallèle du présent et évidemment que toute la clique habituelle soit présente !!!


Plus qu'à attendre une date et les premières infos.

Confirmé sur le blog de l'auteur :


Il souhaite une bonne année et précise que ce sera pour le second semestre 2014


PS: non mais Mars quoi !!!  ;D

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  • 3 weeks later...

En attendant ce 3ème arc, voilà le raw  & le script du 127, avant dernier chapitre de Last Order :

(En ddl dans le 1er post du topic).



Page 01


[T] Phase.127 Alita Quest XVI

[1] A brutal intelligence and a fiendish will!! The wicked chronicle of un uncommon trickster!!

[2] Desty Nova's genealogy

[3] es.553 Desty Nova is born on Tiphares.

es.561 Nova escapes from Tiphares and comes to the surface.

[4] Desty Nova (origin)

[5] es.590 He is killed by Alita in a fight at Granite Inn, but he revives due to his stomach backup. Conversely, he kills Alita with a bomb.

[6] He returns to Tiphares.

[7] es.591 He regenerates Alita (Battle Angel Alita – Last Order, Phase.1) and immediately after he is killed by Jim Roscoe.

[8] Nova regenerates because of stereotomy.

[9] He exchanges Alita's brain chip.

[10] One of Origin Nova's brain chips removed by Jim, after Ping Wu made it into a device, is revived as Porta Nova.

[11] The other brain chip location is unknown.

[12] Porta Nova

[13] He is killed by Super Nova.

[14] He goes to Ketheres with Alita and Sechs but he is defeated by Mbadi. He gets caught and dismantled.

[15] After the brain chip is removed by Mbadi, the fiendish isotope Super Nova is born.

[16] Super Nova

[17] He flees to Mars (survives).

[18] Due to stereotomy, Nova regenerates on Tiphares

[19] He is killed by Nora and the others.

[20] Nova regenerates.

[21] He is killed.

[22] The process is repeated

[23] Nova regenerates. He programs stereotomy-D to generate Decoys and hides.

[24] Nova X (alias, Flan Nova).

[25] He forces Kaos to play Death Checker (current).

[26] From stereotomy-D, Decoys are generated.

[27] Nora and the others kill them.

[28] After this, the process of regenerations and killings is repeated, but is stopped when Nova X appears.

[29] Decoy Nova #84


Page 02


[84] Y...

[84] you mustn't kill him!!


I know.

[nx] Ihyaaaa!!


Page 03


“Stereotomy”...due to a regeneration system that uses nanomachines in the air,

even if Nova dies he will regenerate infinitely, right?


Moreover, due to the “restorers” inside the body, even external wounds are mended at once.



[fx] szok!


[nx] Hyaaaa!!


if you get smashed like this...

it should take a little time until the lack of tissue regenerates.


Page 04


You can relax, Kaos.

I've already stopped the Death Checker system.


[k] I-is that so...?


At any rate,

it seems that I am a way crueler man than I thought I was.


This hammer...

strangely, it gives me a nice feeling...

Before erasing my memory, was I working as a blacksmith or something?


Page 05


[nx] Those coat and hammer...

[nx] I thought that your memories of the past had surely returned, but...

[nx] it looks like it's not the case.


[84] I gave him t-that coat!


You can already talk?

You heal fast, eh?


[fx] szo szo szok!

[nx] Aaaargh!!


[k] Please wait, Doctor Ido!

[k] Nova, I want to ask you something!

[k] Marge and the others...where're the Tiphares children who survived!?


[nx] Those girls? After I took some molecular samplings...

[nx] I returned them to their origin of a protoplasm soup to be used in chemical experiments!


Page 06


[fx] bam!


[k] What have you done...!!

[k] Even the children...are you saying that you killed everyone!?


[nx] No, no...there seems to be a mistake.

[nx] I've only temporarily taken them out so those girls can't hinder my plan...


[nx] Since there're all of their sampling data, they can be revived forever.

[nx] Not just their bodies, but the memories they had at the point in time of the sampling...even the clothes they were wearing, perfectly!


[k] Using a regeneration technique like “stereotomy”...!?


Page 07


[k] As if a man was an audio tape or something like that...

[k] What a frightening man...

[k] It's no wonder that who possesses such abilities becomes indifferent to people's lives and deaths...


[nx] It appears that Nova X route and plan stops here.

