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Claymore [Norihiro YAGI]


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En voilà une nouvelle qu'elle est bonne. :)

C'est surtout rassurant, on n'aura pas une fin tronquée, maintenant, reste à voir ce que nous réserve Yagi.

On va s'attarder longtemps sur la situation (compliquée) de Claire ou sera-t-elle réglée rapidement ? Se dirige-t-on vers un départ vers le continent ? Les dragons joueront-ils un rôle important dans la suite ?

Le nombre d'option est assez enthousiasmant.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Scan chinois 127 :


+ résumé :


Chapter 127 Summary - The Destination of the Abyssal


-With the destruction of the organization and the victory for the warrior rebellion, but the awakened Dust Eater is slowly heading toward a place.

-Who's tricking the Abyssal one to travel to an afar destination.

-Raftela apologizes to Miria about last time (mind screwing her), Miria says it's ok because she understands that it was her duty as the No.10 and she is glad that everyone is alive. Miria knows clearly that Raftela helped the warriors during the fight with the resurrected No.1s and the shrimp twins will come thank her personally for saving their lives later.

-Helen is surprised at Raki that the little boy back then manage to survive and grew this big. Raki replies that he recognized them the moment he saw them and that their appearance didn't change. In addition, Raki wants to find out if they have any news or information regarding Clare. Helen responds that there is no need since they were all together for the past 7 years.

-Raki is happy and realizes that Clare is probably still alive, but before he could finish, Deneve cuts him off and reponds that Clare is alive but the situation is a bit complicated. Deneve tells Raki that Clare for the past 7 years had been looking for him, but at the same time she is seeking revenge against a certain someone as well even if it means death.

-Miria realizes that Clare have merged with the Destroyer and trapped Priscilla into a single body, the blob. Helen says that was what they concluded and they knew that it was because of Clare that they managed to survive there. They believe that Clare is still alive inside the blob, but even Galatea couldn't do anything about it.

-Miria analyzes the situation and finds out something troubling. The ghostly figure that appeared after Hysteria died is the same person that Clare wanted revenge on and is trapped with Clare. She figure out that the three resurrected Abyssal Ones were connected to Priscilla. Miria feels that instead of saying that the remaining Resurrected Abyssal One (Cassandra) let them all go and left, it is better to say that something is influencing and directing Cassandra to a place.

-They conclude that Cassandra is heading toward Rabona where the blob is and that Priscilla who beyond a Abyssal is probably trying to use her external power outside of the blob (they are probably talking Priscilla's yoki inside Cassandra) to break open the seal from Clare's willpower and set herself free from the blob.

-Helen is angry because she brought that blob to near Rabona where Priscilla who is beyond an Abyssal One which they presume would be soon released there. Deneve tells her that it's not her fault because everyone had helped brought it there. Helen wants to stop Cassandra before she reaches Rabona, but Miria has another plan.

-Miria says that if they let the blob remains in status quo, then there is no way they can save Clare. In addition, even if it's only one Abyssal One they can't be certain that they could win against Cassandra. Since Cassandra dealt a deadly blow to Hysteria and ate Roxanne, Miria concludes that Cassandra is the strongest among the three resurrected Abyssal Ones.

-Since they can't be sure if they can stop Cassandra, Miria's plan is to save Clare before Cassandra reaches the blob. Miria is not sure how Cassandra would break Priscilla out of the blob, but if they merge or combine forces to break the seal, then she thinks that Priscilla would be even stronger than before when she emerges. She wants to break the seal inside blob before that happens and hopes that maybe Cassandra would be able to regain her self-consciousness and create an opportunity for them.

-Miria knows that the plan need a miracle to succeed, but she now thinks that it's not all that impossible to ask for a miracle because during their time in the north she thought Clare was wasting her time and effort trying to find the little boy, Raki, who was sold to the north and caught in the war, but still miraculously survived. Now standing before them is the little boy, if it wasn't for Clare's faith, they would be still in the north and wouldn't have met the boy again. Miria feels that the miracle is not something they can pray for, but it would be something they need to work hard to create.

