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Black Clover [Yûki TABATA]


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On dirait que Ichika est tombé sous le charme d'Asta elle aussi, ce Asta quelle tombeur et pourtant il n'a d'yeux que pour Sister Lily, sinon Charmy déesse de la nourriture dans le pays de Yami ça m'a fait sourire, hâte de voir la suite et comment va se passer l'entraînement d'Asta.

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  • 2 weeks later...

chapter 354 Title: Judgment Day


Judgement Day has come... Lucius says “Let’s take the first step towards the new world peace”, as he's taking a step with some of his Paladins. 

Then we're shown Clover Kingdom.

all the magic knights are waiting, incl. Yuno & the captains. In the meantime, Yami and Charlotte begin chatting.....

Charlotte says sorry for avoiding Yami for the past few days, & says she'd be fighting this battle with "no personal feelings" and she'll just do what needs to be done. 

Yami jokingly says nobody's worried about her & calls her "Thorn Princess" like in the past...

Yami tells Charlotte "When this fight is over... since you can't hold your drink, how about going out for some tea... there are some things I'd like to talk about"



Clover Kingdom preparations: the population has been evacuated to the noble realm & they fortified its borders (like that helps against Lucius)

Neighbouring countries have been alerted too (Spade & Heart Kingdoms shown for 1-1 panel)

Am I the only one who keeps wondering what happened to the Diamond Kingdom and Mars?

The same thing happened to the Diamond Kingdom as to Leopold. Some invisible black hole sucked them in and destroyed their existence /sarcasm


Jack -as usual- mumbles something about slashing the enemy up, and that minute, Lucius arrives

Someone that looks like Nacht arrives... Jack tells him off for being late, then realises it's not Nacht, but MORGEN as Paladin.

Jack loses an arm and gets a big hole in the stomach from Morgen's light magic but I'm sure Jack will be fine eventually

Morgen's Paladin horns are the same as Lucifugus's

Yami is shocked to see Morgen, who just says "Ah Yami, how long has it been...?" 

Yami is so shocked the cigarette drops out of his mouth.

Paladin morris

Paladin acier

light rays start breaking through the cloudy sky... a clueless child says " angel!" as Lucius appears up above. (The angel wings were a good fashion choice for sure)

Lucius says "Well then... Let's bring happiness to the world"

Chapter ends. WHAT A CHAPTER!!!!

































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Spoil black clover Chapter 355 Title "Prince of stars"


Yami shouts "Jack", and thinks "He's already..." but then William shows up, immediately attacking Lucius.

William rushes towards Lucius "Because Julius-sama was there, I am who I am now." He screams "I'll stop you even if it costs my life!". Lucius goes "It's a shame but.. my opponent is not you" and William's body starts to rot/decay after touching a time magic spell...

I guess it's the same spell (or a similar version of) what Julius used back then to age Patry's arm?

Lucius: "You don't have the power to resist me"

The flying things from last chapter are angel looking creatures & no legs. Lucius: "It's the final judgement". The angel looking things radiate light & NPCs in the Clover Kingdom say there's too many of them, with too strong magic, there's no way they can stop them.

the angel looking things prepared an OP attack with light radiating all over, but Yuno stopped it with his star magic. Clover Kingdom NPCs: "An attack of that magnitude... and he stopped it...?!"; "There are stars even though it's not nighttime...!"

Yami witnessing Yuno stopping Lucius's large scale spell, he thinks "in this past year and a few months... he became this strong..."; William is also in awe over Yuno and thinks "You're stronger than me now, aren't you..." 

Yuno's time to shine, literally 

Upon seeing Yuno's now stronger than him, William says "Yuno, you are the captain of the Golden Dawn."

Yuno: "There's no way I can forgive you, Lucius Zogratis. But it's not that I'll defeat you because I can't forgive you. I'll do it because I'm the man who'll become the Wizard King!!"

Lucius: "You really are the one I have to destroy"





























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Chapter 356 Title: "Neverland"


Lucius tells Yuno that he [Yuno] is indeed strong, but this won't be enough to stop them.