[nx] However, my other “isotope” probably will deepen the research using a different approach...


[nx] Flan is reminiscence...!!


Page 08


[fx] freeze



[nx] Eleven years died once, killed by Zapan...

[nx] I gathered up your brain chip scattered all around using tweezers...

[nx] I reconstructed the neuron model from the Karmatron Dynamics Theory...I assembled what is you now from that...


[nx] A backup of that time still remains in the nanomachine storage inside my body.

[nx] These capsules are what I programed the nanomachines to establish from your memories.


[nx] From when you were born as a your life together with Alita ...

[nx] Even the memory of your accidental death at my home...they're inside here...


Page 09


So what?


I won't make any deal.

Your life ends here.


[nx] This is a present for you...

[nx] You're free to drink them or throw them away.


Page 10


[nx] I brag myself of being a genius, but...


[nx] inside us Tiphareans' heads there's a brain chip...

[nx] The man who more than two hundreds years ago designed this small chip that perfectly reproduces the workings of people's brains...

[nx] He, should be called a real genius!!


[nx] And despite that, his name is not recorded at all in the space society history...

[nx] During the many weeks I've been here, I've cracked Ketheres archive, specifically searching the brain chip designer.


[nx] Who do you think it was?


Page 11


[nx] The brain chip designer was, my goodness...

[nx] Melchizedek itself.


I don't know what you're trying to say.


A giant computer is controlling humanity via brain chips, perhaps?


[nx] I don't give a damn about such a trivial thing!

[nx] The main point is that Melchizedek has amassed such an amount of information that goes by far beyond what humans could...

[fx] ?

[nx] Information that can even be called an “universal truth”...moreover, almost none has noticed the importance of this fact!!


[nx] If I could access the information stored in Melchizedek...!!

[nx] My Karmatron Dynamics could progress making a huge le...!!


Page 12


[fx] shhhhhhhhh


Page 13


[T] After securing him at a life-support system, we hybernated him.

[T] This should prevent the infinite regenerations from “stereotomy”.


[T] After, me and Kaos, with the help of Decoy-kun, regenerated Marge, the others and the Tiphares inhabitants.

[T] Because “stereotomy” takes six days to complete, we took the MIB equipment. Their regeneration system regenerates large quantity of people in a shorter time.


[T] At Tiphares park, a starving Figure and Koyomi reunited...

[f] Hey!

[ko] Hungryyy...


Page 14


[fx] psssssssssssssh


[x] Huh!? Where am I!?

[fx] Waaaaahn

[x] You won't get any soup tomorrow!!


[x] Ooh!? Tankuer, where did you go!?

[T] Since Nova took samplings from us too, he was also regenerated safely.


[x] Wah! It's a robot!!

[x] I'm a cyborg, you damn brat!

[x] Make some beams come out from the eyes!

[x] I can't, you know!!


Page 15


[T] We explained to the girls that they had been “put to sleep” by Nova.

[T] For now, we decided to keep for ourselves that they had been “killed”.


[fx] wobble


[x] Eeek, are you all right!?

[fx] thud

[T] Due to fatigue, Kaos rested for three days.


Page 16


[fx] tok


Page 17


[f] We did it...

[fx] pssh



[f] I pray that Kayna's soul can rest in peace.


[fx] clang!

To Kayna...and to all the men who Nova made suffer.


[f] ...So, what will you do now, Doctor Ido?


Page 18


Marge and the others asked me to remain at Tiphares and help with the reconstruction.


[f] That's not bad! Ya were born in Tiphares, so it's yer home village, right?


You're right, it's not bad...


The light is coming back on the surface...


[f] The Jocks siblings have restored the power supply from Tiphares.

[f] Those brother and sister engineers left during the party and went straight to work.

[f] Impressive.


Page 19


[f] Since Kaos's recovered, he says he's leaving fer Ketheres tomorrow.

[f] I'll go to space too!

[f] Alita's waiting fer me, after all!!


[f] Even though we part ways here, we're gonna be friends forever!!



Page 20


My lost memories...



[k] With the range of my psichometry I couldn't find anything suspicious in Nova's behavior in the past...


[k] These seem just what he explained them to be...

[k] nanomachines that will disassemble inside your body after drinking them.


[k] If I were you, I'd throw them away.

[k] I couldn't understand if they have secondary effects or if they are some kind of trap or not.


Page 21


The gentle doctor Ido Daisuke...