-Deneve replies that comparing to seeing that little boy survived, the destruction of the organization is more like the dream come true. Since both of these impossible events truly happened, then anything that Miria tells them they can accept.

-Helen says that if they go full speed then they may be able to reach Rabona before Cassandra. However, Miria thinks that it better to keep their distance to the Abyssal One and not have their yoki detect by her. Raki suggests they all travel by ship because he was brought to here by ship, the men in black had secret passages to the ships and it would only take them half the time of traveling by foot.

-Miria hopes that Raki can go with them because she thinks that hearing his voice may help break Clare out of the blob. Raki would go anywhere even a deadly place if it means that he could see Clare again.

-The trainees is sad that Raki is leaving. Raki tells them that they should be happy now that they gain their freedom and even if he is gone, there are lots of Claymore sis around.

-Helen says that it is best if Raki could bring Clare out of the blob, but if Clare just pop out like that, then Clare may not want him to see her scar.

-Deneve goes to show Raki her scar, she tells him that all the warriors and the trainees have this scar even Clare who he admire so much. If Clare is able to be pull out of the blob in Rabona, then she would have a scar just like that. Deneve asks Raki to keep that horrific scar in mind, that is how their bodies are as well as Clare's. She asks Raki when he sees Clare when she does come out, if he can accept her scar, then please embrace Clare with all his force. Helen tells Deneve to stop parading her bare breasts around and she is even scaring the trainees.

-Raki promises the trainees that he would return. It is a promise then that they too would be waiting for him.

-Miria asks Tabitha, Cynthia, and Yuma to stay to heal the warriors. Cynthia tells her that she knew she would say that so they finish up the important work already. Yuma says that among the current warriors there are those who are good at yoki control, they just need to show and teach them a little and they would be even better than they are, so there is no need for them to stay. Tabitha says that probably because of the 7 years they all spent together in the north, they all want to help Clare.

-Miria approves and they would all head out first thing tomorrow at dawn to destination Rabona.

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la vf du 126 est dispo sur le site de la TSN (team sans nom), je ne link pas, aller sur leur site.


Pour le 127 c'est un chapitre de transition, j'attends de voir ce que Yagi nous a mis sur le ventre/poitrine des warriors, surement une sorte de parasite, celui dont il est question dans le 126, à voir. On retrouve le groupe de la guerre du nord augmenté de Laki et surement qq autres comme Anastasia &co. On est parti pour une course vers Claire/Priscilla, à voir qui arrivera les 1er, surtout que les 2 gus n'ont pas de troupes avec eux, donc j'imagine qu'ils arriveront avant histoire qu'il y ait un fight.


Pour la cover 22, je la trouve pas top, comme en général toutes les covers de claymore, hormis quelques unes. J'aurais préféré voir les trois ex n°1 ensemble éveillées ou pas.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Claymore 128 VA :


Retour à Rabona, on n'aura pas vu le voyage en bateau au final.


Le "combat final" va probablement être énorme, avec un facteur inconnu en la présence de dizaines d'éveillés de haut rang venu observé Priscilla par curiosité, Priscilla qui s'extrait lentement mais surement du Blob. Avec à la fin l'annonce que Cassandra accèlére son voyage, les choses sérieuses vont commencer. J'espère juste que Clare va finir par rapparaitre maintenant que le sceau du Blob ne servira plus.

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Le voyage nous est passé sous silence, ce n'est pas plus mal, le seul intérêt aurait été une discussion révélatrice pendant la traversée, mais bon, on en a un début devant la sainte cité.


J'ai bien aimé le dialogue sur les navires et leur utilité. On voit que tout a été fait par l'organisation pour conserver l'idée que l'île était un continent unique, les guerrières n'ont pas l'habitude du voyage en mer.