The other magic knights become full time NPCs as they keep saying no matter what magic attribute they use against these legless angels, they can't do anything about them.

the legless angels have the ultimate cheat skill; indestroyable by any amount or attribute of magic

Morris mumbles some gibberish about "Rebels who disturbed the world become beings who bring order... What a rational world!"

En (the Green Mantis guy) despairs a bit about how powerless they are, no matter if it's a magic knight or a noble... but he says they must fight anyway to protect the citizens. Sol also says they need to fight no matter what, and attacks with her Golem.

Sol's Golem attack looks clearly stronger. Bell appears, explaining this is the "power of her and Yuno's love" [lol]. "It manipulates the flow of magic power and time inside some space to make the magic of the allies stronger and the magic of the enemies weaker!"

We don't know how large the radius of this "some space" is

Yuno attacks Lucius with "Star x Wind Spirit Magic: Neverland" 🔥🔥🔥

Klaus: "That cheeky kouhai [junior]... I have no choice but to admit it. You have the capacity to be Wizard King...!! Yuno!!!"

Lucius traps Yuno in one of his time spells, but Yuno's able to move.

Lucius: "The basic principle of my time magic attack is ageing. It's magic that manipulates & speeds up the flow of time, but..."

Yuno: "In Neverland... time does not pass."

Lucius: "It really is magic [Yuno's] that was born to oppose me... I hate you. You are my rival."

Yuno: "My rival is not you!"

Yuno attacks Lucius with Spirit of Zephyr. Chapter ends. 




























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  • 3 weeks later...

Spoil 357


Le chapitre commence alors que Lucius arrête facilement l'attaque de Yuno et dit que depuis qu'il a pris Lucifero, il a acquis une forte puissance physique et de telles attaques [comme celle de Yuno] ne l'atteindront pas si facilement. '' Une telle magie extrême ... même vous ne durerez pas aussi longtemps. C'est une mauvaise idée, ça ne fera que prolonger la souffrance. Jack se demande s'il va mourir. Jack flashback : Yami lui demande pendant un combat ce qu'il est en train de faire, Jack pense que si Yami avait été sérieux, il aurait pu prendre son œil gauche.


Le flashback de Jack a continué: Morgen se présente pour dire à Yami qu'ils ont une mission et gronde Yami qu'il devrait s'entendre avec d'autres escouades [se référant à son combat avec Jack]. Yami dit que ce n'est pas lui qui l'a commencé. Le flashback de Jack a continué : Le PNJ de la mante verte dit « La combinaison claire et sombre du cerf gris… ! Le top de notre génération…! La lumière, l'attribut le plus fort de tous les temps, et l'obscurité inconnue. Les deux sont une magie mystique et insaisissable… ! »


Jack remarque que c'est intéressant et qu'un jour il les découperait. Retour au présent. Yami s'occupe de Jack et Jack en a apparemment honte. Morgen : "Avec ma lumière... je t'enverrai au paradis" La vie de Jack clignote devant ses yeux, et il pense qu'il a tout déchiré jusqu'à présent... et maintenant il va tout déchirer/trancher en un dernier majeur attaque. Morgen a l'air un peu surpris de ce grand découpage, les PNJ ont l'air choqués. Jack demande à Yami comment s'est passée sa dernière grande attaque.


Yami dit que "c'était un gros problème...!" Alors que Jack s'effondre, il dit que son seul regret est d'avoir voulu trancher Yami directement. Morgen dit que « ça lui fait mal, mais à partir de maintenant de plus en plus mourront… mais ça va ». Parce qu'ils renaîtront et qu'ils seront tous heureux ensemble. Morris décompose le bras de Mereoleona. C'est là que le chapitre se termine 












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Black clover spoil


As Mereoleona’s arm is decayed by Morris, she activates ‘Hellfire Incarnate’.

Morris cynically remarks he’d never seen someone who’s body is so close to mana itself.


Morris says his 'Revelation' (written with the kanji for 'Disintegration') given to him by Lucius decomposes everything he touches.

He commends Mereoleona for immediately regenerating a fist with mana, but he says his 'Revelation' & tentacles regenerate faster.