Kayna...that was a persona I fabricated to be as closer as possible to what you wanted.

But no matter how much pleasant that was...that's not the real me.


The real me is darker...

When I was punishing Nova, I was excited from the bottom of my heart...

A repulsive joy!!

I'm a man who can enjoy that from the bottom of his heart!!


[ka] No matter what cruel truth lies ahead for you...

[ka] don't lose yourself!!


Page 22


Goodbye, Kayna.

Even if that could be my real nature, from which I want to turn my eyes away...

I'm going to regain back who I am.


I'll never forget you.

[fx] glom



[fx] glug glug


Page 24


[T] The next day Orbit Elevator In front of boarding gate #1

[j] We will remain here and keep doing repair works at the infrastructure.

[k] Please,see that everything is ok.


[x] Take care of the place for a bit while I'm away.

[x] Come back quick, ok?


I'm coming too.

[f] Doctor Ido!


I want to see your reunion with Alita.

[f] Ouh!!


Page 25


[x] Let's go to Ketheres!!


[T] Defeating Nova, Ido's journey reached its finale. Now Figure is left. Can he be reunited with Alita at the space city, Ketheres!?


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  • 2 weeks later...

Voici le raw & le script des 2 derniers chapitres (128-129). Voici donc la fin de GLO :


Lien vers le raw du 128:

(lien dl dans le 1er post du topic).


et le script :



Page 01


[T] Phase.128 Alita Quest XVII

[T] The space city Ketheres, where the impact of the Zenith of Things Tournament still lingers. What awaits the party that went to the very top of the geostationary orbit in pursuit of the disappeared Alita is...!?

[ko] We've arrived at Kethereees!!


Page 02


[ko], the heck is this!?


[f] For some reason, it looks like under construction...


[T] It's no longer what it used to be in the thriving days of the past...


Page 03


[k] Uuh...the air is bad...

[fx] cough cough

[f] Watch yer steps...

[ko] Kyah ha!! My body's so liiight!!


[ko] Ah! There's a person!!

[x] What's with you!? That's troublesome.


[x] You came from the surface, right!? That's troublesome.

[k] I'd like to meet with the leader of the city.


[x] I'm telling this for your own good, you should go back.


[k] Why!?


[x] Ketheres is no longer a human city.

[x] It's a city governed by the noble robot.


Page 04


[x] Many months ago, during the finals of the ZOTT, Mbadi's tyranny was exposed, and an insurrection arised.


[x] The image of the Ketheresians as the ideal city inhabitants was nowhere to be found...


[x] When the rampant vandalism reached even the life-support facilities,

[x] suddenly, out of nowhere, a countless number of robots appeared and suppressed the revolt!!


Page 05


[x] Returned to our senses, we where ashamed of our deeds...


[x] Recognizing our inability to govern...

[x] we assigned the sovereignty to Landa Nam Nam, the king of the robots.



[ko] So cool, it's like SF!!

[f] From my point of view, the Scrapyard and Tiphares were both surprising cities,

[f] so now a city of robots doesn't impress me much!


[x] However, are you guys fine with that!?


[x] The beds, walls, ceilings, water, air for our livelihoods are all supported by the robots steady maintenance...

[x] it was abnormal that until now we ignored their existences!

[x] Glory to the robots! All the best to their subjects!!


Page 06


[k] Uhm, then, let me meet with the king of the robots, Landa Nam Nam.

[x] That's why I've told you that's troublesome!


[x] Pii! Bubu piigapii!!


[x] Pigaa!!

[x] I'm really sorry, I'll send them away immediately!!


[x] Ahiiii!


[f] Drop it!


Page 07


[x] V v...

[x] What did you do!?

[f] I couldn't stand to watch...

[x] Gi gi...

[x] Pi...


[g] If it's fighting, then it's our turn, Tankuer!

[ta] Guh eh eh, when it comes to bully the weak, you can leave it to me!

[ko] So lame!


[m] Somehow, it's very unlikely that this will end peacefully...

Oh boy...


[k] My katana!

[g] Sir!


Page 08


[k] Let's teach the robots how to behave towards guests.


[T] Immediately after, Kaos noticed a serious problem...

[T] that using psichometry he could not read any informaion from the katana at all!


[T] In the katana that was destroyed along with Geppa and then regenerated, no biomagnetism informations remained!