Yagi nous sort beaucoup de nouvelles têtes, dont 3 ou 4 sont dignes d'intérêt (les 2 mâles et la jeune femelle). Des ancien-ne-s guerrier-ère-s éveillés venant voir le réveil de l'abyssal. Vu comment Priscilla était au dessus de Riful, je crains que Cassandra ne fasse pas long feu si elle s'y frotte.


On attend toujours le réveil de Claire, manque plus qu'elle pour que les principaux protagonistes soient rassemblés.


PS : le chapitre 127 en VF dispo sur la TSN

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ah enfin le chapitre en VF, et bien....c'est une sacré merde tous ça Priscilla va sortir et si je me trompe pas Claire est aussi dedans avec les sœurs jumelles ?

En tous cas Rabona va pas faire long feu, je vois personne pouvant arrêter Priscilla, même si les Claymores + les éveillés et la dernières Abyssales s'unissent les vois perdre. La seul solution serait une intervention de l’extérieur, par les Descendant Des Dragons ce qui a peut de chance d'être le cas.


Bref vivement la suite car ça promet du lourd.


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  • 2 weeks later...

je tournais un peu pour voir si le raw de fairy tail était sortis et j'ai trouvé ca ;D


raw 129:



she is back ! maintenant j'ai hâte de voir ce qui va se passer, et je me demande ce que l'auteur a prévu pour la fin du manga, l'organisation est morte, il reste priscilla, l'abyssal ressuscité et le "spectre" de priscilla créé par l'autre savant fou, donc bon plus de méchant, encore heureux que c'est mensuel les chapitres sinon en un an, un an et demi a+ claymore^^


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Clare is back !!! Enfin, à force on aurait pu croire que l'héroine c'était Miria xD


Sinon beurk, on peut enfin voir ce qu'ont les guerrieres sur la poitrine lorsqu'elles sont nues. C'est sur que c'est assez moche, mais je m'attendais à pire. Peut-être un blob monstrueux à la alien sur le ventre ? Fin bref, les chapitres suivant risques d'être explosif ^^

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Même chose que Imperius, je m'attendais à un truc bien plus dégueulasse sur leur corps. D'ailleurs quand elle réapparait j'ai crié à l'incohérence dans ma tête, heureusement juste après la blessure apparait.


Je le répète depuis pas mal de temps, mais le rôle donné à Raki m'insupporte. Ce personnage m'insupporte.

Mais bon il aura au moins servi à libérer Clare...


Un chapitre dans lequel il ne se passe pas grand chose finalement. Dommage, elles récupèrent leurs anciennes armures. Je préférais le design des autres. Menfin c'est sûr que les armures des Claymore offrent plus de protection j'imagine.


Cela faisait un bail que j'avais pas posté ici tiens.  ;D

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  • 5 weeks later...

RAW 130 :


Résumé VA :

The Last Battlefield


- The moment Clare appeared, Miria aimed for the blacken monster releasing her yoki over the limit, she unleash the power of her most powerful mirage. That is possibly the fastest sword movement that one can released with the body of a warrior. However, Miria's powerful blow came up emptied handed.

- The released wings of hopelessness

- Chronos says that it is surprise, after being released she should have destroyed the warriors where she was or go for the flesh and blood of the human in Rabona, choosing between these two groups. Instead, she come here first to pay a visit to us who are only here to observe, so what is the reason.

- Chronos says that the thing is going to, he tells Lars to evade.

- Octivia says that she only wanted to observe quietly, but doing this is really crossing the line.

- Lars asks Chronos what is going on. Chronos says he is not sure, but perhaps that thing after being released she can't completely gain freedom yet. Chronos says that the seal was just something to contain this thing, once that is gone, she comes to another place to start the battle that took place all over again. Lars asks battle, then what is. Chronos tells Lars don't misunderstand there are two beings there, one side wants to gain more power. However, this thing insisted on coming to where the awaken beings gathered to do something. Chronos tells Lars to focus, from here on someone would be eliminated, at most only half of everyone here would survived.

- Galatea asks what is going on. Deneve says she is afraid it is life and death battle betting on blood and flesh, one side is a being who suppress an Abyssal One and the other side is a being who has life draining power with no will to live. The side with the power over the other side would have control over its body.