Mereoleona & Morris basically keep cancelling each other out, but Morris says his tentacle regeneration is faster, and so he's wondering how long Mereoleona can actually last.


One of the magic knights says "at this rate, her body will...!" 

Mereoleona just shouts "I don't care!!!" 

Nearby, Fuegoleon is vibing with Salamander with some NPCs cheering him on. Magic knights from his squad are wondering if there's anything they can do.


Fuegoleon takes a quick look at Mereoleona and worriedly thinks "Sister...!!!" 

Mereoleona battle screams, and Morris confidently says "It's over...!"

Is it, though?


2 NPC magic knights jump in the way of Morris's tentacles, saving Mereoleona. 

Their dying wish is 'We leave the rest to you'.


Mereoleona claims he'll punch Morris anyway, and the rest of the magic nights scream that Mereoleona needs to be shielded from the attacks.


After the first 2 NPCs died, Morris says "Reducing the allies to ashes who've sheltered you... how brilliantly efficient"


The magic knights sheltering Mereoleona all get disintegrated.


Nearby Fuegoleon comments on the fight. He says it's not like Morris's regeneration & decomposition can last infinitely, and he should also have some limits. Mereoleona is risking her life 'playing this game'.


Morris tells Mereoleona "No matter how stupid or incompetent you are, Lucius-sama will regenerate you equally".


Mereoleona fiercely claims she will definitely burn Morris to death for the dead members of the magic knights squad. 

She unleashes a new spell "Calidus Bracium: Purgatory Incineration" (not the official translation)


























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Le 19/04/2023 à 17:11, goon a dit :

Black Clover sera en pause après la Golden Week des Jump #23 et #24. Le chapitre 359 paraitra le 22 Mai :


Au moins on aura un chapitre la semaine prochaine. Vu l'intensité de la bataille, le suspense risque de nous laisser sans voix car actuellement malgré le up de Yuno, il n'y a pas d'issue secours. Quelque part, j'ai l'impression que Jack a été sortie le premier vu que sa magie évolue en fonction des combats qu'il mène. 


La grande question est, quand est-il de taureau noir?

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Il y a 6 heures, il credino Mkl a dit :

Au moins on aura un chapitre la semaine prochaine. Vu l'intensité de la bataille, le suspense risque de nous laisser sans voix car actuellement malgré le up de Yuno, il n'y a pas d'issue secours. Quelque part, j'ai l'impression que Jack a été sortie le premier vu que sa magie évolue en fonction des combats qu'il mène. 


La grande question est, quand est-il de taureau noir?

je crois que tu te trompe il n'y aura pas de chapitre la semaine prochaine le manga est en pause pendant un mois la c'est vraiment de l'abus vu qu'il sort s'une pause de 3 mois 

Modifié par domisland974
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Il y a 15 heures, domisland974 a dit :

je crois que tu te trompe il n'y aura pas de chapitre la semaine prochaine le manga est en pause pendant un mois la c'est vraiment de l'abus vu qu'il sort s'une pause de 3 mois 

J'avais mal lu. Bon, la pause n'est pas non plus mauvais surtout la charge du travail qu'il a et qu'il aura. Le dernier virage d'un arc est toujours délicat et ce n'est pas facile de gérer la pression. Tu as Tite Kubo qui a bâclé la fin de bleach à cause de son éditeur. Tabata doit aussi tenir compte du film d'animation qui sortira en Juin. 


J'espère que l'auteur pourra se ressourcer histoire de bien travailler la fin de son mangas.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Title: The Dancing Princess of the Battlefield, again


Acier commends Nozel for becoming strong but says this is as far as he gets. Nebra is crying that she can't fight their mother... Acier scolds Nebra & Solid that they could've become stronger too but they let hate and power warp their mind.


Acier says sorry for having died [in the past] and even though her children got weak she still loves them. She suggests they're reborn in the "peaceful and equal world created by Lucius" so they can start over together.


Noelle shows up!!! She tells her siblings to stay strong. 

Acier: "You must be Noelle...! The young me & you are like two peas in a pod..."