[T] For Kaos, who reproduces through psicometry reading the skills of a master fencer of long ago Japan, this was just and edged tool for an amateur!

[T] Kaos is exausted right on the spot!!

[fx] clang

[k] Heavyyy...

[fx] weak


Page 09


[x] Boootz!!

[t] Hey...

[t] these many...

[g] There're even some big ones!


[g] Calm down! If we talk we can come to an understanding!!

[ko] Super lame!!

[t] My policy is to not defy the strong!!


[m] Everyone, retreat!!

Run to the orbital elevator gate!!


Page 10


[x] Uwaaah!


[f] Incorrigible, ain't ya?


Page 11


[ko] Aunt Marge!

[ko] Doctor Ido!


[ko] Don't run away! If you're a man, then fight!!

[f] Damn brat, who do ya think I'm running fer?


Page 12


[f] Woh!


[ko] Eeeek, I'm falliiing!!


Page 13


[ko] I'm saaafe...

[f] Wh-what the...!?

[f] Something grabbed my hand just now!?


[x] You came right at a bad time, eh?


[f] The only things I'm weak against are ghosts and green onions.

[fx] nanmandabu nanmandabu

[ko] Hello Mr. Space Ghost.

[ko] Do you mind if I take a spirit photograph!?


[x] I'm not a ghost nor a green onion.

[x] Whoom


[fx] Pashuuuh

[fx] Boing


Page 14


[r] Huff, it was tighting my chest.

[r] I'm Rem Rei


[r] When I came to Ketheres to pick up my uncle, unfortunately the robot coup d'etat happened and I couldn't go back.


Page 15


[f] Hey, there're robots!

[r] They're fine.

[r] They're servants of the former Landa Nam Nam king that was exiled.

[r] Nam Nam is our ally.


[r] I'm back, uncle.


[r] Ooh, how did it go, Rem?


Page 16


[r] I'm sorry, I failed at securing a shuttle.

[x] It was impossible after all...


[x] Uhm? Who're those guys?

[r] I found them up there.


[x] came from the surface to look for Alita...


[f] Don't ya know Alita's whereabouts, ol'man!?


[x] Unfortunately...we were all separated amidst the caos of the finals.

[x] After that, I don't know what happened to her.

[x] With her strength, even the caos here in Ketheres could've been settled in a moment...


Page 17


[n] In time, the methods of the current robot king, “Hecaton”, will arouse human resentment

[n] and the robots will be dealt with a clean sweep.

[fx] nam nam nam

[n] If you help me, Landa Nam Nam, to return to be king, I promise to collaborate with you!


[ko] This is Nam Nam...

[x] He was destroyed with a sneak attack. I managed to retrieve it's brainchip and repaired it.


[r] Have we become able to use that?

[x] Only the final adjustments remain...


[x] It's well done for having finished it with what we had available on hand.


Page 18


[x] However, this thing uses a great amount of electricity to activate.

[x] If we use it, we'll be found out by the robots outside.

[r] Basically, there's no turning back...


[ko] 'scuse me...can't you explain what you're talking about in an easier way?


[r] In brief,

[r] we're going to raid the king of robots place!


[x] Now that I think about it...that guy could know something about Alita...

[x] Right...


[f] After hearing this,

[f] I'll help ya too!!


Page 19


Where in the world are they planning to take us...?


[k] C-cold...


This is bad. These are hyportermia symptoms!

We must warm him using the waste heat of your generator!

[g] G-got it!


Page 20


[x] King! As per your command,

[x] we captured the intruders and took them here!


[x] Hey, hey noble king! What do we do with the intruders?

[x] Death penalty! The death penalty will be good!!


[h] I'm the arrogant king of the robots, Hecaton!!*

[h] Hmph.


[Note] Greek it is the number 100.


Page 21


[h] You humans!

[T] Deckman 100's imponent figure towers above the surroundings!!

[T] What is the machine king, who has Elf and Zwölf serving him, scheming!?

[h] Kneel and ask me for mercy!!

[h] Hmph.

[T] Next!! Battle Angel Alita Last Order

[T] Final chapter!!!!

[T] Alita has disappeared. Figure chases her.

[T] Where does the soul severed from machine and flesh wanders to...?

[T] Battle Angel Alita Last Order Continues / The next chapter will appear in the issue on sale on 1/28.

[T] ...and then, the story moves to a new world!!!


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