- Galatea says what and Yuma asks then which side winning would be better.

- Deneve says that if either side wins, the aftermath would still be hell and judging from now the being with no will to live is draining life in its surrounding is having a slight advantage. However, perhaps when the incoming Abyssal One merge with this monster, then at the time the tide would change.

- Helen says that seeing Clare with her full gears reminds them of Clare's old useless self. She never thought that Clare already knew that monster in the past and kept her revenge plan all in her heart up to now, it's really unbelievable.

- Clare says that the awaken being is named Priscilla who beheaded the then No.1 Teresa. She says that Teresa is her savior, she was kept as toy by a yoma and traveled around with it when she was young and it was Teresa who saved her body and her heart. She further explains that Teresa deserted the organization because of her. Thus, it resulted in Teresa being hunted by the organization and in the end one person - Priscilla from the execution team who was awakening beheaded Teresa.

- Clare tells them that she carried Teresa's head to the organization and willingly joined them, she was so hopeless that she if she didn't do that she couldn't move on. Clare says that inside her is the blood and flesh of Teresa and thus she is not even half yoma and half human, but only 1/4 yoma.

- Galatea is like what again... Miria internally thinks really..then you.

- Clare confesses that she became a warrior to avenge Teresa and killing Priscilla is her main reason for living. She explains that it doesn't matter how strong the opponent is and even if using her life is not enough, it won't change that fact.

- Miria says Clare, after the blacked mass disappeared, this Claymore was laying there. She explains that perhaps at the time in the west it was swallowed up along with Deneve's arm and at the end it is back in your hand, then it may be some kind of fate.

- Miria says that it doesn't matter if we want to or not, after meeting with people, more or less our meaning of life would changed.

- Miria asks Clare that in her drive for revenge, meeting them and they being together all this time up till now, then does she believe that it is all meaningless to her? Miria says that up to now Clare still believe that her life is only intertwined with revenge, but the proof is here that beside everyone here, there are still many of those who are not here that knew her and think about her. Miria tells Clare that she is sorry to say that it is impossible for her to use only her own power for revenge now, because before they all came here they have already bet on their lives to battle that monster.

- Yuma says yeah is that one, perhaps this is some kind of fate from 7 years ago during the Northern War. Cynthia tells Yuma that phrase is the same one that Tabitha used before when they were here. Yuma reacts with oh really. Tabitha says it is that thing after all.

- Clare confesses that of course it is not meaningless, to her everyone is a comrade and friend and they are someone that is irreplaceable to her. Clare tells them that everyone must live, so they can have a laugh together afterward.

- The Organization 129th Generation Warrior - Original No. 40 Yuma

- The Organization 132nd Generation Warrior - Original No. 14 Cynthia

- The Organization 141st Generation Warrior - Original No. 31 Tabitha

- The Organization 135th Generation Warrior - Original No. 22 Helen

- The Organization 135th Generation Warrior - Original No. 15 Deneve

- The Organization 127th Generation Warrior - Original No. 6 Miria

- The Organization 150th Generation Warrior - Original No. 47 Clare

- Let's go! This is the last unfinished job for the organization's warriors.


Bon bah le dernier combat commence. La fusion Priscilla/Blob n'est toujours pas annulé, mais les deux se déchainant au milieu des éveillés. Ca risque d'être intéressant, même si ce ne sont pas des abyssaux ça reste quand même le top niveau puissance, je suppose qu'ensemble ils doivent rivaliser avec un abyssal. Bon ok Blobilla va les maraves, mais jusqu'à l'arrivée de Cassandra qui devrait finir de libérer Pripri va y'avoir du sport ^^


Aussi quelques indications sur les générations des 7 fantomes, ça apporte pas grand chose mais c'est sympa

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Ah qu'est-ce que ça fait du bien de revoir Claire ^^, elle m'avait bien manqué. J'ai rarement vu un héros/héroïne absent d'un manga aussi longtemps.