Acier says now they can truly be together...


Noelle monologue: "Though we've only met in spirit [Megicula defeat] you really are my mother...! You're Acier Silva but... not the Acier Silva we know...!! You're the person we have to... defeat and surpass here..!!


Nozel says indeed Noelle has become strong but she doesn't have Undine anymore.


Noelle flashback: she's a bit (lot) depressed that she couldn't do anything to save Asta. She reminisces about not being able to do Saint Stage anymore, although she has become stronger but this meant nothing when facing Lucius. This way she can't change anything...


Flashback continued: Noelle says even then, she can't yet give up and she's sure that Asta is alive...! and so, she'd protect this country for whenever Asta comes back...!! For the sake of this, she's going to become stronger.


Flashback: Kahono shows up...! She says there's some great trouble at the Underwater Temple and she needs Noelle to help them out, after all, Noelle has become strong. She takes Noelle to this gigantic dragon "Sea God" that has been worshipped since ancient times.


Lore: "A dragon of the raging sea will awaken from its long sleep when the end of the world is imminent." - as the legend goes. The Sea God awoke... 

The Sea God says "the world is in danger... I'll go berserk... and so need... strong contractor..."


and so the Sea God has been searching for an excellent water mage who can assimilate it to a spirit-like form. 

Good thing Noelle exists!!


So the kanji for the "Sea God" is 「海神」which are just the characters for "sea" and "god", however, it's pronounced as "Kaijin". Once they make a contract with Noelle and he enters a spirit form, Noelle calls him "Leviathan".


we're back in the present, Noelle unleashes her new spell: "Valkyrie dress: Dragon Form"

"Mother!!! I'm surpassing you right here!!!" 

Acier: "To have become this strong... I'm proud...!!"




































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  • 2 weeks later...

Titre : Armée de la fin du monde

 Lucius est tué et Yuno pense qu'il a gagné. Puis Lucius est de retour, indemne, avec un sourire sur son visage. Yuno est confus, il est sûr que ce n'était pas une sorte d'hallucination et ne comprend donc pas ce qui se passe.

Les bâtiments commencent à s'effondrer autour de Lucius. Lucius : "Actuellement, j'ai la magie de l'âme, du corps, du sang et des os... Je peux même me cloner... !"

Lucius pensa intérieurement : « Mon plan est toujours parfait, même si vous êtes au-delà de ma prévoyance… ! Je vais créer une nouvelle pépinière primordiale (?) dans ce pays et descendre en tant qu'empereur sorcier… !"

Beaucoup de Lucius/Lucei ? apparaissent autour de Yuno. "Tu étais fort... Yuno Grinberryall... !!" 

Les PNJ s'inquiètent à la vue, mais Noelle dit "Pas encore... Il y a encore de l'espoir... !!!"

Ensuite, nous voyons les Black Bulls...

Nous voyons Vanessa parler à la reine des sorcières de la façon dont elle seule peut les aider en ce moment à trouver qui ils recherchent, demandant une faveur à la reine des sorcières. Elle dit bien sûr qu'elle savait déjà qu'ils venaient...

La reine sorcière leur dit qu'Asta est vivant mais qu'il est dans un pays étranger, ce dont tout le monde se réjouit, mais le pays est trop loin pour le "convoquer". Dorothy dit que ce n'est pas un problème.

Dorothy dit qu'elle avait pensé qu'ils avaient besoin de "Asta-kun" pour vaincre Lucius puisqu'il est le "futur Lucius ne sait pas lire". 

Dorothy dit que si elles [Vanessa, elle, Witch Queen] "les trois sorcières les plus puissantes de tous les temps" font équipe, elles peuvent tout faire.

La Reine Sorcière dit que le monde est en danger alors elle va les aider.

Les Black Bulls activent une super magie composée "The Door of Destiny", en se concentrant sur leur mage spatial [Finral]. Dorothy explique que c'est une merveilleuse magie qui permet de rencontrer celui qu'on a le plus envie de rencontrer. 

Asta est de retour ~

Le chapitre se termine, pas de pause la semaine prochaine.

























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