J'avais pas réagis au dernier chapitre, mais vraiment j'imaginais un truc plus gore pour les Claymores. Bon ok c'est pas très jolie ^^ mais bon je voyais quelque chose de bien pire.


Par contre dans le résumé de la VA y a marqué The Last Battlefield, ça veut dire que c'est le dernier affrontement avant la fin du manga ?

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  • 3 weeks later...

On semble s'approcher de la fin du manga, la dernière bataille et franchement je vois pas comment les Claymores peuvent gagnés. Priscilla est inégalable pour le moment. Claire va devoir ce donner à fond et surement avoir un sacré power-up.


Hâte de voir la suite.

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Je pense que la fusion temporaire avec Priscilla-Luciela-Rafaela va lui permettre de partager le pouvoir de Priscilla ou du super-abyssal. Luciela ou sa soeur avait testé les capacités de Claire dans un vieux scan, ce n'est pas par hasard je pense.


Claire a toujours eu des entraînements pour power-uper. Là elle n'a pas vraiment le temps. Et pour les Claymores, je pense que la boucherie - si boucherie il y  a - concernera plus les anciens éveillés qui viennent d'apparaître. Depuis les 7 ans, on sent que l'auteur est moins enclin à faire mourir ses starlettes.


Le problème est le nombre d'ennemis. Ca me plairait moyen de voir 2 combats. Claire vs Priscilla et le reste (éveillés et claymores) vs l'abyssale. Voir 50 "gentils" s'acharner vainement contre 1 seul ennemi pendant 20 scans ça le ferait pas trop. Mais bon tout ça reste dans l'optique où on arrive dans la bataille finale, ce dont on n'est pas vraiment sûr. Et on ne sait toujours rien de la fusion des 2 soeurettes, quel rôle elles auront dans ce conflit.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Merci pour la raw!  :)


Un chapitre où ça discute beaucoup, quelques révélations de part et d'autre à en juger par les expressions étonnées de Raki et des éveillés mâles. Quelques menaces aussi entre ces derniers et nos guerrières. Réapparition de Louvre et de son copain double-face qui apparemment n'ont pas l'air très effrayés d'être si proches de Cassandra.

Vers la fin du chapitre on se croirait dans un film d'horreur avec ce corps sans tronc qui se balade tout seul... Serait-ce Riful? Et si oui, comment c'est possible?  ???


Bref, vivement la VUS pour clarifier tout ça.

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Mêmes impressions qu'au dessus, vue que c'est un chapitre de blabla, va falloir attendre, la VUS.


Je suis intrigué par ce semi-corps qui se ballade, mais je n'espère pas un retour de Riful, ça me gênerait un peu vu comment c'est amené. Si c'est le cas pourquoi ne pas ramener Isley tant qu'on y est.


Une arrivée de prévue de la part de l'éveillée dont j'ai oublié le nom, toujours surveillée par l'organisation.


Le point positif est qu'avec la présence des éveillés mâles, qui existent depuis un moment, on va p-ê avoir des infos sur le background de l'organisation.


Affaire à suivre tout ça...

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VUS chapitre 132 :


Pas facile facile à comprendre ce chapitre. D'après ce que j'ai saisi, Cassandra est dans une sorte d'hypnose, attirée par la volonté de Priscilla qui veut l'absorber pour pouvoir battre la créature sans volonté avec qui elle partage pour l'instant le corps. Nos Claymores vont donc essayer de ramener Cassandra à sa conscience pour tenter de la convaincre de s'allier avec elles dans la lutte contre Priscilla/la créature sans volonté, et demandent aussi aux éveillés mâles de s'allier avec elles si elles parviennent à convaincre Cassandra. Ça sent une alliance bordélique et de la grosse baston sur tous les fronts si ça se fait tout ça  :o


Je suis très curieux de connaître la suite concernant la "réapparition" de Riful qui n'est apparemment plus tout à fait Riful. C'est son youki mais pas vraiment elle, donc c'est qui/quoi cette nouvelle créature?  ???

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